Sunday, December 29, 2019
House of Tata - 1209 Words
House of Tata : Acquiring a Global Footprint. In order for Tata Group to implement acquisition and/or restructuring strategies, it would be helpful to know existing scope of the group operating company structure, especially, profitability and financing activities. The following table shows the detail information of Tata group company structure. Additionally, the financing and profitability of each operating company under Tata group in year 2007 (FY07). [pic] †¢ The following table shows the Liquidity, Profitability, Efficiency and Financial Ratio of each Tata operating group companies in year 2007. |Group company |Liquidity Ratio |Profitability Ratio |Efficiency Ratio†¦show more content†¦| |Tata can reduce at least 25-30 years to build global business on its own.|Tata has to confront with the making-loss of Jaguar. | |The company also can reduce the cost of research and development of new | | |products and product advancements. | | |Tata receive higher image to go international markets. | | |Tata can compete with both of domestic and international competitors. | | 2. Restructuring- Down scoping Ratan Tata manages the Tata Group portfolio which organized around seven sectors: information systems and communications; engineering; materials; chemicals; consumer products; energy; and services. We suggest that Tata should to divest consumer products business sector because in year 2007 it’s generate only 5.3% of group revenue while holding very high debt to equity ratio. After Tata eliminate consumer goodsShow MoreRelatedHouse of Tata948 Words  | 4 PagesHOUSE OF TATA The Business Agricultural Products Base Metals Non-Metallic Mineral Products Chemicals Construction Allied Activities Electrical and Non-Electrical Machinery Electricity Non-Conventional Energy Electronics Services Shipping Exports Hotels Financial Drilling Real Estate Other Watches Pulp Paper Press Engineering Locomotive Vertically integrated Focus in domestic market (India) Resources Financial Capital Managerial Expertise Business NetworkRead MoreHouse of Tata2835 Words  | 12 PagesThe Tata Group Managing a Conglomerate in an Emerging Market Environmental Analysis In 1991 the Indian government introduced a series of drastic reforms, liberalizing its government owned and controlled economy. 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Thursday, December 26, 2019
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Essay on Analyzing Communication Skills - 1740 Words
Stephen Covey (1990) recommends â€Å"Seek first to understand, then to be understood†(Irmsher, 2000). In order to interact with anyone, teachers, students, community members, family members and stakeholders, one must first understand where the person is coming from. When one listen to a person attentive that gives that person psychological air. Communicating is vital to being an effective educator. We communicate with others both verbally and nonverbal by eye to eye contact, gestures, body languages, and posture. Many problems arise because of poor communication among leaders. Self-awareness builds a positive school environment through effective communication skills by sending direct messages, feedback, and what is being communicated†¦show more content†¦I feel that they are communicating well in all categories but two communication styles need some improving. Both the school leaders and the poor communications agrees that active listening is vital to communication and without it much important information will be misunderstood or overlooked. The poor communicators scored low in active listening but do agree they need more training in order to become better listeners. A speaker can tell if someone is paying attention by the body movement, gestures, the way we sit, and the way we react to what is being delivered. Active listening built trust and respect, gives the other person a chance to release emotions, relieves tension, gathers information, and creates a collaborative environment for problem solving (Salem. 2003). By the survey one can see that both the leaders and the poor communications agree that nonverbal communication is more important than voice and words. Nonverbal communication is the foundation for a successful relationship and is the most effective communication skill. There are five roles that nonverbal communication plays: repetition, one will be able to repeat the message: contradiction, ones will be able to contradict the message they speaker is trying to convey; substitution, one can substitute the verbal message, for example, one eyes can covey completely different message than words; complementing, by adding aShow MoreRelatedFinancial Status Essay789 Words  | 4 Pagesstatus by comparing and analyzing actual results with plans and forecasts. Guides cost analysis process by establishing and enforcing policies and procedures; providing trends and forecasts; explaining processes and techniques; recommending actions. Improves financial status by analyzing results; monitoring variances; identifying trends; recommending actions to management. Reconciles Common Letter of Recommendation page 8 transactions by comparing and correcting data. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Napoleon And The French Revolution - 850 Words
August 15th, 1769, a date that to this day many do not remember, but remains one of the most defining periods in France s history, and certainly a date that bore significant implications in what was to become the French Revolution; for on this day was the birth of one of the most influential political figures in France s history, as well as an astute and daring military commander-- Napoleon Bonaparte. Little did his upper-middle class parents know that on that day their miracle would write the history books and become one of the most powerful military commanders and influential political figures in legal history. As aforementioned, Napoleon is considered to be one of thee greatest critical thinking military minds and strategists to have lived. Napoleon graced the French military with distinction, and it was his power and reputation that drove him on. Napoleon rose fairly quickly through the ranks, having been made commander of the French army at the age of 27 where he defeated the Austrians in an attempt to seek peace. Following this victory, France’s borders extended east towards the Rhine River as a result of Bonaparte’s negotiations over the Treaty of Campo Formio. Following the Coup D’Etar of 1799, Napoleon came to power. It is perhaps here, where Napoleon’s rise would begin to truly ingrain itself into history starting with his long lasting contribution of the Napoleonic Code, today known as the Civil Code. The Napoleonic Code was written at a time in historyShow MoreRelatedNapoleon And The French Revolution1349 Words  | 6 Pages With all the glory and the splendour that some countries may have experienced, never has history seen how only only one man, Napoleon, brought up his country France from its most tormented status, to the very pinnacle of its height in just a few years time. He was a military hero who won splendid land-based battles, which allowed him to dominate most of the European continent. He was a man with ambition, great self-control and calculation, a great strategist, a genius; whatever it was, he was simplyRead MoreNapoleon And The French Revolution1023 Words  | 5 PagesApril 2015 Napoleon and the French Revolution From 1789 to 1799, France saw its bloodiest and most violent time in its history. The people of France were fed up with the living conditions of their society and the requirements that their government continued to pile onto them. An unsatisfied society, more often than not, will lead a revolt of some kind, at some point. This period in history saw rise to power the infamous Napoleon Bonaparte, with his many trials and tribulations. Napoleon BonaparteRead MoreThe French Revolution: Napoleon Essay954 Words  | 4 Pages The French Revolution was a period of social and political turmoil in France from 1789 to 1799 that greatly affected modern and French history. It marked the decline of powerful monarchies and the rise of democracy, individual rights and nationalism. This revolution came with many consequences because of the strive for power and wealth, but also had many influential leaders attempting to initiate change in the French government and the economy. In 1789 the peo ple of France dismissed King Louis XVIRead MoreNapoleon Bonaparte And The French Revolution1133 Words  | 5 PagesThe French Revolution, a revolutionary movement of extensive social and political upheavals triggered by the dissatisfaction of the monarchy. Inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment, the Third Estate overthrew the monarchy and established many different governments and constitutions. These proved to be unhelpful and useless as anyone who came into power was blinded by it and became unreliable until Napoleon Bonaparte. Born as the fourth child of the Bonaparte, Napoleon grew up desiring to beRead MoreNapoleon Bonaparte and The French Revolution2105 Words  | 8 PagesNapoleon and The French revolution Napoleon Bonaparte was a visionary to some, and a ruthless ruler to others. The purpose of the French revolution was to free the oppressed and stop the bloodshed that was occurring in France. The real question is whether Napoleon was the legitimate heir to the visions of the French revolution. Napoleon was in essence a very powerful man that took control of France but threw out many of the ideals of the French Revolution. His actions during his takeover whereRead MoreNapoleon Bonaparte And The French Revolution1189 Words  | 5 PagesNapoleon Bonaparte is remembered as a more significant ruler who redefined the history of not only France but also Europe, and the world at large. Interestingly, he went about realizing his objectives by both continuing and breaking from the aims of the revolutionary predecessors. His battleground was critical to determine his prowess by either supporting or opposing the path that had been laid before him. Napoleon made tremendous contributions towards changing the political structure of FranceRead MoreNapoleon Bonaparte And The French Revolution1481 Words  | 6 Pages Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), also known as Napoleon I, was a French military leader and emperor who was determined and had strong ambition the helped him conquer most of Europe in just 30 years. He rapidly rose to power through promoti ons during the French revolution (1789-1799). After gaining power in France he crowned himself the emperor in 1804. He was an ambitious and skillful militant how staged war against various coalitions of European nations and expanded the French empire howeverRead MoreThe French Revolution And The Rise Of Napoleon1806 Words  | 8 Pagesinvestigation explores the question: How did Napoleon Bonaparte gain power and what improvements did he create in France during his reign? During Napoleon’s reign, he had made changes to the education system along with the changes he made in the French government. This investigation focuses on the post-French Revolution period and Napoleon’s rise to power. An evaluation of the first source will be on John C. Davenport’s The French Revolution and the Rise of Napoleon, published in 2011. The origin of thisRead MoreNapoleon and The French Revolution, Questions and Answers1767 Words  | 7 PagesNo one can deny that Napoleon was a great leader, and can be considered one of the greatest in history. He accomplished many goals in his life, and completely changed the face of Europe in less than two decades. Napoleon would have never been able to accomplish these goals though, if the French Revolution had not taken place. Being born a foreigner, Napoleon was only able to rise to power, because of government reforms and his successful military service. In many ways, Napoleon owes his fortune toRead MoreNapoleon s Influence On The French Revolution1163 Words  | 5 PagesNapoleon had many impacts on the French Revolution between 1797 and 1815, due to his commanding of his military. Napoleon had many Political, and Military impacts on the French revolution. Military general and first emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, in Ajaccio, Corsica, France. One of the most celebrated leaders in the history of the West, he revolutionised military organization and training, sponsored Napoleonic Code, reorganised education and established the long-lived
Friday, December 13, 2019
Physics Viewed As Difficult Subject Education Essay Free Essays
Chapter 2.0 2.1 Introduction Presents, the research workers are concern about the involvement of pupils in larning Physicss, as it is unhappily diminishing. We will write a custom essay sample on Physics Viewed As Difficult Subject Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now As a research worker semen pedagogues, they would non wish this to go on. So they try to accommodate new manner of instruction and do the schoolroom go more piquant, originative and interacting with the pupils. The research findings are based on literature reappraisal demoing that pupils have troubles on conceptual apprehension in Physics. What are the causes that make pupils dislike Physicss? How is Physics being taught in Brunei Science Education? Furthermore, this subdivision will besides include ways to work out this job, on how teacher need to alter their instructional attack such as improvizing learning manner i.e. be more synergistic in heightening pupils ‘ better apprehension in Physicss with the aid of information and communicating engineering ( ICT ) such as Synergistic simulation. It besides include a reappraisal on how effectual is ICT and synergistic simulation in Physics instruction can be in pupils ‘ apprehension and acquisition. Likewise, attitude of the pupils besides play critical function in their accomplishment of that peculiar topics. Other surveies will besides include on how ICT or synergistic simulation can act upon their attitude towards larning Science will be included. Simulations have been around practically since the coming of computing machines, and research workers have been looking at schoolroom utilizations of simulations for over 20 old ages. We want to see the effectivity of computing machine simulations for back uping scientific discipline instruction and acquisition and foregrounding ways that simulations can be best used to make so. ( Smetana, 2000 ) Computer simulations help the lesson to be more synergistic, reliable, and give meaningful larning chances possible to pupils. Learners can detect, explore, recreate, and have immediate feedback about existent objects, phenomena, and processes that would otherwise be excessively complex, time-consuming, or unsafe. ( Smetana, 2000 ) Even though the computing machine simulations can non replace scientific discipline schoolroom and research lab activities wholly but they offer assorted advantage in footings of pupils originative thought and enquiry accomplishments. ( Sahin, 2006 ) . With the aid of computing machine simulation besides, it can assist explicate the inside informations of what go on in such as atom motions of solid atoms where it truly difficult to visualise in existent life. ( Blake A ; Scanlon, 2007 ) 2.2 Brunei Education Systems: SPN21 In 2009, instruction system in Brunei had reformed to SPN21 instruction system where the end is to supply holistic instruction for pupils and to accomplish the fullest potency for all in the close hereafter. Harmonizing to Yussof, ( 2012 ) , cited in SPN21 Curriculum more balanced, 2012, SPN21 provide quality instruction for all to fix the young person for their hereafter grownup functions as capable and originative thought citizens who can lend to society. In add-on to that, Masdi, ( 2008 ) besides emphasized that Science and engineering is important in developing a competitory economic system and prolonging a state ‘s development ( SPN21 to hold new scientific discipline course of study, 2008 ) Harkirat, ( 2006 ) stated that the manner the instructor Teach scientific discipline in Brunei are largely traditional method i.e. chalk and talk. Furthermore, the instructors felt advantageous in learning this manner as this can understate the schoolroom subject as the pupils are busy copying notes from the white board. As a consequences, post accomplishment of this type of learning method shows really small betterment. ( Dhindsa, 2006 ) Surveies made by Pengiran Jadid, ( 2007 ) found out that 185 instructors ‘ learning manner in secondary school turned out to be reasonably traditional i.e. they taught the pupils with auditory and ocular method nevertheless some of the pupils would non preferred this method. ( Bostrom* , 2011 ) . In SPN21 instruction course of study, learning methods need to be alteration to accomplish with the ends. Rahman, ( 2011 ) stated that one of the instructors that join Leadership in Educational Programme ( LEP ) stating that school instructors were told to seek to use new and advanced methods of learning to assist the students cope with the execution of the twenty-first Century National Education System ( SPN21 ) . This encouraged the pupil to transport out their most suited or preferable manner of larning such as researching on the Internet. This will decrease the pupil ‘s dependence on the pedagogues while they learn at their ain comfy pace.A ( Jong, 2011 ) 2.3 Physics viewed as hard topic Harmonizing Abdul Qadeer Soomro, ( 2011 ) pupils find Physics as one of the debatable countries within the field of scientific discipline. Reason for this is that instructors taught Physics traditional direction. This magnetizes fewer scholars than other field of scientific discipline topics. William ( 2003 ) , province that the major general grounds for happening Physicss uninteresting are that it is seen as hard and irrelevant particularly female pupils. The worsening figure of pupils taking to take Physicss during their farther surveies continues to be a cause for concern for scientific and educational communities around the universe. ( Defty, 2006 ) Students find Physics hard as they have to postulate with different representations such as experiments, expressions and computations, graphs and conceptual account at the same clip. Harmonizing to Redish ( 1994 ) , he explains why pupils describe Physics as hard: Physicss as a subject requires scholars to use a assortment of methods of understanding and to paraphrase from one to the other, covering with tabular arraies of Numberss, graphs, equations, diagrams and maps. Physicss besides requires the ability to utilize algebra and geometry which relate to mathematics topics. This makes larning Physicss peculiarly hard for many pupils particularly those pupils who do non like to job resolution. Muhall, et Al, ( 2001 ) besides added that particularly in electricity and magnetic attraction as instructor find it hard to present this lesson as they barely show what truly traveling on inside a circuit particularly. Electricity is a peculiar job, as it involves highly complex and extremely abstract constructs and therefore wholly dependent on theoretical accounts so that pupils could easy visualise and understand the constructs. In order to make these, ICT can assist teacher in explicating the hard abstract. 2.4 ICT in Physics Education The rapid alteration in development of Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ) has made important impact in transforming many facets particularly education in general and higher instruction in peculiar. It is besides significantly importance for the instructors to understand the accomplishments and cognition required in utilizing ICT peculiarly in Physics instruction. ICT alteration instructors ‘ function from spoon feeding the information to pupils to ease pupils to research new information. ( Lubis, et al 2011 ) In order to guarantee that pupils are competent in the country of larning engineerings, instructors tend to alter their attitude and present new ICT tools and engineerings into their Physics categories. ( Jarosievitz, n.d. ) Besides that, surveies done by Tasouris, ( 2009 ) , instructors in Cyprus thinks that with the aid of ICT in Physics instruction pupils can research in-depths the hard constructs, motivate pupils and heighten their scientific apprehension by researching the alive images in synergistic simulation for case. ICT besides enhanced active acquisition among the pupils. They can work on existent life jobs in deepnesss and most significantly doing larning less abstract. With ICT besides encourage collaborative acquisition in footings of interaction and cooperation among instructors and pupils. Unlike static-text and print based text books, with ICT pupils can really see what really happens in certain phenomena for illustration motion of inactive charges in stuffs. Quite figure of surveies has stated that technology-rich acquisition environment has a positive impact on pupil acquisition. Surveies conducted by Fraser, B A ; Aldridge, J, ( 2003 ) which look intoing whether results, focused and ICT rich larning environment promote pupil accomplishment, attitudes towards capable, attitudes to utilize of ICT and academic efficaciousness. They found out that surely technology-rich larning environment has a positive and important consequence on pupil acquisition, attitudes towards capable, attitudes to computing machine usage and academic efficaciousness. With that engineering assisted direction truly helps pupils to develop a conceptual apprehension of abstract representation of physical scientific discipline as it emphasizes simulation, visual image, life, etc. Hence, to heighten pupils ‘ deeper mental imagination ( Fisher, D, 2003 ) 2.5 Effective instructional attacks: Traditional Teaching Style vs. Interactive Simulation Effective instruction must include two major constituent i.e. teacher directing out information, and pupils receive and exchange feedback. Major job presents is instructors still comfy of utilizing chalk and speak as their instructional attack. This is because they do non hold clip as they were pressured to complete up course of study and continue rapidly to boring alteration. Brunei instruction system is largely assessment based. This influenced the instructor to merely learn and hotfoot to finish the course of study content without even acknowledge whether the pupils really grasp the construct. To avoid this, ICT is introduced as one of the instruction tools that might assist pupils in their acquisition and made instructors ‘ life easier in footings of explicating hard construct in Physics peculiarly. One of the ICT tools that happen to be truly assisting teacher account better is synergistic simulation. Teacher can really utilize synergistic simulation in on-line site for case Phet. Phet stands for Physics instruction engineering, where the instructors from other state come up with synergistic simulation in each topic and portion to other instructor where they can download it and accommodate it to the schoolroom. The suite includes over 50 research-based simulations that span the course of study of introductory Physics every bit good as sample subjects from advanced Physicss and chemical science. ( Perkins, et al. , 2006 ) The synergistic simulation are free and does non necessitate to utilize cyberspace services. This simulations are designed to be extremely synergistic, prosecuting and do unfastened larning environment in the schoolroom that provided alive feedback to the pupils as good. This simulation supply instructor and pupils higly ocular, dynamic representations of Physics constructs. Furthermore, the simulations seek to construct expressed Bridgess between pupils ‘ mundane apprehension of the worl and the implicit in physical rules. For illustrat ion in electrostatic, utilizing simulation as the theoretical account to explicate the inactive charges truly behave if initiation or conductivity bear downing apply to the stuff etc. Alessi A ; Trollip S.R. , ( 1991 ) defined simulation in instruction as a powerful technique that gave pupils some facet of the universe by retroflexing or copying it. The simulations besides allow pupils to interact with it in a similar mode to the manner they would respond in existent state of affairss. Students besides play an reliable function transporting out complex undertakings with the simulations. Simulation incorporate an engaging and synergistic attack in the schoolroom as it is more towards pupil centred acquisition. This allows the pupil to research, be funny and generate critical thought. It besides helps developing in constructivism as pupils learn by constructing on their anterior apprehension through a series of geographic expeditions. This besides ignites the pupils ‘ involvement in happening out new things in certain subjects. Furthermore, this aid teacher to explicate the microscopic with the designed theoretical account available. Simulation can be used non merely in schoolroom but besides in research lab. Where instructors can utilize it to put up the experiments that are took clip to put up, or even the practical that is really unsafe to make. ( Noah Finkelstein, 2006 ) Figure 1 and figure 2 below are illustrations of synergistic simulation that can be used in the schoolroom. Figure 1: Simulation on Kinematicss and Energy Figure 2: Simulation on Force applied Harmonizing to Bozkurt A ; Ilik, ( 2010 ) it has been seen that the groups who study with computing machine simulations are more successful than those who study with traditional methods. In add-on, the analysis that has been made sing beliefs of the groups shows that the instruction methods play a function on pupils ‘ beliefs. With the aid of a powerful simulation many of Physics topics which are hard to learn and present can be made simpler and clearer harmonizing to Zacharia A ; Anderson, ( 2003 ) . In Shirley Pasion Caday research, the survey reveals that there is a important difference between the average pre-test tonss and average post-tests tonss of the experimental group in the trial on scientific discipline constructs. She besides concluded that computing machine simulation experiment is an effectual tool to capture the involvement of pupils toward the acquisition of Physics as a topic. ( Caday, 2004 ) Research workers analyzing the usage of simulations in the schoolroom have reported positive findings overall. Studies done by Kulik, ( 2002 ) computing machine simulations can be effectual in developing content cognition and procedure accomplishments, every bit good as assisting advancing enquiry and conceptual alteration. It besides helps pupil gained understanding and achievement capable countries, for case Physics. Harmonizing to Ajmian A ; Fatim ( 2007 ) survey, the understanding per centum in the pupils ‘ larning utilizing multimedia oriented package is much higher, and the consequences are promoting. With synergistic simulation it can better pupils ‘ visual image and particularly in assisting pupils to see construction in phenomena and processes that are traditionally ‘invisible ‘ to pupils i.e. a procedure that can non be seen by bare oculus ‘small procedure ‘ i.e. motion of protons or even ‘big procedure ‘ i.e. motion of Earth as stated by Lindgren A ; Schwartz, ( 2009 ) . On top of that, with the aid of synergistic simulation it can rectify pupils ‘ misconception in Physics. However, synergistic simulation still can non replace existent research labs as pupils truly necessitate the scientific discipline accomplishment procedure ( psychomotor sphere ) in making the experiments. However, the usage of synergistic simulation gives pupils the thoughts of what to anticipate in existent research lab experiments hence, Choi A ; Genarro, ( 1987 ) province that simulations work best and effectual if the experiments require cognitive interaction. 2.6 Students ‘ attitudes and achievement towards larning Physicss Students ‘ attitude is likely to play critical function in any satisfactory account of their public presentation in schools which is suggested by Schunk A ; Hanson, ( 1985 ) . Harmonizing to Hendrickson, ( 1997 ) , attitudes are the best forecaster for appraisal of pupils ‘ success. One survey had been done in Turkey where they indicate that scheme direction can act upon the attitude towards larning Physics. In Mehmet, ( 2009 ) survey, he provides some grounds which indicates the correlativity of positive-ness of pupils ‘ attitudes towards scientific discipline with instructional scheme in Physics. Equally long as instructor avoided traditional attack in their instruction, this will increase pupils ‘ involvement and more positive towards the topic. It is realized that Physics is non a popular topic among the pupils and is regarded as hard. If the instructor taught in traditional instruction manner, pupils are prone to memorise the expression for tests since t hey do non follow the Physics constructs in the schoolroom. Therefore, traditional Physics categories frequently result in pupil failures and negative attitudes towards the topic. ( Mehmet Sahin, 2009 ) Ogunlele, W ( 1993 ) in his surveies besides stated that many pupils developed negative attitudes towards Physics acquisition as a consequence of the fact that instructors are unable to fulfill their aspiration or ends or even their wonder in Physics subjects. Another interesting survey done by Onyinye A ; Okereke, ( 2012 ) their research showed that pupils negative attitude towards Physics were due to, instructors non leting pupils to execute practical separately because of deficient equipment in the research labs in other words non plenty hands-on experience. Students felt that they have lack motive for category battle. ( Erylmaz, 2011 ) . It is good known that negative attitude towards a certain capable makes acquisition or future-learning of the pupils hard. Therefore, Guzel, ( 2004 ) emphasized that developing pupils ‘ positive attitudes towards scientific discipline lessons is the most of import intent of scientific discipline instruction. Most research workers agreed on how attitude of pupils towards certain capable might act upon their ulterior public presentation or accomplishment in their acquisition. The more negative pupils ‘ position or involvement towards the topic, it will do pupils non to execute better in their survey. Fraser, B A ; Aldridge, J, ( 2003 ) reveal that pupil academic accomplishment is positively correlated to the pupils ‘ perceptual experiences of the acquisition environment. 2.7 Drumhead The literature reappraisal suggested that, with the aid of ICT and synergistic simulation, these can assist to better Science instruction. In which it can assist teacher to explicate abstract things better. Students will understand more, clear out misconception and avoid rote larning finally. Teacher besides bear in head that to integrate utilizations of ICT in pupils larning, non merely utilizing ICT in explicating but allowing the pupils use the ICT in order to research new things and being synergistic in the schoolroom. This will do the schoolroom more to pupils centred. In the hereafter, hopefully with the appropriate and changeless usage of ICT and synergistic simulation in schools might develop pupils with rich ICT accomplishments in order to carry through state ‘s vision in 2035. How to cite Physics Viewed As Difficult Subject Education Essay, Essay examples
Monday, December 9, 2019
Principles of Financial Market Telga and Syntonic Companies
Question: Describe about the Principles of Financial Market for Telga and Syntonic Companies. Answer: Introduction The core aim of this report is to give a financial analysis of Tata Companies group in conjunction with Talga and Syntonic companies. Tata group is a global enterprise comprises of more than one hundred companies and associate partners like Syntonic and Talga. While Talga deals with production and processing of graphite, Syntonic Company provides communication services such as mobile phones and data to various consumers. Tata is linked to ASX through these two enterprises. By giving a brief history of the company, the report will identify the relationship between Tata, Talga and syntonic and acquire their details as per ASX. This history will also help in determining the companys present status and factors that are likely to affect directional changes in the value of the company and hence, its share price. Through the Top-down analysis, the report will describe Tata from a broader perspective (macroeconomics trend) regarding annual revenue, market, and GDP and relate it to setline co mpanies by making comparisons (Vyatkina et al., 2016). From a Bottom-up analysis, the report will intend to air the microeconomic progress picture of Tata from Talga and Syntonic view (Kleinnijenhuis et al., 2016). Here, most of the analysis will be based on steel/graphite and communication companies rather than Tata as a whole. Bottom-up analysis and the Top Down analysis will be given through measurements of accounting ratios and the overall performance of Tata. Introduction to the Industry The chosen company is Tata enterprise group, an international company founded in 1868 by Jamsetji Tata. The Tata enterprise consists of more than 100 companies operate independently. However, these associated companies are served by one headquarter located in India. Tata umbrella extends to over 100 nations uniformly distributed on the six continents. Notably, the chief investment that holds the company is Tata Sons. This principle investor is also the leading promoter of Tata enterprises. Approximately 66% of capital equity share from Tata Sons is raised by the philanthropic trust; it supports social services amenities such as healthcare, livelihood generation and education. Others include culture and art (Gooptu, 2016). In 2015-2016 financial year, a combined revenue of Tata group is $ 103 billion. Despite being under the same headquarter, each enterprise functions independently under the management, guidance, and supervision of private shareholders and board of directors. Tata group of companies has 29 businesses that are listed publicly with a general capitalization of $ 116 billion, imposing a US$ value of 62.5 on the enterprise (DAMODARAN, 2011). In respect to scale, significantly, some of the known Tata groups are Tata Steel, Tata Teleservices, Titan, India Hotels, Tata Motors, Tata Chemicals and Tata power (Tata Steel Group SWOT Analysis, 2014). In its operations, factors that are likely to influence directional changes in the value are politics, demands of stakeholders and the process environment (DD HARLEY PERFORMANCE KITS, 2009). These factors can be managed through appropriate strategies. Strategically, Tata group has extended links to Syntonic and Talga Graphene who are both listed on ASX under recognitions SYT and Talga respectively. Talga Graphene Talga is a resources limited company dealing with graphite and development of graphite. It also entails exploration and production of graphite. Operation segments of Talga Resource Company comprise of evaluation and graphite exploration in Sweden, prospecting and assessment of gold in Australia, and graphite research and development in Germany. The companys graphite investment projects include Jalkunen, Pajala, Vittangi and Raitajarvi. Talga Company also owns two iron ore investments namely; Vittangi and Masugnsbyn, (Montgomery, 2014). Besides, it has around four gold projects in the western part of Australia. In recent news, Talga Resource Limited came in partnership with Tata group; it signed a collaboration contract with Tata Steel Uk Limited to partner in exploration and supply of graphite (Haldipur, Singh, and Vishwanath, 2015). In the same line of partnership, the two companies would engage in processing and application. About Talga and Tata Steel, paint and coating market spen ds more than 40 million tons of raw materials per year while focusing on the use of 52 million tons in next year (Tata Steel Group SWOT Analysis, 2016). In approximate, this project is intended to spend $ 186 billion. Furthermore, the objective of the bulk of the market is to manage corrosion for an estimate made a cost of US $ 2.2 trillion or a yearly 3% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Tata Steel Group, 2015). Talgas work with Tata Steel has demonstrated that incorporation of graphite in coating offers high-performance mechanisms of preventing corrosions (Tata Steel Group SWOT Analysis, 2016). Besides, their products are environmental friendly hence, imposes a strong drive in creating anti-corrosion innovation. Syntonic Syntonic is an international wireless company founded in 2013, headquartered in Bellevue, Washington. The syntonic company is committed to dealing with the production of mobile and other communication technology services (Nott, 2016). The company provides connection services to apps and cell phones. Besides, Syntonic also offer DataFlex; a device that eases communication services by lowering mobile costs advances business intelligence and enhancement of network security. DataFlex operator also facilitates the access to websites reducing mobile data charges. To enhance communication further, which resulted in revenue increment by 50% (Forbes, 2000). In their partnership, the two companies have agreed to promote their collaboration with the license of syntonic communication technologies to attract an estimate of 23 billion US dollars market opportunities on data. To strengthen their partnership, Syntonic has given Tata perpetual global license entitling the former to offer data services through the use of a label of syntonic version. This agreement transformed Tatas yearly subscription to a perpetual license including annual maintenance and a one-time license conversion payments. This shift from subscription to a continued license is expected to impose an impact of the reduction of short-term debt and at the same time more than 50% fees on long-term. Globally, Tata communication network together with Syntonic makes access to around 240 nations and territories resulting in 99.7% of the globes GDP (ARUN KUMAR and MEENAKSHI, 2011). This statistics transforms into millions of business operating to serve billions of people across the world. Mission Statement Tata, through its satellite companies and partners; Syntonic and Talga, works jointly with a mission of changing lives of communities and people that are reached by their services. In combination, Talga and Tata's vision have an idea of redefining performance parameters and becoming the global steel and graphite benchmark for creating value and corporative citizenship. In their mission statement, the company strives to use materials and personnel effectively to transform the global industry. On the other hand, Tata communicating together with Syntonic states categorically in their mission to invent the world's next biggest idea in communication technology; an idea that is meant to make communication more effective than never. Top-down Analysis This segment of the report entails analysis of Tata Group macroeconomic performance and hence drawing a picture of how the base looks economic-wise (Tvardovskiy et al., 2015). The performance is based on Tatas GPD, interest rates, and annual revenue. Historically, top-down analysis of Tata states it had an annual revenue of US$ 62.5 dollars. In the current financial year, the groups enterprise have a capitalization of $ 116 billion. For example, Tatas financial firm, Brand Finance which is based in the United Kingdome valued the groups brand at $ 11.4 billion resulting in a 57th position as far as top 100 global brands are concerned. Being a multinational company, Tata enterprise operations are stretched in seven sectors which have earned the companys outstanding respect, especially in the motherland, India. Having 27 publicly listed companies with a combined market capital of $ 60 billion and 3.2 million shareholder base, Tatas progress in the line of business is evident. Tata also has various types of loans which are subjected to favorable interest rates. For example, any loan applied online by salaried customers attracts a current interest rate of 9.45%. Loans including or up to a Rs. 1.5 Crs is a subjected to interest rates of 9.50 to 9.55 %. This type of loan includes other customers who are not salaried. It also applies to loans over Rs. 1.5 Crs which are determined an interest rate ranging between 9.50% - 9.60%. In respect to Tata and other related industry in India, customer inflation is likely to continue hence, create Monetary Policy that eases interest rates for customers (Cormier, 2005). As growth is expected from the evident interest rates, 50 bps rate is set to be provided in the current financial year. Therefore, the interest rates will be lowered gradually. Talga and Tata Steel, paint and coating market spends more than 40 million tons of raw materials per year while focusing on the use of 52 million tons in next year. In approximate, this project is intended to spend $ 186 billion. Furthermore, the objective of the bulk of the market is to manage corrosion for an estimated cost of US $ 2.2 trillion or a yearly 3% of GDP (PAUL, 2010). Talgas work with Tata Steel has demonstrated that incorporation of graphite in coating offers high-performance mechanisms of preventing corrosions. Besides, their products are environmental friendly hence, imposes a strong drive in creating anti-corrosion innovation. The GDP analysis places Tata somewhere significant enough to affects Indias GDP. As a group company, Tata enterprises exert about GDP of 358, 793 hence, contributes firmly in the 16% of the states GPD held by top five businesses in India. This performance reflects how the satellite companies such as Tata Steel in conjunction with Talga, and Tata Teleservic es and Syntonic are performing. Therefore, the top economic picture is determined by the performance of the base. Bottom-up analysis In this section, the paper investigates Tata from a lower perspective by giving a macroeconomic picture (Byeon et al., 2016). This entails discussing its steel and telecommunication companies which have recently sign contracts to Talga and Syntonic respectively. Therefore, the economic analysis is based on the performance of these two partnerships which will hence, be used to reflect on the transformation of the overall firm (Siemann, Herrmann, and Galashan, 2016). Tatas mineral industry dominated by Tata Steel recorded financial delivery of 3.5 MT and 6.94MT for 2016 fiscal year and quarter respectively. The companys turnover was approximately Rs 117,152 and Rs 29,508 scores for the same year and quarter respectively. Recently, the firm has stated an equity dividend declaration of Rs 8 per share. Despite working in a relatively muted market, the mining company was able to achieve a recommendable strong growth quarter. Therefore, this reflects that when the market operations are smoo th, broad and effective, more revenue would be attracted to the company. Furthermore, the companys strong growth is portrayed through the extreme sale in automotive and unique product marketing which reached as high as 1.45 MT. About the global firms performance, these record contributed around 15% of the companys targeted transformation. Therefore, the mineral sector is significant; its activities should be made more efficient to boost Tatas transformation. The partnership with Talga will help in acquiring more shares and reach more markets. To sum up, a partnership between Tata Steel and Talga is a contributor to the Tatas revenue, GDP and hence, global transformation. From a bottom-up analysis, the industry contributes around 15% of Tatas revenue. Communication is one of the areas in which Tata group invest substantially. Recently, Tata Telecommunication Company has come in partnership with Synoptic to enhance communication in the world by offering communication services through mobile phones, mobile data, and related services. Based on history, NTT DoCoMo, a giant telecommunication company in Japan picked approximately 26% equity from Tata Telecommunication for around 130.7 billion, equivalent to 1.9 billion US dollars. The Tatas communication business have not been successful as such; it intended to sell 100% of their shares due to a loss of 1.3 billion US dollars. This loss can give a poor transformation picture for the entire company. However, by a partnership with Synoptic the company aims at stretching its market to enhance performance productivity. However, this implies that the firm is the telecommunication industry is not as productive as other businesses hence; Tata group should make little investments in this partic ular business. To sum up, this bottom-up analysis shows that Tata groups transformation depends on in the performance of lower companies such as steel and communication enterprises. On viewing the mining industry (steel), a sound is projected; it contributes around 15% of the groups revenue. Therefore, the firm should utilize its investment if this industry. However, the bottom-up analysis carried on the telecommunication services reveal that Tata benefits the least from the industry; hence, it should invest minimally in this very company. However, its partnership with Synoptic helps it to maximize its shares, access more markets which in turn can be of revenue benefit. Summary This report has taken a financial analysis of Tata Companies group in conjunction with Talga and Synoptic companies. The report identified Tata as a global enterprise comprising of more than 100. In recent partnership, the team has stretched links to Synoptic and Talga to enhance its productivity in telecommunication and mining respectively. By giving Top down analysis, the report observed that Tata as a group makes 99.7% of the globes GDP and recording annual revenue of-of US$ 62.5. The company has also established distinct interest rates; any loan applied online by salaried customers, attracts a current interest rate of 9.45%. Loans including or up to a Rs. 1.5 Crs is a subjected to interest rates of 9.50 to 9.55 %. Currently, Tata has $AUD value of $2850 AUD. In its business operations, several factors influence directional changes in value and its share price. Factors include legal systems, defined expectations of various stakeholders and politics. In response, the company has established appropriate strategies such as innovation and environmental strategies to ensure that the value affordability is maintained. Through the top-down analysis, the project has analyzed the Tata from a macroeconomic perspective, revealing that Tata is in a significant economic position; it exert about GDP of 358, 793 hence, contributes firmly in the 16% of the states GPD. The paper went further to analyze Tata from a microeconomic angle, bottom-up analysis. By so doing, satellite companies of the group i.e. Tata Steel and Tata Teleservices and their current partners Talga and Synoptic respectively. Relating with ASX, these partners were intended to give partial data for the benefit of the report. The bottom-up analysis showed that more investment should be m ade in the mining industry than on communication because the former contributes more revenue to the company than the latter. The report finalized by providing a recommendation of operation transformation benefit as stated bellow. Recommendations The performance of Tata is recommendable. However, it is supposed to double or triple if possible, or at worst remain consistent not unless the company realizes its mission. Therefore, the following are a financial recommendation that might hold the organizations performance. To begin with, the company should blend top-down, and bottom-up analysis approaches to boost the general performance of the firm. Using a top-down analysis to transform the overall programs and planning of the company (Byeon et al., 2015). Through top-down analysis, the company will identify areas that need to be adjusted. Such areas include reducing or increasing costs of productions depending on the trend in sales, improving revenue, or even combining business and financial ratios to ensure that the companys performance is a value adding activity (KAZMI and KAZMI, 2008). Even though this approach may appear time wastage, but the very fast effort that is taken to analyze the company through this method helps related bodies such as banks to assist in defining a realistic transformation plan for the firm. In this respect, banks, in particular, can come in and trace the base level program from factors that lie at the top hence, assist in by setting appropriate direction that the firm should take to boost its performance. The top-down analysis eases the creation of appropriate plans, effectively enough to improve intervention areas and transform initiatives. On the other hand, bottom-up analysis enables the firm to have a real check of the organization (Kleinnijenhuis et al., 2016). This approach unearths problems and related hindering factors that can be adjusted to enable the realization of the targeted transformation. It provides driving objectives and integrated approach that can be used to plan and implement comprehensive programs within the organization. Therefore, it is recommendable for Tata to utilize the two types of methods for determining the transformation of the firm; use of top-down analysis should be accompanied by bottom-up analysis to act as a supplement. The second recommendation is the elimination of inefficiencies to find the root of challenges that exists within the firm. Getting a solution to the substantial challenges such as poor planning at the base enables the company to determine key areas whose interventions can add value. About the top-down analysis technique, the Tata group will be able to classify the base of inefficiencies and take appropriate actions after that. Appropriate measures include forging links that are likely to miss between business operations and financial performance that determines the firms revenue and GDP. References ARUN KUMAR, MEENAKSHI, N. (2011).Marketing management. Noida, Vikas Publishing House. Byeon, S, Kim, J, Lee, J, Chung, B, Seo, H, Moon, M. (2015). Top-down and bottom-up lipidomic analysis of rabbit lipoproteins under different metabolic conditions using flow field-flow fractionation, nanoflow liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry', Journal Of Chromatography. A, 1405, pp. 140-148, MEDLINE, EBSCOhost, viewed 21 September 2016. Cormier, R. (2005). Online-only existence impresses customers', Aftermarket Business, 115, 9, p. 1, MasterFILE Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 21 September 2016. DAMODARAN, A. (2011).Applied corporate finance. Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley Sons DD HARLEY PERFORMANCE KITS. (2009). Dealernews, 45, 11, p. 66, MasterFILE Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 21 September 2016. Forbes, N. (2000). 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Thursday, December 5, 2019
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight utilizes the conve Essay Example For Students
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight utilizes the conve Essay ntion of the French-influenced romance. What sets this work apart from regular Arthurian or chivalric romances is the poets departure from this convention. The clearest departure takes place at the resolution of the piece as the hero, Sir Gawain, is stricken with shame and remorse rather than modest knightly pride, even after facing what appears to be certain death and returning to his king alive and well. Although this manner of closure would leave much to be desired for an audience who is interested in reading a ridigly conventional romance, the coexistence of the romantic convention with the departure from it inspires questions concerning why the author would choose to work within such guidelines and what the significance is of breaching those guidelines. By employing the chivalric convention in romantic literature and then going beyond it to reveal other ways of thinking, the writer challenges the very notion of chivalric conventions of the surrounding social climate. He demonstrates throughout the work a need for balance. As symbolied by the pentangle worn by Sir Gawain, representing the balanced points of chivalric virture, each being codependent of the other in order to remain a whole, the narrative could be considered as a What accompanies an appreciation for the seemingly sudden shift from the typical romance at the end of the piece is the raised awareness that the change does only seem to be sudden. Careful exlporation of the plot, setting, and character descriptions illuminates several deviations from the established convention of the ideal society existing within the text. The effect is then a type of balancing act blah blah blah The opening of the piece sets a fairly typical stage for an Anthurian romance, giving relevant historical and geographical information. King Arthurs court is going on as it is expected to be within the social constructs, merrily feasting and celebrating the Christmas holiday. The entrance of the Green Knight into Arthurs court marks a significant He is a courtly figure from their recognizable world. He appears as a knight ought to appear: tall, handsome, and fashionably dressed; however, the Green Knights adherence to the conventions of the court is offset by his departure from that world. He has very unfashionable long hair and a beard; and, most noticably, he and the horse accompaning him are a stunning color green. The author brings to question what his motives are by juxtaposing his possession of holly, a sign of peaceful intent, with the monstrous axe he weilds. The fusion of human and supernatural characteristics add to the ambiguity of the piece, the balance between conventional and non-conventional, and give the first sign that the construction of the narrative is dependent on this balance. The match: a game, yet implies death Arthur swings with the temperment and yet nothing happens. The response of the Green Knight is completely passive. When Gawain intervenes, it can be seen in two ways, that he is intervening with the courtly manner of a true knight of the Round Table, or with an implied criticism of Arthur for involving himself in such a challenge and on the court for letting this to take place. This brings about questions of the reputation of the Round Table and of the truth of the chivalric nature of the knights in the court. .
Monday, December 2, 2019
REFORESTATION The Purpose Of This Written Report Is To Inform The Read
REFORESTATION The purpose of this written report is to inform the reader about the concerns and facts involved with reforestation. Reforestation began in Ontario after World War II. What happened was, professional foresters were assigned to an area and became responsible for its well being. Under the Crown Timber Act, long term management was prepared. Then the many steps needed to rebuild a forest began. Included in this report will be information on the effects of cutting and replanting, such as Carbon Dioxide, and Global Warming. Following this will be methods for planning a forest, and how they are conveyed before planting in a forest begins. There are many reasons why forests are cut down. One is to benefit economically, with furniture and home building. But there is also another reason. Arguments say "the United States could help slow the atmospheric accumulation of carbon dioxide by replacing old-growth forests with faster-growing young trees". A new study of young and old forests says how this is in fact not true. Loggers have said that new trees pull the carbon dioxide better than old trees, and this may seem true, but it is not. There is one point being overlooked from all of this. The older, larger trees can store much, much more carbon dioxide than a new tree could. By cutting and burning these magnificent seasoned trees, the CO2 is being released back into the atmosphere. These releases of carbon dioxide add up in our surroundings, only to intensify Global Warming. Although this shows what happens when one burns and cuts down old forests, one must still plant new trees for long term plans, not letting them grow for a few years, to then cut them down. There are many methods for planning a forest. The simplest method of replanting a forest is to leave it to nature. A suitable seed bed in which trees will readily take root is integral for successful regeneration. Reducing competition by eliminating grass, weed or shrubs is another requirement in s ecuring a new crop of trees. These will sprout to produce seedlings. Though the weeds were eliminated before, they still grow back, and because of this poor, quality trees will grow. Another method though, is to create a planned forest, where new conifers are grown from seed in a special nursery. Seeding is a reforestation technique used mainly in the Boreal forest area where fire or logging tends to leave no or very little seeds for growth. In specific cases, Ministry staff seed the area with treated tree seeds. Following this is the planting. In many cases, planting is the only means of initiating a new forest. Up to 80 000 000 trees are planted annually in Ontario on Crown and private land. Usually immature forests have to be tended to. Once situated, a new crop needs intermittent care for the next 60 to 100 years. This means continuing protection from fires, disease and insects and routine thinning to focus the growth on selected crop trees. Before a forest can be grown, certai n procedures must first occur. Collecting and processing seeds is one of them. Tree flowers fertilized by blowing winds or insects generate seed, in a time of somewhere within 1 to 2 years. Seed collecting from the woods must be timed with periodically occurring good seed years. Angus, near Barrie, is where all forest tree seed collection is co-ordinated. Stock of seeds can value up to $500 000. Usually this is around 3 billion seeds from 59 tree classes. In summary of the aforesaid, trees are very valuable to the human race economically and for health. Without trees the environment could worsen to the point where we would be living on one large dessert. We must remember that forest do not grow as easily as they used to because of fires and other disasters. This is why many forests are planned, and cared for. Most of us will never now how they turn out because for a forest to completely grow, it needs within anywhere from 60 to 100 years or more. There are many reasons why we should have reforestation. One being mostly that we need forest to live! Without forests, or any
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