Thursday, September 3, 2020
Twelve Years A Slave free essay sample
All through his book, Solomon goes into subtleties portraying his life as a slave, which approves our study of subjection. As abolitionists, it is our obligation to take care of bondage. Despite the fact that, as abolitionists, we have a background marked by contradictions among us, it an opportunity to put stop to our contentions and begin battling for something we as a whole trust in to nullify slavery.While the developing cotton economy has made subjugation more alluring than any time in recent memory to most southern individuals, subjection must be canceled dependent on these reasons: first, since slaves are dealt with barbarically; second, since it makes southern white society savage and remorseless, and third, it transforms southern whites into covetous and lethargic individuals. One of the principle reasons that servitude ought to be canceled is on the grounds that bosses treat their slaves barbarically. Experts ignore the possibility of family among slaves. In spite of the fact that they empower slave marriage, they do as such out of egotistical reasons. Subjugation ordinarily happens in social orders whose economy is of a market type fit for creating surpluses. Servitude existed over roared and forty years. Slaves were viewed as property as opposed to mistakes (AP, 96). They had not many lawful rights: in court, their declaration was unacceptable in cases including whites (246, 247); they could make no agreement nor own any property; regardless of whether assaulted, they couldn't strike a white individual (80); they couldn't be away from their proprietors premises without authorization; they couldn't collect except if a white individual was available; they couldn't be educated to peruse or compose; and they were not allowed to wed. Guilty parties were dependent upon discipline, including whipping, marking, detainment, and passing (81-83).Magnolia Myth origination is uniquely annoying, since it suggests that subjection is k, insofar as slaves are dealt with well (Lecture Notes, 10/27-31/03). What's more, it suggests that insofar as slave proprietors werent beaten then servitude may even have been useful for the slaves. The Magnolia Myth spread that slaves were content and in reality glad to be kept in subjugation. Slaves proprietors in the south distributed handouts to show that slaves were glad being in servitude, leaflets incorporates slaves moving, sharp looking, grinning. Slave proprietor in light of northerners abolitionist handout, southerner contended that otherness rewarded their slaves better than northerner rewarded free blacks and their laborers (Lecture Notes, 10/31/03). Southerners in counter included pictures of what they felt blacks lived and rewarded in the north, pictures included dark filling in as whores, dozing in the city, poor, working extended periods and being abused in the processing plants, and being debilitated continually (Lecture Notes, 10/31/03).Southerners slave proprietors who contended that servitude was useful for slaves ached utilized the book of scriptures and whips to help their hypothesis and reasoning that subjection acculturated slaves. Subside Tanner utilized the book of scriptures to explain to his slave the significance of being acquiescence. Subside Tanner had a propensity for perusing to his slave every Sabbath. During Solomon Northup brief visit to Peter Tanners manor he reviews, Peter Tanner perusing to his s laves from the Twelfth part of Luke, Tanner says that the individuals who isn't loyal to God including whites will get strip importance whips upon their backs (94).Twelve years Solomon Northup better known by Plant his slave given persevered through the agony of lashing and viewing of others. Whipping was another structure that slave proprietor accepted that acculturated slaves, cultivating slave brought compliance and control. For grower, slave had a significant bit of leeway over worker, they could be controlled (AP, 63). Slaves that were rebellious were demonstrated the method of compliance through whipping. Solomon Northup gives instances of ways that white whipped their slave for disobedience.Northup gives record of extreme whipping by his Master Peps to one his slave Patsy, whom he wrongly blamed for sneaking to another manor than permitted. Numerous slaves had to overlook whom they are, the place they originate from and abandon their adoration ones. Numerous slaves were constrained from their local home and put into subjection. Northup case was he was seized while working in a slave state. This was not normal for captives to be taken. Northup gives us clear story how he expected that he could never interact with his better half and children.He talks about in his collection of memoirs how he was whipped almost to death for referencing his actual name advertisement his family foundation and making cases of being a freeman (25). Numerous slaves had to be isolated from their mom, father, youngsters, spouse and wives. Northup gives another record of a family who comprised of mother name Elise, young lady named Emily and young man named Randall, they were completely isolated left to never observe or get notification from every others again (53, 57).More than 200 years subjugation existed; hundreds and thousands of slaves was brought into the nation and sent out for financial reasons. The organization of servitude as entire as I would like to think murdered slaves genuinely as well as also profoundly and ethically. The theme that we are doled out on asked of us to tell how Solomon Northup, Twelve Years a Slave assist antiquarian with understanding slave feeling toward slavery.Imagine the capacity of being taken from your family in the center of the night and probability of never been seen again. Envision all together leaving starting with one spot then onto the next you needed to have a go from another racial gathering that was supposed to be better than you. Numerous slaves were to persevere through the agony of being beaten and their good and otherworldliness detracted from them. Not at all like Northup scarcely any slave were not lucky enough to be free.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Analysis of Theoretical Framework
Investigation of Theoretical Framework EDUC 701: Theories and Research in Educational Psychology February 24, 2013 ? Acquaintance Teachers are required with show perusing and cognizance abilities to understudies and assist them with having the option to peruse and appreciate materials from the over a wide span of time. Dr. Constance L. Pearson (1990) composes a thesis entitled â€Å"The Comparison of the Effects of Three Prereading Advance Organizers on the Literal Comprehension of Fifth-Grade Social Studies Materials†in this paper he is attempting to check whether the utilization of a prereading propelled coordinator would help assemble the fifth grade understudies cognizance and information skills.During this phase of understudies learning improvement it is imperative to begin chipping away at their perusing and understanding aptitudes. Investigation The hypothetical structure for this paper is utilizing fifth-grade social examinations materials and having a prereading tech nique of a propelled coordinator to check whether it would build understanding and information in the kids while they read their course readings. The propelled coordinators that are being utilized are visual, realistic and dangerous circumstance approach. The propelled coordinators are being utilized to assist the understudies with any ideas that they are not comfortable with.By utilizing these coordinators procedures would be created to help with learning the material. There were two exploration inquiries to approve the hypothesis that is being utilized. The main inquiry identified with understanding perception and how it influences understudies when they are given a prereading action while utilizing one of the propelled coordinators. The subsequent exploration question identifies with the perusing understanding of the other two propelled coordinator approaches when they are given a preading action. It is accepted that understudies perusing perception can be expanded from the utili zation of the propelled coordinators for their specific subject area.The motivation behind this examination was to decide whether one of the prereading advance coordinator methodologies would convey differentiation from the other two methodologies. During the examination numerous components must be thought of and one such factor were understudies not having the option to get significance from what they read in content territory course readings. One explanation that the peruser may have an issue with content is that the material is composed on a higher perusing level then the proposed peruser. Thus the essayists have attempted to improve the wording and abbreviated the sentences.They didn't mull over elements that innate in the peruser such inspiration, understanding capacity and intrigue. There is one human factor that has the most effect on cognizance and that is schemata. Appreciation of the material is being dictated by the information that the peruser brings to the choice. The m ore schemata the peruser has for the point the more they will comprehend the subject. Content materials particularly in the zone of social investigations look to create numerous ideas; understudies regularly don't have the structure to connect new knowledge.Students must have a comprehension of the ideas so as to grasp the material they are perusing. In section two of the paper Pearson clarifies how the examination and writing that identify with the relationship of advance coordinators to understanding appreciation. He examines the historical backdrop of the investigation of understanding perception and advance coordinators. The pattern hypothesis is examined as it identifies with the investigation of advance coordinators. Before 1970 perusing perception was seen as a procedure exclusively initiated by the content itself.The sees on perusing cognizance have since changed and now text has been resolved to be just the system for significance. The peruser must have the option to build an interior theoretical portrayal of what is being perused. End Therefore, through exploration it was resolved the use of advance coordinators before the materials were perused, brought about some recollecting by initiating significant ideas that were at that point present in the children’s intellectual structure. The utilization of cutting edge coordinators ought to strengthen the significance of the new materials by giving the system of past learning materials.To decide whether the use of cutting edge coordinators stay powerful you ought to upon its capacity to help new thoughts from the student’s past thoughts. The prereading system of cutting edge coordinators presents how understudies can join ideas to new learning materials Reference Pearson, C. L. P. (1990). The correlation of the impacts of three prereading advance coordinators on the exacting appreciation of fifth-grade social investigations materials. (Doctoral Dissertation). College of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Hamlet - Essay Example The importance of the mansion encourages us to recall that we are managing characters of sovereignty. Other noteworthy settings remember a performance center for Elsinore where Hamlet uncovered Claudius for homicide and the scene in the burial ground where Hamlet finds that Ophelia is dead. The essential topic of Hamlet is retribution trailed by hesitation and vulnerability as close second and third. These topics cooperate to make unrivaled strain in the play. Passing is additionally a subject in the play in that the play starts and finishes with it. Everybody in the play is moved by death here and there or another and it energizes human feeling starting with one finish of the array then onto the next. Vengeance is the thing that drives the activity of the play in that Hamlet is pushed by the phantom of his dad to vindicate his demise. The phantom is constant and keeping in mind that Hamlet realizes what it is he ought to do, he experiences trouble doing it. The subject of hesitation develops as Hamlet attempted to discover motivation to accept the phantom is that of his dad, which carries us to the topic of vulnerability. From the start, Hamlet accepts the phantom to be detestable and considers it a â€Å"goblin damned†(Shakespeare I.iv.44); be that as it may, not long in the wake of saying this he calls the apparition, â€Å"King, father, Royal Dane†(I.iv.50). Passing turns into a subject in the play and it is something that villa can't get away. He meets in toward the start of the play and is profoundly influenced by it. His melanholy mind-set makes him wish his â€Å"sullied tissue would dissolve,/Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew†(I.ii.33-4). Here he is so distressed, he believes it may be smarter to be dead. His disposition is likewise affected by his father’s demise. He states, â€Å"How exhausted, stale, level, and unrewarding/Seem to me all the employments of the world! (I.ii.137-8). Here we can perceive how Hamlet’s mentality is reflected in his perspective. Hamlet is the hero in this play and his goal is to vindicate his father’s passing. The apparition makes this known right off the bat in the play.
A Brief History of Operating Systems free essay sample
A History of Operating Systems To comprehend and to be set up for the fate of PC bolster it assists with knowing the historical backdrop of working frameworks. The working framework is the product that interfaces the client to the computer’s equipment. Early centralized computers (the forerunner of the PC) didn't utilize a working framework. Projects were stacked onto the centralized server by paper punch cards, attractive or paper tape. The client would begin the program and trust that the program will finish, or crash. Troubleshooting of the program was frequently done by modifying banks of switches. With each new centralized computer dispatched, the activity and ease of use would change. There were no measures. As early working frameworks were created they were commonly just intended to work on that customer’s explicit unit. With the advancement of mass created microchips, PCs become increasingly normal and progressively reasonable. With the quantity of PCs sold every year expanding there turned into a requirement for a normalized working framework. We will compose a custom exposition test on A Brief History of Operating Systems or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page At the outset there were numerous organizations battling to create a reasonable working framework for the general population. The two most conspicuous were Microsoft and Apple. Microsoft’s first section in the working framework invasion was MS-Dos or Windows 1. 0 of every 1985, an order line working framework that was not the easiest to utilize yet for its time was pretty easy to use. Obviously as registering power progressed so did Microsoft’s working frameworks. In 1987 Windows 2. 0, at that point in 1990 there was Windows 3. 0, the principal OS that had a work area and symbols to begin programs. Now Microsoft started to isolate their working frameworks into home client arranged and business situated. In 1993 Microsoft discharged Windows NT 3. 1, the principal completely 32 piece working framework, it highlighted better systems administration support and the NTFS document framework. NT advanced through 4. 1 then to Windows 2000. These working frameworks were intended for corporate clients and were marginally increasingly powerful. On the home front in 1995 Windows 95 was presented and it was the main variant to have the taskbar and the beginning catch. The following form of the home OS was Windows 98, at that point 98SE followed by Windows ME. The following emphasis of Windows was XP; this variant of Windows was novel in a few different ways. XP was the principal OS to incorporate initiation, which connected the equipment in the pc where it was introduced to a one of a kind ID number. The other thing that made XP one of a kind from past adaptations of windows was that it came in a few renditions from home use to corporate use. Windows Vista followed Windows XP yet was met with much examination on account of its absence of help for inheritance gadgets and programming and it’s dull execution. Windows 7 followed rapidly behind and tended to the vast majority of these deficiencies. There are a few different decisions for working frameworks, albeit none have had the option to keep up a sizeable measure of the piece of the overall industry because of the similarity and ubiquity of the working frameworks offered by Microsoft. A portion of different contributions are Mac OS from Apple, UNIX, Linux (an open source OS dependent on Linux), Android and IOS just to give some examples. While the vast majority of these don't offer the help and similarity that you would discover in working frameworks from Microsoft, they are rapidly making progress and acknowledgment being used from work area pc’s to handheld gadgets.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Physical Networking Essay
When introducing a cabling framework there are various elements that become possibly the most important factor. Picking the fitting LAN gadget, cost of the entire occupation which is a central point, and gadget interconnections. Realizing your codes are significant too. With regards to picking the suitable LAN gadget this is critical. Picking the correct switch has an impact, a few switches just work with particular sorts of activity frameworks. Picking the correct switch is significant. You would need to pick a switch that has a blend of both UTP and fiber ports. Individuals in some cases switches relying upon their cost or speed. Cost are controlled by the kind of LAN and WAN systems you are attempting to arrangement when setting up a system you have to think about 4 physical regions. Work zone, broadcast communications room, spine cabling, and circulation cabling. Work regions are areas dedicated to end gadgets utilized by singular clients. Broadcast communications room is the place association with middle person gadgets happen. Flat cabling interfaces the media communications rooms with the work zones. While spine cabling is utilized to associate the broadcast communications rooms to the gear rooms, where the servers are regularly found. On the off chance that you don’t realize the fire codes with regards to wiring you shouldn’t be introducing or endeavoring to try and make wires for the system you are creating. (Cabling and Planning Networks, 2015) Works Cited Cabling and Planning Networks. (2015, January 25). Recovered from High Tech :
Coping With a Family Members or Loved Ones OCD
Coping With a Family Members or Loved Ones OCD OCD Living With OCD Print How OCD Affects Your Relationships Symptoms and Disability Can Complicate Personal and Professional Relationships By Owen Kelly, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on August 04, 2019 Image Source/Image Source/Getty Images More in OCD Living With OCD Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Types Related Conditions If you have OCD or are the family member, friend or partner of someone with OCD, you probably know that that the symptoms and disability associated with OCD can place a great deal of strain on both personal and professional relationships. OCD and Romantic Relationships One thing that many people with OCD are frustrated by is difficulties in establishing and maintaining romantic relationships. Many people with OCD are single and those who are in a relationship or are married often report a significant amount of relationship stress. Unfortunately, symptoms and stigma can often get in the way of making a romantic connection. OCD and Sexual Intimacy Although it is not often talked about, a major barrier for many people with OCD engaging in a romantic relationship is problems related to sexual functioning. For many people, one of the key ingredients required for a healthy romantic relationship is active sex life. Although sexual problems are relatively common, research suggests that people with OCD report higher than average levels of problems with sexual functioning. Sometimes symptoms such as obsessions can relate directly to matters of sexuality or sexual practices. Also, some medications meant to help OCD can affect sex drive. OCD and Work: Dealing With Employers Personal relationships aside, for many people with OCD, seeking out, obtaining and maintaining gainful employment is a significant challenge. While symptoms of OCD themselves can get in the way of completing the required duties of a particular job, there is also the significant challenge of stigma, prejudice, and discrimination that is associated with OCD and other forms of mental illness. All of these can conspire to make it difficult to forge strong professional relationships. Coping When a Family Member Has OCD Given these challenges, family members often want to help. However, as the family member of someone with OCD, it can be difficult to know what is the right thing to do, what to say or how to cope -- especially when symptoms are severe or complex or accompanied by other illnesses such as depression and other anxiety disorders. Dating Someone With OCD Likewise, although any intimate relationship has its ups and downs, dating someone with OCD can present some additional challenges. Above all, it is important to remember that an illness is what a person has, not who they are.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Foreshadowing of Events in Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse Five - Literature Essay Samples
THIS IS A NOVEL SOMEWHAT IN THE TELEGRAPHIC SCHIZOPHRENIC MANNER OF TALES OF THE PLANET TRALFAMADOREThe foreshadowing of events in Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse Five is as much a subtle indication of things to come as it is an expository technique whereby the major plot points of the story are blatantly spelled out as facts, leaving us to proceed through the novel and watch helplessly as each of those points is hit, in turn, as promised. In addition, however, foreshadowing is more than just a structural technique used by the narrator: it is also a defining aspect of Billy Pilgrim himself it is a part of his character, as his knowledge of future events influences his behavior throughout the story and, on a grander scale, foreshadowing is woven into the very fabric of the narrative, for this is a story in which past, present, and future intersect and all events that occur are known before they take place.Ive finished my war book now, announces the narrator perhaps Vonnegut himself, though we cannot be sure in the opening section of the novel, and already the end is in sight, for we know now that the story is told in flashback, and that the chronological sequence of events concludes with the writing of the very novel that we are reading. The narrator continues:The next one I write is going to be fun.This one is a failure, and had to be, because it was written by a pillar of salt. It begins like this:Listen:Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time.It ends like this:Poo-tee-weet?And sure enough, we turn to the next page to see the novel proper beginning with the words: Listen: Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time, and when we turn to the last page we see the novel ending with the chirping of a bird: Poo-tee-weet? Combined with the circular effect of the song of Yon Yonson, which ends as it begins and goes on forever into eternity, and with the narrators observation that Somebody was playing with the clocks The second hand on my watch would twitch once, and a year would pass and then it would twitch again we see that this is most certainly a novel structured somewhat in the telegraphic schizophrenic manner of tales of the planet Tralfamadore.But what exactly is that supposed to mean? On the very first page of the novel, before the story even begins, we are told of the planet Tralfamadore as if its nature should already be known to us, yet only when we are informed that it is where the flying saucers come from are we then able to infer that it is a place with a civilization that is of some consequence to the story for we infer also that if the flying saucers are coming from Tralfamadore, they must also be going to another place, presumably Earth; but still, these inferences and impressions are as much as we can deduce from this abrupt introduction to Tralfamadore. Similarly, we see that the novel is subtitled The Childrens Crusade why, we do not know. Neither of these things has any significance to the story the first time they ar e brought to our attention, but later, when they are explained as the planet on which the fourth-dimension aliens reside and as the title that the narrator promises his friend Mary he will use for his book, respectively in retrospect, their significance becomes great. In addition to the method of foreshadowing already discussed, the novels foreshadowing now also takes a form more subtle than the spelling out of certain events, based upon assumption of knowledge already held rather than the exposition of knowledge not yet attained. In this instance, instead of candidly telling us what will happen in the novel, the narrator speaks of things that have already happened, thus foreshadowing their eventual occurrence later in the story. Vonneguts dual use of both major, precognitive foreshadowing and of minor, retrospective foreshadowing is not a common technique to use for foreshadowing in particular or for fiction in general unless you happen to come from Tralfamadore.The most impo rtant thing I learned on Tralfamadore, Billy Pilgrim writes in a letter, was that when a person dies he only appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past. All moments, past, present, and future, always have existed, always will exist. [The Tralfamadorians] can see how permanent the moments are, and they can look at any moment that interests them. The style of the novel, therefore, reflects the perspectives of the Tralfamadorians, telling us about future events in one instance and then presuming that we have already been told about them in another; sometimes specifically stating what will take place in the future a more active foreshadowing technique and sometimes assuming that events that will take place in the future have already happened and that we know about them, and proceeding from there to talk about them as if they were familiar to us a more passive foreshadowing technique. The effect of these two types of foreshadowing is a general feeling of ambivalence t oward the future, largely empty of any kind of emotional connection to events that have yet to occur.His name was Howard W. Campbell, Jr. He would later hang himself while awaiting trial as a war criminal the future is written, and is inevitable, and so it goes. Billy predicts his own death within an hour. He laughs about it, invited the crowd to laugh with him. It is high time I was dead, he says. Many years ago, he said, a certain man promised to have me killed. Tonight he will keep his promise' and he does, and Billy goes down just as he said he would, and his death is expected, planned, premeditated, inevitable, and so it goes. We infer this not only from the words Billy uses, but from the change in tense on the narrators part: Billy says It is high time I was dead, but he said Many years ago, a certain man promised to have me killed; we move from the present into the past within the space of a single sentence. Other instances of foreshadowing rest on a similar level of subtlety: Billy has gone to sleep a senile widower and awakened on his wedding day and Billy sat down in the waiting room. He wasnt a widower yet not yet, but now we know that he will be, and, when the time comes that he is a widower, we expect it to happen, and the event is once again imbued with a sense of inevitability, and is therefore drained of the emotional power that spontaneity would otherwise bring. So it goes, notes the narrator anytime anyone or anything dies. Death is not a significant event but is instead a mere formality, and this thinking reflects not only the thoughts of the Tralfamadorians, but also those of the confused and bewildered and desensitized American soldiers who, like the narrator, were are will be caught by surprise in the bombing of Dresden. Except one.Billy, with his memories of the future, knew that the city would be smashed to smithereens and then burned in about thirty more days. He knew, too, that most of the people watching him would soon be dead. So it goes. Yet as Billy marches through the streets of Dresden, he is part of a light opera or more than that, Billy Pilgrim was the star [of the light opera]. Earlier or later during his time in the Tralfamadorian zoo, Billy asks the Tralfamadorians why they dont have war on their planet. Today we [have peace], a Tralfamadorian tells him. On other days we have wars as horrible as any youve ever seen or read about. There isnt anything we can do about them once again, emotional detachment from an inevitable future influences the behavior of this character and the narrators attitude towards him (or it) so we simply dont look at [wars]. We ignore them. Thats one thing Earthlings might learn to do: Ignore the awful times, and concentrate on the good ones.What we have in Billy Pilgrim, then, is a character who is foreshadowing incarnate, who, with memories of the future, is able to look at a soon-to-be-decimated city with a smile on his face while acting like a star instead of taking the opportunity to warn the citizens of that city about the inevitability of their fate. The actions of this character are then related to us by a third-party observer who earlier described himself as a pillar of salt, alluding to the Biblical tale of Lots wife and therefore painting himself with the same brush as one who cannot help but look back and reflect on the past. This then equates to a structure in which we have, firstly, the observation that in addition to being a novelistic technique on the part of the narrator, foreshadowing is also a character trait that impresses itself upon the very essence of Billy Pilgrim, whose knowledge of what will take place is an influence on the things he does and does not choose to do; and secondly, a comparison between those individuals who look at the world the way the Tralfamadorians do, and those who do not: the narrator, a figure in the present, forever concentrates his thoughts on the past, and he is contraste d against Billy, a figure in the past, whose memories of the future allow him to concentrate his thoughts not on Dresden, even though he is there when it is about to be bombed, but on the good times, and the light opera is a good time, and this ability to choose which events to concentrate on allows him to smile and act like a star even though he knows what this city has coming to it. With events being foreshadowed in Billy Pilgrims actual personal chronological timeline in turn influencing the essence of his character, as well as events being foreshadowed in terms of the order of events in which the narrator introduces us to his character, Billy is able to escape from the misery of Dresden into happier times while on the other hand the narrator, even though he lives in happier times in the present with his old friends, still cannot, nor will ever be able to, escape the misery of Dresden, and the misery of the past.The past, by necessity, defines the entire novel and gives it a fra mework around which it is structured, and moreover, it allows for foreshadowing in general: future events in a novel of this sort are meaningless without some past indication of the importance of their occurrence; otherwise, it would be nothing more than a straightforward account of real life, and the story of a man who has come unstuck in time is anything but realistic. The very first chapter, for instance, outlines the novel as a whole, with a vague, passive reference to the slaughterhouse given the way the subject is treated with such familiarity, the narrator assumes we have made at least some acquaintance with the subject, and because we know we have not yet, we expect to be acquainted with it later on and the specific, active statement that One guy I knew really was shot in Dresden for taking a teapot that wasnt his, which doesnt pay off until the very end of the novel: Edgar Derby was caught with a teapot he had taken from the catacombs. He was arrested for plundering. H e was tried and shot. The first chapter also contains a throwaway line that forecasts the appearance of a significant character: Another guy I knew really did threaten to have his personal enemies killed by hired gunmen after the war. Consider also the way that characters, too, are introduced almost as arbitrary plot elements whose only apparent function is to flesh out the story with more background detail the writer Kilgore Trout, for instance, and the actress Montana Wildhack yet they metamorphose into major players as the story progresses. But aside from gimmick value or simple evidence of design, what purpose do such introductions and such throwaway lines buried in the prose contribute to the overall effect of the novel?Consider now the way in which a Tralfamadorian novel is written and read: Each clump of symbols is a brief, urgent message describing a situation, a scene. Tralfamadorians read them all at once, not one after the other. There isnt any particular relations hip between all the messages, except that the author has chosen them carefully, so that, when seen all at once, they produce an image of life that is beautiful and surprising and deep. There is no beginning, no middle, no end, no suspense, no moral, no causes, no effects. What [Tralfamadorians] love in [their] books are the depths of many marvelous moments seen all at one time.The plane crash in Vermont of which Billy is the only survivor is foreshadowed, referred to first simply as the plane crash and expanded upon later. Billys encounter with Montana Wildhack in the Tralfamadorian zoo is foreshadowed retrospectively when we realize that the words etched on Montana Wildhacks necklace are the same as those that are printed and framed and hung on the wall of Billy Pilgrims optometry office many years later, even though the first time we encounter them chronologically is in that same office. Billys public speeches on the subject of Tralfamadore are all foreshadowed in his letters, even if not explicitly: we know they are coming, or that they have already occurred and that we are about to have the blanks filled in. Billy can see all of these events, which is why none of them surprise him and he always plays by the rules of time: I didnt think the time was ripe, he tells his daughter when she asks him why he has never spoken about Tralfamadore to her. But the narrator and we, ourselves cannot see all of these events at one time, which is why this is a novel only somewhat in the style of the tales of Tralfamadore. Billy, however, plays along with the demands of time and fate, which is why he understands that the events he later encounters are not only inevitable, but are necessarily inevitable: things cannot happen any other way.If Slaughterhouse Five is indeed a novel somewhat in the telegraphic schizophrenic manner of tales of the planet Tralfamadore then, with its myriad of throwaway lines and seemingly-insignificant characters, each of which has a pay- off later in the book although not necessarily later in the chronological sequence of events that constitute the story, Slaughterhouse Five itself might also be read in the way of Tralfamadorian novels, to produce an image of life that is beautiful and surprising and deep by concentrating the potency of each brief, urgent [scene] and the rhythm that is established by the interweaving texture they produce to the point where every significant event in the novel is, by its very nature, an instance of foreshadowing. By necessity they must all be, for they are seen through the eyes of a man for whom past, present, and future intersect, whose story is told by another man a pillar of salt who spends his days forever reflecting on the moments that have led up to his present life: moments that, had he but seen them in the way Billy Pilgrim was able to, would have been revealed to him as the foreshadowings of fate and the antithesis of the Earthling-only conception of free will that they are.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Managerial Economics ( Bus529ah1 ) - 1154 Words
Managerial Economics (BUS529AH1) Final Exam Question 1. (a). Marginal Revenue (MR) is the adjustment altogether income because of a unit change in amount. So also Marginal cost (MC) is the additional cost of producing a unit. These two ideas are extremely helpful in ideal designation of assets. Assets will mean all variables of creation utilized as a part of the generation process. Such assets are rare. So every firm will attempt to make ideal allotment of such rare assets to get most ideal result. A business is keep running with the essential goal of amplifying benefit. Along these lines ideal designation will mean appropriation of rare assets in such a way, to the point that benefit is expanded. Business sector is instrument which helps in ideal allotment of assets. On the off chance that a firm has not succeeded in upgrading its essential target of benefit boost, then assets will be moved to different zones of creation where it will be utilized all the more successfully. In this way social welfare will be streamlined. Scientifically it can be built up that profit will be augmented where Marginal revenue and Marginal cost are equivalent. Here both TR and TC relies on amount (Q). P is amplified when taking after two conditions are satisfied What’s more? And Substituting P=TR-TC,
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Should Students Pay Or Not - 946 Words
Zintathu, a South African university graduate, once said â€Å"I know life is hard, but with a higher education, all things are possible.†Life is hard for people like Zintathu, who have the ability and desire to take their knowledge to the next level but have to come up struggling to make a living as well as receiving money to pay for their education. Education is widely considered as a key factor in the economic and social expansion of a country, but there are different opinions about whether students should pay or not. Some view education as a fundamental right, which should therefore be provided free, while others believe the individual student should have to carry some of the costs of his or her education. Colleges are places where students learn formal knowledge that could bring a professional life and improve society; therefore the government should make sure every student has the chance to get into a college. I believe that qualified candidates, who cannot afford col lege, should have access to free higher education. Having an education is essential for an advancing and innovating society. Yet many people don’t get the opportunity to gain a college education. Many of my friends have decided that they don’t want to go to college mainly because they know they can’t afford it. But through a college education many students have the chance to grow in knowledge and in social status. The Higher Education Act of 1965, which formed the fundamental structure for the currentShow MoreRelatedShould Students Pay For College? Essay1268 Words  | 6 PagesBeing an undergraduate student and transferring from a community college I began to wonder the cost to join a university. I know that it’s rather cheaper to do the first two years at a community college rather than going straight to Kinarda university. Each year, tuition is rising and more students begin to take out loans to obtain their educational degree. After doing research I discovered there is a lot that goes in to the pr ice students pay to attend school. Paying for college is like a partnershipRead MoreShould Teachers Pay Be Tied to Student Achievement?731 Words  | 3 PagesShould teacher pay be tied to student achievement? Q1. To what extent are Michelle Rhees changes consistent with the practical lessons derived from equity theory? Equity theory is based upon the philosophy that employees become de-motivated, both in relation to their job and their employer, if they feel as though their inputs are greater than the outputs (Adams equity theory, 2011, Mind Tools). Rhees plan rewards teachers based upon how much they invest into their profession, as measuredRead MoreThe Government Should Help Students Pay For College Essay2034 Words  | 9 Pagesdream and the next step in life for many students. However, going to college and finishing school are two completely different things. There has been a decrease in students who completed college. Researchers are wondering, what is causing students to not finish schooling? There are many reasons and questions to why it could be affecting the completion of college rates. One of the main issue is the skyrocketing cost of college tuitions. Majority of students are having stress and anxiety for not beingRead Moreâ€Å"I Am A Mother Of 2 Boys. My Husband And I Have Always111 7 Words  | 5 Pagespiling up. I pay my bill faithfully but it seems like it is never going to go away.†Courtney, a college graduate, is experiencing the negative effects of college tuition first hand. She tells us how she still owes a significant amount of money twelve years later. She is not alone as several other college graduates experience the same thing every day. Over the years, college tuition has increased tremendously, which makes it hard for many students to attend. Students can expect to pay anywhere fromRead MoreFree College Is A Great Dream1352 Words  | 6 Pagescould affect students’ decision to not go to college, the government should pass a bill that limits some of the unnecessary fees that colleges charge students. The government should pay for the college education of its citizens because it is no longer an option to rely on scholarships to pay for college, they are becoming harder to get and a lot of them are only geared to a specific group of students. Even with a scholarship the out of pocket fees are unbearable, students still have to pay a huge percentageRead MoreShould College Tuition Be Paid?1687 Words  | 7 Pagesand especially during their senior year, the only thing students seem to hear about is college. They have to attend tours, fill out application after application and decide what school will be best for them as a person and their career path. But what most people seem to stress over more than anything else is being able to actually pay for college. College tuition is high in price and increases every year, making it almost impossible for students to graduate without extreme debt. There are scholarshipsRead MorePursuing The American Dream Of Graduating College Essay1241 Word s  | 5 Pagesrising economy. With student want to be successful in life they will need an education to a degree, which will land you a decent job in life. The problem is when the cost of gaining that degree outweighs the financial advantage to the career. Many of people are not able to pay for college out of their pocket. The result of this is that students seeking higher education are forced to take out an enormous amount of student loans. College tuition is on the rise, and a lot of students have difficulty payingRead MoreIs The Cost Of College Too High?1666 Words  | 7 PagesIs the Cost of College too high? College can further education, but it can lead students in the direction of debt in the future. College is not for everyone, but a majority of people choose to further their education. Education is not cheap, but should that change a students decision? Students should be concerned about the price of college and think about the long term pros and cons. College leaves many students in debt after they graduate. Being in debt can affect peoples lives dramatically, butRead MoreCollege Education System Should Restrict Students With An Undecided850 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"There are 20 to 50% of students entering into the college with an undecided major and 50 to 70% of students change their major at least once after initial enrollment.†An undecided major is defined as the specific area of study that did not determine by the college students. Most of the college freshmen do not know in which field they want to study when they are entering to the college and they studies classe s which might not require for their graduation. Furthermore, the students who are changing theirRead MoreReducing The Burden Of Student Debt1526 Words  | 7 PagesStudent debt has been growing over the years rapidly, not just because the majority of people attending college but also because the prices of college have gone up. One of the reasons is that parents don’t really look into making a college fund. Most parents haven t saved a penny for education or for anything else in recent years. There has been so many students today that are in major debt and don’t know how to get out of the hole they have made. Student debt is still going up here recently in
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Microsoft Internal And External Factors - 1652 Words
Trends Business Environment: Successful companies practice a disciplined management strategy which encompasses the four functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The application of these management practices is evident in further analyzing the management construct of Microsoft Corporation. A global corporation who specializes in providing technology solutions for five different business segments ranging from personal computers to gaming devices, Microsoft has demonstrated its ability to adapt to internal and external changes. Analyzing the the current internal and external factors related to the business environment of the organization. An evaluation of the business environment in which, Microsoft†¦show more content†¦Description: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to the obligation of an organisation to behave in ethical and moral ways. It refers to the notion that Microsoft have a responsibility to contribute towards community development and employee happiness. Its owner Bill Gates is a renowned philanthropist having given billions of dollars to charity. The awareness of social and environmental responsibilities has helped to strengthen the company’s brand recognition and consumer loyalty. Microsoft have long been one of the leaders in the market following its benefit from positive externalities with existing products in the market. These are elements that help the company with its adoption of the current policies and procedures of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Nonetheless, Microsoft has an opportunity to improve its goods and services to address this issue. The combination of alliance and influences within the market is in favor of the company’s progression through the evol ution of their social and environmental responsibility which, displays the committed to environmentally sustainable business practices. As reflection of Microsoft’s mission to build and maintain trust through a shared commitment to ethical behavior and to act with integrity. Seeking out different ways to advance sustainability through business practices, the products and platform capabilities offered to everyone that associates with the company.Show MoreRelatedInternal and External Factors of Management1396 Words  | 6 Pagestop 500 largest companies in the United States (Time Warner Co., 2008). Being ranked no. 44 in 2008, Microsoft has increased its revenues 15.4% since 2006 because of its continued efforts to release latest technology (Time Warner Co., 2008). To understand how Microsoft continues to lead in profits, sales and technology, the consumer must realize internal and external factors influence how Microsoft performs and operates. In depth, Microsoft’s planning functions are influenced by the consumer’s needRead MoreEvaluation Of The Burke Litwin Modification Model1748 Words  | 7 Pagesby establishing links between performance and also the internal and external factors that have an effect on performance. This modification this alteration this modification this variation this transformation} model relies on assessing the structure furthermore as environmental factors which may be tweaked therefore on guarantee an eminent change. The Burke-Litwin modification model begins with outlining a framework, comprising the moving factors which may be manipulated to ensure a power tool transitionRead MoreMicrosofts Management Planning Essay1231 Words  | 5 Pagesissues, ethics and corporate social responsibility have on the planning functions of management. It will also analyze the factors that influence the Microsoft’s strategic, operational, and contingency planning. The Microsoft corporation is one of the most prevalent and powerful companies in the private computer business. Established in 1975 by Paul Allen and Bill Gates, Microsoft has the strongest presence in just about all areas of computer software, from applications to programming tools. BillRead MoreMaking A Proactive Change Management Decision897 Words  | 4 Pagesthe classroom, and I thoroughly enjoy training students for the workforce. The courses I taught were technology geared toward Microsoft Office software. Since I made the decision to no longer teach and return to the university to complete my bachelor’s degree, this transitional change is something that I have been considering. However, there are internal and external forces that exist that may impact on extending my work schedule, and I expect to encounter some resistance from family members supportingRead MoreEssay on Microsoft Case Study943 Words  | 4 Pages1. INTRODUCTION Microsoft founded in 1975 by Bill Gates. It is the largest information technology (IT) company. For the year 2005, its revenue was US$39,788 million and net income after taxes US$12,254. Nevertheless, since the early 2000s, a string of bad news had seriously undermined the future growth of Microsoft. Personal Computer (PC) operating system and basic office are the near-monopoly software in the category. Purchase of QDOS (quick and dirty operating system) from Seattle programmerRead Moreâ€Å"Apple Inc --- Failing and Succeeding†Essay965 Words  | 4 Pagesprogrammed decision because it did stem from prior experience or technical knowledge about what works or does not work in a given situation (such as the choice not to license their software and how they learned that it wasn’t working as well as Microsoft who did license their software enabling them to surpass when they were new and clueless as to merging with other computer companies. 2) What type of decision-making environment --- certainty, risk, uncertainty--- did Apple have for each decisionRead MoreThe Swot Analysis : Accenture1531 Words  | 7 Pageshigher qualities IT service, and greater systems reliability. Mission, Vision, and Values Accenture is a company that wants to establish a clear communication between internal and external by deploying an anytime, anywhere philosophy through a single-instance, single-platform application. In doing so, values are placed on internal customers and stakeholders, rather than an idea of their need defined by IT engineers. Thus, a collaborative environment is the driving power behind Accenture valuesRead MoreOrganization Diagnosis Models: Microsoft and Skype Case Study1190 Words  | 5 PagesMicrosoft and Skype Organization Diagnosis Models Organizational diagnosis is necessary in this rapidly changing world so that organizations do not miss out on opportunities and threats. Everything needs to be planned, and accordingly goals need to be set and achieved. There are many ways of diagnosing an organization, several of which will be discussed below. It answers the questions of why there should be change in organization and what is the purpose of the change. One of the models that addressRead MoreImplementing A New Plan For Business1325 Words  | 6 Pagescompanies in the industry for a long time. The company is very popular among the customer because of its exceptional customer services and quality products. Now this year the company facing a difficulty due to the change of the operating system done by Microsoft and for this our software becomes obsolete. So it is necessary to make some changes in our company and need to come up with a new plan in order to stay in the business. Developing a Strategic Plan The development of a new plan for business and itsRead MoreSylllabus Mgt/2301148 Words  | 5 PagesWeek One: Functions of Management Details Due Points Objectives 1.1 Define the four functions of management.1.2 Explain how internal and external factors affect the four functions of management.1.3 Identify the steps in the decision-making process. Readings Read Ch. 1–3 and Appendix A of Management: Leading Collaborating in a Competitive World.Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. Participation Participate in class discussion. Ongoing 2 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Music And Censorship Essay - 1801 Words
In our society today, some musicians and their music drain and plague the moral and spiritual well-being of the people; therefore, censorship offers a necessary action that we must take to keep the world from becoming a land of decadence. The musicians lives are not examples for the children or the adults. The lyrics of many songs are not suitable for anyone. All types of music need some kind of censorship. Censorship makes a person realize that music is good for the heart. Censorship totally makes people act better, and when thinking better, this sustains a better society. The lives of some musicians contain types of anarchy and self-gratification. Once the musicians realize that people want not just their music but them as well, they act†¦show more content†¦The song quot;Rainy Day Woman #12 and #13,quot; blatantly says that quot;everybody must get stoned.quot; That tells people to disobey the law and tells people to mangle the temple of God, our bodies by perverting it wi th drugs and stimulants. Many musicians make a mockery of their fans. The lead singers subsist to do this the most because of the vocal opportunities they have to express their discontent with life and thrust their ideas upon those who hypnotize with the musicians power position, thus, makes the listeners obey their thoughts without fully knowing. The lead singer Billie Jo, for Green Day, says to his fans, quot; Im not going to say anything f****** intelligent, Im just going too swear a whole d*** lot.quot; The Bible tells us that we should let everything that comes out of our mouth praise Him, and swearing for any reason doesnt really praise Him at all and is degrading for us as well. Almost like if he did not swear than we wouldnt like him or understand him. In addition the lead singer for Kiss would spit on his fans. He would get the crowd to spit in a spittoon-type container, and by the end of the concert, he would drink the saliva and then he would use what dwelled left in the spittoon to spit on the crowd. This creates a bad influence on anybody and makes a person believe that it justifies him to do these actions because he dwells on stage, which totally in fact creates wrong, and not right. The band would also wear face paintShow MoreRelated Censorship in Literature and Music Essay examples1860 Words  | 8 PagesCensorship in Literature and Music What is censorship? An encyclopedia defines censorship as the control of what people may say or hear, write or read, or see or do1. There are many reasons why people censor entertainment such as literature and music. Many governments or groups try to preserve their standards of morality by preventing people from learning about or following other standards2, commonly found in the two previously mentioned mediums. There are different ways to censor things.Read MoreMusic Censorship Is Not Possible Without The Color Red And For Artists1497 Words  | 6 Pagesvery impactful in how he uses the example of painting the American flag, it’s not possible without the color red and for artists to not be able to write songs using their past experiences that isn’t quite possible either. Another limitation of music censorship is that lyrics are poetry and are filled with double meanings so what may be obscene to one person may be perfectly acceptable to another. John Denver testified at the 1985 hearing of the PMRC stating that his song â€Å"Rocky Mountain High†, whichRead MoreCensorship And Censorship Of Music1544 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout the years, music has evolved and transformed in many ways. However, there are restrictions in today’s music, otherwise known as, censorships. A crisis has emerged concerning the issue of censorship. This argument consists of two possible stances: one, supporting the continuation of censorship, and two, eliminating the status quo of censorships in the music industry. There have been countless debates and arguments regarding the issues of censorship ever since the U.S. Congress passed theRead MoreMusic Censorship1016 Words  | 5 PagesKevin Ung Professor Vazquez English 101 October 9, 2007 Music Censorship I enjoy and love music very much. I feel that music artists should have the right to freely express their work and I feel that I should argue about the censorship attacks on these artists. I’m tired of listening to a good song on the radio with some of the words censored. It ruins the song and I can’t stand it. Some people think that rap is a bad influence and causes the young to behave badly. But I think all this censoringRead MoreMusic Censorship1092 Words  | 5 Pagesgovernment for a redress of grievances, censorship in America still exists in a big way. Music censorship is the term used to describe the act of editing, altering, or preventing the listener from hearing the music as the artist created it in order to either deny certain information or to act as a moral gatekeeper of potentially harmful material ( The Censorship of music in the United Stated is documented as farRead MoreEssay on Music Censorship880 Words  | 4 PagesMusic Censorship The tall, lanky fifteen-year-old ambled slowly up to the counter and tossed his music selection toward the clerk. The salesman began to ring the sale up in his routine manner, but just then something caught his eye. It was a small black sticker on the corner of the CD. This sticker plainly read explicit lyrics. As the teenager fumbled through his pockets searching for a method of payment, the clerk gave him a questioning glance. Could I see some identification pleaseRead MoreCensorship in Music Essays1076 Words  | 5 PagesCensorship in Music Censorship in music has been a major problem plaguing America since the early nineteen forties. It came to a head during the nineteen sixties with the Vietnam War and the hippie movement. During the nineteen seventies and eighties heavy metal and hard rock were getting the brunt of the censorship heat. Now in the nineteen nineties the major focus of censorship is rap; primarily gangster rap. Some of the main factors of music in general that cause legal ramifications are sexualRead MoreThe Problem Of Music Censorship1280 Words  | 6 PagesAttention Getter: Imagine yourselves listening to music at a party, you’re jumping around yelling, screaming, and majority of the time singing or rapping along to whatever song is playing. Now imagine every other word, or whole verses in the song getting bleeped out frequently because of the message it presents even though you have the right to listen to whatever you so desire. This is the problem of music censorship we all face today. B. Relevance: BeingRead More Music Censorship Essay1269 Words  | 6 PagesMusic Censorship Healthy debates have been caused by todays music. Generally, foul language has rapidly increased within modern popular song lyrics, especially among rap and heavy metal artists songs. An increase in explicit violence and misogyny in popular music lyrics has been recorded. These lyrics have been judged to be inspirations for violent, suicidal, and criminal acts. For example, Mr. Raymond Kuntz referred to his sons incident. When his wife went to wake their son for school, theyRead MoreMusic Censorship Essay625 Words  | 3 PagesMusic Censorship Since the being of time people have been making and listening to music. Music has been considered the best way to express ourselves. The Bible even talks about how music was used to praise God. Music has been used for all type of things ranging from to getting a girl to notice guy, trying to get over a broken heart, or maybe losing a love one. Now society says that music has become too violent and sexually oriented. Many people have different point of view on this topic some
The Number One Question You Must Ask for Media Analysis Essay Topics
The Number One Question You Must Ask for Media Analysis Essay Topics The reader ought to be impressed by the manner in which you defend your ideas. In print news, the duration of a post differs, there's also no control in pace as it is the reader who determines her or his pace. There are a lot of subjects that require analysis and they will need to get carried out in the ideal way. There are special words and word combination employed for analytical purposes which ought to be learned too. Even if you're a specialist in a particular field, don't be afraid to use and cite external sources. At first you shouldn't relate to a single source only. You should employ a significant amount of sources. The dearth of very good support sources are going to result in a decrease grade. The Little-Known Secrets to Media Analysis Essay Topics Our business is run through an administrative and management group, who co-ordinate the incoming orders. You may observe that the course of action is virtually always the exact same. Analysis paper demands full attention and devotion of a person. An analysis paper is very helpful for the non-profiting businesses. Media Analysis Essay Topics - Dead or Alive? An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. Topics can change depending on your majors. Deciding on your topic isn't that easy. At times you might require some expert help with argumentative essay topics. The Key to Successful Media Analysis Essay Topics You still must compose a mass media essayand you should begin on it pretty soon in case you want to have it done before the deadline! Studying media can be very intriguing and fascinating, although the science of media changes every time as soon as the new media source is introduced. Purposes of social networking. News purposes in social networking. Social media has revolutionized many facets of today's world. Pros and cons of social networking. Tactics to guard your privacy in social networking. Privacy issues in social networking. The Argument About Media Analysis Essay Topics As an example, in college, you might be requested to compose a paper from the opposing standpoint. Furthermore, you would like to opt for an essay topic that's going to enable you to demonstrate your skills to the best of your ability. If you are searching for assistance with your essay then we provide a comprehensive writing service given by fully qualified academics in your area of study. Additionally, it depends upon the special college subject. How to Choose Media Analysis Essay Topics If you're able to analyze any book for your rhetorical assignment, choose the work you recognize well. Teachers assign the required format, but bear in mind these tips should they don't. Consider the kind of essay that you're assigned to write. Logically, t he body is the most important portion of an analysis essay. In terms of the organization of the last essay, it's wise to use a 5-paragraph structure. It's interesting that numerous students write introduction after they've written the whole paper. Students are often scared of rhetorical analysis essays because they don't know how to write them. They often find that most of their work on these essays is done before they even start writing. Literature students read a good deal. If you really need to narrow your subject, you might write about a particular individual, like a musical artist who focuses on society or culture. Media has ever been a significant part the everyday life of the society since it serves as an arbiter of the freedom of the folks. Social networking is a rising trends on the planet today. Unless you want to examine a particular sort of media like radio, TV, film or Internet, include examples from several different kinds. So, as an example, if you're writing about historic events or a social issue you don't only describe it. Identity the core issue or groups that you wish to target. The report was backe d through an ideological view point. Refer to many opposite perspectives on the issue you're writing about even if you don't support them. If don't have any urge to waste time on choosing the best topic and writing the entire argumentative essay from scratch, don't forget you've a loyal group of professionals by your side. If you don't understand the problem, you've hardly any opportunities to succeed. It's possible to also talk about the issues that arrive with having a football program. In reality, you won't have any troubles with your academic and non-academic papers if you purchase them from us at a low-cost price.
Australian Migration Law and OMARA Practice - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Questions: 1.Prepare a letter of advice, in plain English, for Jeffrey in relation to the procedural, accounting and ethical requirements he would have to meet to comply with the requirements under the Migration Act 1958, the Migration Agents Regulations 1998 and the Code of Conduct in relation to being appointed by Wood Engineering as their migration agent and charging them for the work 2. What are your obligations as a registered migration agent (if any) under the Code of Conduct? Answers: Answer 1 To, Mr. Jeffrey Jacob Date: 09/08/2017 Subject: procedural, ethical, and accounting requirements for Migration Agent and requirements to make valid visa application of UC sub-class 457 Temporary Business Entry visa. Sir, This letter addressed the concern of Mr. Jeffery Jacob, for the purpose of providing guidance on procedural, ethical, and accounting requirements which must be comply by migration agents, and also states the requirements to make valid visa application of Class UC sub-class 457 Temporary Business Entry visa. These requirements are for those agents who are registered under Migration Act 1958. Jeffery Jacob is a registered Migration agent. Wood Engineering, civil engineering Company in Geelong, Victoria, consults with Mr. Jacob for sponsoring Ms. Josephine Ladders as a civil engineer under the Class UC sub-class 457 Temporary Business Entry visa. Therefore, it is necessary for Jeffery to know all the procedural, ethical, and accounting requirements related to this profession. There are number of regulations which are stated by Migration Act 1958 and Migration Regulations 1998, and Migration Regulations 1994. These regulations define the rights and obligations of clients as well as migration agent. It is the duty of migration agents to perform their operation in such way which enhances the dignity of this profession. Requirements to make valid visa application: The temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457) allowed the skilled workers to enter into Australia and worked for a business which is approved in Australia. Applicant must be sponsored by an approved business, and businesses are eligible to sponsor visa applicant if they are not able to find Australian citizen or any permanent resident for the purpose of performing skilled work[1]. Schedule 1 of Migration Regulations 1994 contains schedule 1223A[2], which states the process of making valid visa application of the Temporary Business Entry (Class UC) visa. Clause 1(b) of this schedule states that if applicant wants to satisfy the criteria for the purpose of granting Subclass 457 (Temporary Work (Skilled)) visa and clause (bb) does not apply on applicant then visa applicant can made the internet application, and such can be made through form 1066Employer Sponsored Workers (e457). Clause 1(ba) of this schedule states that if applicant wants to satisfy the criteria for the purpose of granting Subclass 457 (Temporary Work (Skilled)) visa and clause (bb) does not apply on applicant then applicant is not able to make application as per paragraph b in those situations which are specified by the Minister in an instrument. Clause 1(bb) of this schedule states that, in case applicant wants to satisfy the secondary criteria for the purpose of granting Subclass 457 (Temporary Work (Skilled)) visa, and combined application is not made by applicant for the purpose of satisfying primary criteria related to this visa, then in such circumstances application can be made in the form of internet application in the form specified by minister, and such application can be made through form 1066s Employer Sponsored Workers (e457)[3]. Clause 1(bc) of this schedule states that if applicant wants to satisfy the secondary criteria for the purpose of granting Subclass 457 (Temporary Work (Skilled)) visa and clause (bb) does not apply on applicant then applicant is not able to make application as per paragraph b in those situations which are specified by the Minister in an instrument. As per Immi 13/063, clause 1 (ba) and (bc), electronic form of application is prevented by DIBP and also by Department of Immigration and Citizenships systems. For the purpose of clause 1 (ba) and (bc) Immi 13/063 states the different way of making the application: Application can be made through the form which was provided with written authorization. Such form must include the name and position number of the officer who authorize such form, and must be mailed at with a copy of the authorizing email. As per clause 3 of this schedule, valid visa application can be made by applicant, who is inside or outside Australia. It must be noted that such person must not be in immigration clearance. This schedule further states that applicant who wants to satisfy the primary criteria must meet the requirements states under sub clause 457.223(2) and (4) of Schedule 2 that is: Related occupation of the applicant must be nominated, and it must be approved under section 140GB of the Act and its approval must not be ceased under regulation 2.75. Decision related to nomination must not be made under section140 GB of the Act. Person who nominated the occupation must not bar under section140M of the Act[4]. For the purpose of applying visa application, applicant must be nominated by an approved sponsor and must possess all the skill requirements. Visa applicant also required to fulfill obligations related to registration and licensing for the occupation, and must able to communicate in certain level of English. It is necessary that visa applicant must possess skills in the occupation which is approved by the government of Australia. Applicant must show the documents related to the experience of nominated occupation, and other necessary documents also which are listed in the checklist of Document for visa applicants.[5] After completing all the above requirements, agents are also bound by some ethical, procedural, and accounting requirements which are stated below: Method of notification for the purpose of providing assistance to visa applicant is described in Regulation 7G of the Migration regulations 1998[6]. Agents are responsible to provide notification to the department related to the client under section 312A[7] of the Act. Section 313 of the Act states that must provide statement of service to the assisted person, and such statement of service states all the provisions related to instructions given by client and services provided by agent. Agreement must state the fees charged from the client for the purpose of providing services, and also state the method on the basis of which fees is calculated and other amount related to disbursements[8]. Section 314 of the Act states that, Migration Agent regulations state the code of conduct for migration agents and it is the duty of migration agent to conduct their operations as per code of conduct[9]. Part 2.1 of code of conduct states that, agents must act as per the law and legitimate interest of his or her client. Agents must act in competent and fair way with the clients and with department also. This part further states that, migration agent must not deal with the client if agent would have any conflict of interest with the client. Part 2.3 of code of conduct states that, migration agent must take adequate measures for the purpose of avoiding financial loss to the client. Part 2.5 of code of conduct states that, migration agent must update their knowledge related to the Migration Act 1958, Migration Regulations1994, and other elated laws. Part 2.6 of Migration Agent Regulations 1998 Schedule 2 states that, for the purpose of making an application under Migration Act or Migration Regulations, agent must considered the objective criteria. Part 2.8 of code of conduct states that, agent must take instructions in written form from client, and act as per the instructions of the client. Part 2.11 of code of conduct states that, agent must include their registration number while advertising, and advertisement must be in English language. Part 2.18 of code of conduct states that, agent must act within reasonable time period after receiving necessary instructions. Part 2.20 of code of conduct states that, agent must charge adequate amount of fee from the client. Part 2.21 of code of conduct states that, agent must submit the application with all the necessary documents[10]. Part 3.2 of code of conduct states that, agent must maintain the confidentiality and must not disclose client information. Part A of this section states that agent must provide consumer guide to client. Part 3.3 of code of conduct states that, agent must inform the client that they are entitled to receive the copy of application and other documents. Part 3.4 of code of conduct states that, agent must maintain contact details and address of the client[11]. Part 6.1 of code of conduct states that, agent must maintain proper records of the documents related to client for the period of at least 7 years[12]. Part 11.3 of code of conduct states that, contract between agent and client must contain the provisions related to code of conduct[13]. Financial obligations of agent: Part 2.20 of code of conduct states that, agent must charge adequate amount of fee from the client. Part 5.2 of code of conduct states that, agent must inform the client about the charges and estimate time for processing the application. Part 5.4 of code of conduct states that, agent must inform the client about the method of calculating the fees. Part 5.5 of code of conduct states that, agent must know about the effect of section 313 of the Act that agent is not entitled to receive the fee if they did not provide service agreement to the client[14]. Part 7.1 of code of conduct states that, agent must maintain separate account with financial institution, and part A of this section states account of the client must be included in the name of the financial institution. Part 7.2 of code of conduct states that, agent must hold particular amount in the account of client for agreed block of work. Part 7.4 of code of conduct states that, agent must maintain all the financial records of thee client which includes date and amount related to each deposit, etc. Part 7.6 of code of conduct states that, in case agent work with client on the basis of refund policy then it is the duty of agent to take adequate steps to refund the amount of client[15]. Regulation 2.126 states the factors related to first installment of visa application charge. Following are the charges of Class UC sub-class 457 Temporary Business Entry visa[16], and other disbursement fees and professional fees: Product Quantity Price UC457 Temporary Work (Skilled) 1 $ 1080 GST - 0 Translating services - $ 220 English language and courier fees - $500 Other services - $1000 Professional fees - $1000 Total - $ 3800 Thank You Answer 2 In the present case, Josephine reported to Mr. Jacob that she is not receiving the same payment which is stated in her contract with wood engineering. Wood engineering paid her amount which is less than the amount stated in contract. Jeffery contacted to wood Engineering for the purpose of confirming this information, and company stated that this information is true. As per code of conduct of migration agents, Mr. Jacob has various obligations towards the Josephine and these obligations are stated below: Part 2.6 of Migration Agent Regulations 1998 Schedule 2 states that, for the purpose of making an application under Migration Act or Migration Regulations, agent must considered the objective criteria. This part further states that agent must be frank and true about the chances of success while assessing the request of the client in preparing a case or filing an application under Migration Act or Migration Regulations[17]. In other words, agent must give fair and true advice to the client about the chances of success of visa application made by client while preparing and analyzing the facts of the case of the client. Part 2.7 of Migration Agent Regulations 1998 Schedule 2 states that, in case client seeks opinion from the migration agent related to the chances of successful result of the visa application made by client, then agent must give written advice to the client. Such advice must be given in reasonable time period. It must be noted that agent can also give oral advice to the client, but only when oral advice given by agent is similar to the written advice. This part further states that migration agent must not hold any fake or unjustified chances of success while making advice to the client on visa application made by client[18]. Part 2.17 of Migration Agent Regulations 1998 Schedule 2 states that, in case visa application made by client is exasperating or grossly unfounded then it is the duty of registered migration agent that he must not encourage the client for the purpose of making application, and must give written advice to the client that in his opinion application made by client is exasperating or grossly unfounded. Even after taking these measures, client wants to make visa application under Migration Act and Migration Regulations then agent must take written acknowledgment from the client related to the advice given under paragraph (b) of this part[19]. It must be noted that Section 306AC of the Act states that minister has power to make reference of registered migration agent to the Authority for the purpose of making disciplinary action in case refusal rates related to visa application of specific class of that agent are high[20]. Therefore, Jeffery can help the Josephine by ensuring the above mentioned provisions, and he can also help her by providing the fair advice. Mr. Jacob is also under obligation to inform the department about this matter. BIBLIOGRAPHY Websites DIBC, Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457),, Accessed on 11th August 2017. FRL, Forms, Fees, Circumstances, and different way of making an application,, Accessed o 11th August 2017. Migration Act 1958- Section 140. DIBC, Temporary Work (Skilled) Visa (Subclass 457) Document Checklist For Visa Applicants,, Accessed on 11th August 2017. DIBP, Global visa processing times,, Accessed on 11th August 2017. Statutes Migration Agent Regulations 1998 Schedule 2. Migration Regulations 1994 - Schedule 1. Migration Act 1958. [1] DIBC, Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457),, Accessed on 11th August 2017. [2] Migration Regulations 1994 - Schedule 1. [3] FRL, Forms, Fees, Circumstances, and different way of making an application,, Accessed o 11th August 2017. [4] Migration Act 1958- Section 140. [5] DIBC, Temporary Work (Skilled) Visa (Subclass 457) Document Checklist For Visa Applicants,, Accessed on 11th August 2017. [6] Migration Regulations 1998- Regulation 7G. [7] Migration Act 1958- Section 312A. [8] Migration Act 1958- Section 313. [9] Migration Act 1958- Section 314. [10] Migration Agent Regulations 1958 Schedule 2- part 2. [11] Migration Agent Regulations 1958 Schedule 2- part 3. [12] Migration Agent Regulations 1958 Schedule 2- part 6. [13] Migration Agent Regulations 1958 Schedule 2- part 11. [14] Migration Agent Regulations 1958 Schedule 2- part 5. [15] Migration Agent Regulations 1958 Schedule 2- part 7. [16] DIBP, Global visa processing times,, Accessed on 11th August 2017. [17] Migration Agent Regulations 1998 Schedule 2- Part 2.6. [18] Migration Agent Regulations 1998 Schedule 2- Part 2.7. [19] Migration Agent Regulations 1998 Schedule 2- Part 2.17. [20] Migration Act 1958- Section 306.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Speech on Health Care Essay Sample free essay sample
A really good forenoon to our respected principal. dedicated instructors and fellow pupils. First of all. I wish to thank the principal for giving me this aureate chance to stand before you and present a address. Now. I would wish to speak to all of you today on wellness attention. Why should we hold a wellness attention? Undoubtedly. wellness is better than wealth. But today. many of us live sedentary lives. We come to school and remain sitting most of the clip for our lesson. When we go home. we spend a batch of clip watching telecasting or making our alteration. After a long clip. we will endure wellness jobs. If you want to populate a longer life. wellness attention should be your ain duty. First. we should acquire a balanced diet every twenty-four hours. A balanced diet is one which has the right sum of saccharide. proteins and other stuffs. We will write a custom essay sample on Speech on Health Care Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Our organic structures need foods to construct up and fix tissues. therefore. you are encouraged to eat plentifulness of vegetable and fresh fruits which are indispensable for our organic structure. Besides. we should cut down our consumption of high salt and sugar. for case. fast nutrient and procedure nutrient. If we take excessively much of it. it lead to wellness job such as bosom onslaught. high blood pressure. fleshiness and so on. Avoid debris nutrient wholly. Remember to devour more fiber to forestall irregularity. Next you must hold an adequate exercising because all work and no drama makes Jake a dull male child. Exercise is a requirement to good wellness. We should hold physical exercisings such as jogging. mounting mountain. cycling. jungle trekking and more. Sports can advance strong musculuss strong and better blood circulation. As we all know. exercising can assist us to let go of our emphasis and unwind ourselves. Furthermore. we can maintain our organic structure in form and lose weight. In add-on. we need to hold sufficient slumber because we are still turning up. We must acquire adequate remainder to do us ebullient. energy and verve. Therefore. we can concentrate better during we study. Make certain that there is equal airing in the room to do us kip comfortably which lead to good wellness. Remember! Never to fire the midnight oil! Furthermore. we have to develop good wonts. We must avoid bad wonts like smoke. taking drugs and imbibing excessively much of vino. It is put offing to see that the figure of pupils who smoke in our school is on the rise. Kick these bad wonts and say ‘No’ to those bad wonts. Alternatively. we can make some activities like seting. playing games and more which are able to assist us to let go of emphasis and besides loosen up our head. Nowadays. many pupils like to be a book worm and pretermit the importance of athletics. So. pupils should take part more actively in some healthy activities besides analyzing. At last. we have to develop a positive mentality. When we encounter any jobs or troubles. don’t easy give up and go pessimistic. Friends. you must hearten up and go an optimist. We should believe everything in good side. We can besides happen other ways like seeking to a counsellor or friend to impart their assisting custodies to us. If we keep believing of good invariably. we can work out jobs easy. Having good attitude can give a good feeling to other people. This is all for my address today. All in all. bar is better than remedy. I hope you will follow the advice given. Remember friends. â€Å"Health is wealth†.
Monday, April 20, 2020
The Introduction Of The Discussion Will Focus On The Origins Of Essays
The introduction of the discussion will focus on the origins of the Great Depression and the escalating events that led to it. This will provide adequate foundations to bring up questions and attempt to answer them in an objective fashion as to why and how the Depression affected different industrialized countries in different ways. The core of the debate will consist of detailed comparable analyses of the consequences of the Depression with an emphasis on the economic aspects. The conclusion will provide a brief overview of the ways used by the different governments to get out of that dark episode of world economic history. When studying the Great Depression and it's effects, it is not unusual for historians to choose World War I as a starting point for their investigation. The reason for that is the importance of the repercussions the conflict had on the economies of all the countries that were involved in it. First of all, the War made it impossible for Europe to maintain previous levels of production. For example, before the War, France, the U.K. and Germany accounted for about 60 percent1 of the world's exports of manufactured goods, a share of the market which they could not sustain during the conflict. Consequently, Europe took many of its markets to the U.S. and Japan. The stunted growth of the European economies meant a lower demand for raw materials, which in turn lowered the demand for European exports. In agriculture, things didn't look any better, as it was the sector which employed the most people. At the end of World War I, Europe was forced to import food from the U.S.. Moreover, these transactions were conducted on a credit basis since Europe could not afford to pay for its purchase at that time. Clearly, the U.S. was going from being a traditional debtor of Europe before World War I to becoming its creditor: America had financed the war and it was issuing loans for its reconstruction. However, the attitudes in the U.S. were evolving in an unusual direction: an increasing number of American financiers were starting to literally seek ut potential borrowers which led to competition among U.S. banks and the spreading of unsound lending.2 The main object was to "do the most business", even at the expense of essential caution. What seemed like a beginning of recovery from the Great War, was in fact an immense accumulation of debts, which made the international economic order vulnerable to depression. Analyzing these events with the insight we have today, they seem even more unbelievably audacious given the high instability of the borrowing nation. (i.e., Europe) The triggering event was the crash of the Wall Street stock market in October of 1929. The stock market collapsed after steady declines in production, prices and incomes over three previous months which forced the speculators to revise their expectations. Anxiety soon gave place to panic which led to the crash. However, the depression affected the different industrialized countries in various ways and degrees of intensity. The depression was of especially great magnitude in the U.S. because there were not any welfare benefits for laid off workers. In the period between 1929 and 1933, money income fell by 53 percent (real income fell by 36 percent.)3 As a consequence, demand fell significantly, which in turn led to lower production and more layoffs-- up to a high of 25 percent rate of unemployment in 1933. Despite the severity of the situation, the Federal Reserve did not pursue a monetary expansion on policy which would have stimulated the economy through lower interest rates and increased the stock of money in circulation. This inaction is often attributed to the fact that market interest rates in 1930-1931 fell to very low levels, much lower than in the earlier recessions (of 1924 and 1927), and therefore, the Federal Reserve Board wrongfully saw no need to pursue an expansionary monetary policy.4 An indicator of that inaction is that open market operations did not provide sufficient money reserves for a banking system faced with depositors anxious for liquidity (monetary expansion would have filled that need). If the Federal Reserve had provided additional funds to the banking sector after 1930, bank failure would not have been so numerous and the decrease in the attack of would have been (at least) slowed down. Still, it would not be accurate to make the Federal Reserve responsible for all these problems. Other factors contributed to the precipitation of what began as a cyclical recession into what we now know as the Great Depression. One of those is the Hawley Smoot tariff of 1930 which in essence made America
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Analyze how political, religious, and social factors affected the work of scientists in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries free essay sample
The scientific revolution took place between 1500 and 1700, with scientists, or natural philosophers made many groundbreaking discoveries. A universe composed of matter in motion which could be understood through mathematics and experiment, changing the mindsets of many Europeans. The work of the scientists were greatly influenced by the approval of political figures and their desire of power, the support and compassion from influential members of the church and social factors that both influenced the progression and acceptance of the new theories. Scientific findings were regarded highly among political figures because it was an opportunity to gain more power and money. With many Europeans sharing this mindset, those with power strived to create institutions like Royal Academies for these discoveries to be found and shared. As the Finance Minister under Louis XIV, Jean Baptiste Colbert must have wanted to preserve and increase France’s budget. â€Å"†¦an abundance of wealth and in causing the arts and sciences to flourish, we have been persuaded for many years to establish several academies for both letter and sciences. We will write a custom essay sample on Analyze how political, religious, and social factors affected the work of scientists in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †(Doc 11). King Louis XIV himself was an ally of science as shown in Document 10, where the king is shown at the French Royal Academy, conversing with the scientists. The drawing shows a well-developed institute with instruments and specimens used in astronomy, geography, biology and navigation, which would have not been accessible if it weren’t for King Louis XIV’s interest and funding for the sciences. When scientific discoveries affect ambition, profit or lust of the rulers, they are questioned and suppressed; Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher stated in the Leviathan â€Å"†¦conflicted with the interests of those who rule, I know it would be suppressed†(Doc 7). Although most of the Catholic Clergy disapproved of any scientific findings, some influential members of the church enjoyed and accepted the discoveries. John Calvin, a French Protestant theologian said â€Å"This study should not be prohibited, nor this science condemned, because some frantic persons boldly reject whatever is unknown to them [†¦] this art unfolds the admirable wisdom of God.†(Doc 2). This shows that he not only wishes for more scientific advances, but that he believes it could help solve some of the mysteries surrounding God. Since John Calvin is a famous religious leader, he could affect scientific research and the beliefs of those doubting any scientific advances due to his high rank and credibility that most scientists did not have. Without as much influence as Calvin, many scientists sent out their studies to those high in power to review their work. Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish priest and astronomer dedicated his book On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres to Pope Paul III because of his love and importance of science. â€Å"[†¦] by your influence and judgment, can readily hold the slanderers from biting. Mathematics are for mathematicians and they, if I be not wholly deceived, will hold that my labors contribute even to the well-being of the church.†(Doc 1). This indicates that Copernicus is hoping that Pope Paul will prevent slander of his work and understand that his book is in support of the church and that other mathematicians will agree with him. In document 5, in a letter to his noble patron, Marin Mersenne states, â€Å"If you object to anything, I am ready to remove it entirely. [†¦] you will not find a single word which is not true in my experiments, which many times confirm those of the great Galileo.†Showing that the monk is willing to remove anything from his work that his higher-up rejects, even though all of his results are based on multiple experiments with witnesses to support the end result. Certain obstacles in society prevented the sciences to progress at the most efficient rate, due to lack of interaction between scientists and sexism. During this time period, sexism was a normal thing, women were thought to be less intelligent than men and were not allowed the same education or opportunities. In a letter to Johannes Hevelius, Henry Oldenbury writes â€Å"Friendship among learned men is a great aid to the investigation and elucidation of the truth [†¦] philosophy would then be raised to its greatest heights.†(Doc 6). This indicates that as the Secretary of the English Royal Society, Henry believes sharing information among well taught and raised men is the only way to increase scientific findings. On the other side of society, we have Margaret Cavendish, an English natural philosopher who is seen as less credible and intelligent than the average male scientist. â€Å"†¦I might set up my own school of natural philosophy. But I, being a woman, do fear they would soon cast me out of their schools. For though the Muses, Graces, and Sciences are all of the female gender, yet they were more esteemed in former ages, than they are now.†(Doc 9). In ancient civilizations, women were viewed in a better light than they were during the scientific revolution. Many ancient achievements were portrayed as female beings, but women themselves were not allowed to contribute to new advancements and if they did, they were brushed aside and ignored because of the belief that women were just not capable of doing the same things that men were. When we put aside gender differences, the scientific revolution still seems to be lacking in certain ways. In document 4, Sir Francis Bacon states â€Å"†¦it is not possible to run a race when the goal itself has not been rightly chosen.†There was no final product scientists were hoping to achieve, no exact ending except to improve the sciences. They could build and build onto each other’s work, but what is the point if the scientists themselves don’t know what they’re looking for. Sir Francis Bacon wished to reorganize the sciences with The Great Instauration by creating a goal scientists could work for to tie together their works to have an even better understanding of the universe. With the advancement of the sciences in Europe, many groups were influential to the works of the scientists, such as. Political figures and their funding to advance further into the discoveries, religious members and their ability to accept and spread or reject and end, and finally multiple social factors that suppressed certain people and helped the spread of certain beliefs and ideas.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
How to Manage and Maintain Paulownia tomentosa
How to Manage and Maintain Paulownia tomentosa An Introduction to Royal Paulownia: Royal Paulownia is a native of China where it is revered as a tree and loved for both its legends and its usability. The trees form is a bit ragged but can provide an enjoyable and dramatic, coarse-textured appearance with huge heart-shaped leaves and large clusters of lavender flowers in the spring. Paulownia flowers are usually set before leaf emergence so they really stand out against a neutral or evergreen background. With its very rapid growth rate, the princess-tree can reach 50 feet in height with an equal spread in an open landscape. Royal Paulownia Specifics: Scientific name: Paulownia tomentosaPronunciation: pah-LOE-nee-uh toe-men-TOE-suhCommon name(s): Princess-Tree, Empress-Tree, PaulowniaFamily: ScrophulariaceaeUSDA hardiness zones: 5B through 9Origin: not native to North AmericaUses: reclamation plant; tree has been successfully grown in urban areas where air pollution, poor drainage, compacted soil, and/or drought are commonAvailability: grown in small quantities by a small number of nurseries Invasive Exotic Status: Royal paulownia is a prolific seeder but not welcomed by many forest owners. Woody seed capsules form in autumn containing up to two-thousand seeds and can cover a large area using wind power. The seeds persist through the winter and have a high germination percentage. Seeds germinate readily in the landscape and because of this ability to take over a site, paulownia has been given invasive exotic tree status and planters are cautioned about its reproductive potential. Royal Paulownia Description: Height: 40 to 50 feetSpread: 40 to 50 feetCrown uniformity: irregular outline or silhouetteCrown shape: round; vase shapeCrown density: moderateGrowth rate: fastTexture: coarse Trunk and Branch Structure: Royal paulownias bark is thin and easily damaged from mechanical impact so be careful using equipment around the tree. Paulownia has a characteristic droop as the tree grows and will require pruning for vehicular or pedestrian clearance beneath its canopy. The tree is not particularly showy and to improve its appearance, should be grown with a single leader. There is a major pruning requirement: the tree needs regular pruning to develop a strong structure. Paulownia Foliage: Leaf arrangement: opposite/suboppositeLeaf type: simpleLeaf margin: entireLeaf shape: cordate; ovateLeaf venation: pinnate; palmateLeaf type and persistence: deciduousLeaf blade length: 8 to 12 inches; 4 to 8 inchesLeaf color: greenFall color: no fall color changeFall characteristic: not showy Pruning a Royal Paulownia: The Princess-Tree expresses rapid growth and can reach 8 feet in two years from seed. This causes frequent winter kill to tender growth. You will not find this to be a problem if you prune down to where an axillary bud can take over as the single leader. It is important to build a single leader as long as possible and there should be a clear stem to the first main branch at 6 feet or higher. This pruning process is especially important if you are wanting to utilize the tree for its wood. Royal Paulownia In Depth: Paulownia thrives best in deep, moist but well-drained soil that is sheltered from the wind. The tree has become naturalized in many parts of the southern United States so you can see them most anywhere in lower North American latitudes. Fuzzy, brown flower buds form in early autumn, persist over the winter and bloom in early spring. These buds may freeze in very cold weather and drop off. Woody seed capsules form in autumn containing up to two-thousand seeds. They can easily hibernate through the winter and germinate readily in the landscape or wherever they are carried. Leaves rapidly drop within one week following the first frost in autumn. Storm damage can be a problem as the tree is susceptible to breakage either at the crotch due to poor collar formation or the wood itself is weak and tends to break. It has no known insect enemies. There have been occasional reports of problems with mildew, leaf- spot and twig canker.
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