Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Microsoft Internal And External Factors - 1652 Words
Trends Business Environment: Successful companies practice a disciplined management strategy which encompasses the four functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The application of these management practices is evident in further analyzing the management construct of Microsoft Corporation. A global corporation who specializes in providing technology solutions for five different business segments ranging from personal computers to gaming devices, Microsoft has demonstrated its ability to adapt to internal and external changes. Analyzing the the current internal and external factors related to the business environment of the organization. An evaluation of the business environment in which, Microsoft†¦show more content†¦Description: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to the obligation of an organisation to behave in ethical and moral ways. It refers to the notion that Microsoft have a responsibility to contribute towards community development and employee happiness. Its owner Bill Gates is a renowned philanthropist having given billions of dollars to charity. The awareness of social and environmental responsibilities has helped to strengthen the company’s brand recognition and consumer loyalty. Microsoft have long been one of the leaders in the market following its benefit from positive externalities with existing products in the market. These are elements that help the company with its adoption of the current policies and procedures of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Nonetheless, Microsoft has an opportunity to improve its goods and services to address this issue. The combination of alliance and influences within the market is in favor of the company’s progression through the evol ution of their social and environmental responsibility which, displays the committed to environmentally sustainable business practices. As reflection of Microsoft’s mission to build and maintain trust through a shared commitment to ethical behavior and to act with integrity. Seeking out different ways to advance sustainability through business practices, the products and platform capabilities offered to everyone that associates with the company.Show MoreRelatedInternal and External Factors of Management1396 Words  | 6 Pagestop 500 largest companies in the United States (Time Warner Co., 2008). Being ranked no. 44 in 2008, Microsoft has increased its revenues 15.4% since 2006 because of its continued efforts to release latest technology (Time Warner Co., 2008). 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