Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Music And Censorship Essay - 1801 Words
In our society today, some musicians and their music drain and plague the moral and spiritual well-being of the people; therefore, censorship offers a necessary action that we must take to keep the world from becoming a land of decadence. The musicians lives are not examples for the children or the adults. The lyrics of many songs are not suitable for anyone. All types of music need some kind of censorship. Censorship makes a person realize that music is good for the heart. Censorship totally makes people act better, and when thinking better, this sustains a better society. The lives of some musicians contain types of anarchy and self-gratification. Once the musicians realize that people want not just their music but them as well, they act†¦show more content†¦The song quot;Rainy Day Woman #12 and #13,quot; blatantly says that quot;everybody must get stoned.quot; That tells people to disobey the law and tells people to mangle the temple of God, our bodies by perverting it wi th drugs and stimulants. Many musicians make a mockery of their fans. The lead singers subsist to do this the most because of the vocal opportunities they have to express their discontent with life and thrust their ideas upon those who hypnotize with the musicians power position, thus, makes the listeners obey their thoughts without fully knowing. The lead singer Billie Jo, for Green Day, says to his fans, quot; Im not going to say anything f****** intelligent, Im just going too swear a whole d*** lot.quot; The Bible tells us that we should let everything that comes out of our mouth praise Him, and swearing for any reason doesnt really praise Him at all and is degrading for us as well. Almost like if he did not swear than we wouldnt like him or understand him. In addition the lead singer for Kiss would spit on his fans. He would get the crowd to spit in a spittoon-type container, and by the end of the concert, he would drink the saliva and then he would use what dwelled left in the spittoon to spit on the crowd. This creates a bad influence on anybody and makes a person believe that it justifies him to do these actions because he dwells on stage, which totally in fact creates wrong, and not right. 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