Thursday, November 28, 2019
A Personal Rite of Passage an Example of the Topic Literature Essays by
The First Time I Lived In an Apartment: A Personal Rite of Passage Eduard Lindeman (1921) once said that civilization is marked by the need of mankind to establish good human relationships (1). He stated, Man is destined by nature and by environment to live in cooperation with his fellow-men (Lindeman 1921, 1). This forms culture and social organization, as it brings about cordial relationships between its members for the sake of harmony, perpetuation, and self-preservation. To mark the existence of this state of reality, French anthropologist Charles-Arnold van Gennep (1873-1957) insisted that there are certain rites that highlight changes during a particular stage of a lifetime, especially during special episodes (i.e., birth, puberty, marriage, parenthood, death) that appear to be almost constant whatever culture or race they may be under. These are what he called rites of passage, which points to a certain flow of events and changes, which cover distinct and similar features that are marked by culturally defined biological and social phases: (1) separation, (2) transition, and (3) re-incorporation (Goggins II 2004, 4). Need essay sample on "The First Time I Lived In an Apartment: A Personal Rite of Passage" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The rites of passage reflect social phases that human beings pass over during their lives, such as birth, first steps, first words spoken, first day of school, first learned how to ride bicycle, first cigarette, first girlfriend etc.. There are many kinds of rites (e.g., religious, social, psychological), but for the American citizens, the most usual ones in this heteronormative cultureaside from the ones that were mentionedinclude the moment we first live on our own. This is a rite that almost every American citizen lives even to this day. Thus, using the rite of experiencing the first time to live on my own, the paper reveals this transition in the three corporate stages stated by van Gennep. Students Frequently Tell EssayLab professionals:How much do I have to pay someone to make my paper online?Essay writers suggest: Choose The Qualified Help In Writing PapersEnglish Essays For Sale Professional Writer For Hire Cheap Writing Services Buy Papers Online The First Stage: Separation The first stage of the rites of passage is separation. This reflects a stage wherein the initiate begins to separate from the old ways to gather new skills, trends, and concepts. Being a 22-year-old male, this stage started only recently or less than a year ago, when I decided I had to move out of my parents house to live in an apartment that is about eighteen kilometers away from what I used to call home. I know that other friends of mine started this stage at an earlier age as compared to mine. One pal of mine started it during his youth stage, when he was about 16 years old. Another pal started it at the start of his adult stage, when he was about 18. But I am a quarter Native American, and it has been our culture that sons and daughters should not be pushed to do what they do not think they want to do unless they have decided that it is the right time to do it. This gives us freedom and sovereignty. I started to enter the separation stage because of some psychological and social phases that I underwent knowing that, in my crowd (especially in school), I am one of the few remainings that have not gone through this type of living-alone transition yet. This social disturbance went its way through the psychological level of my being, and having to live a kind of bland, featureless life made me want to separate myself from my family. I have interviewed a common pal of mine to ask what he thought when I told him the news less than a year ago. As he stated out, Yeah. We thought, pal, that you werent about to make a final say for yourself. I mean, come on, man, youre not about to stay still until youre too old to stand up would you? (name, personal interview, 20 July 2007). The roles of these comrades, even if they werent that close to me, were still very significant to my decision to finally choose to live on my own. The separation stage was the most significant stage for me because it revealed the courage to do some transitions that led to the rite of passage. To celebrate the rite, my friends and I went to the ___________ Club and then spent about six hours, while I tried to figure out the next thing I had to do. The Second Stage: Transition The second stage of the rites of passage is called the transition. Here, the initiate enters the phase of non-member and ends it under the phase member. After understanding who I really am, or what I am about to do, I felt that my life was really starting to take form. We (there were three of us going through a living-alone transition) know that there would be new obstacles and complications along the way, such as looking for better means in earning money. Yet for me, the real purpose and meaning of life was starting to appear, and I finally felt some kind of a mental and psychological inner force, entailing me to reach the other end that almost all my friends have already been enjoying. In my desire to know what my family really felt during this significant transition of mine, I asked for the opinion of my uncle who lives in [place]. This was what he said: Yeah, boy, it was good to see you finally learnin to stand on your own two feet. When I started to live on my own I was about half your age. Well, life was simpler and easier back on those good ol days. You just kinda shift that ol horse and put grass on the mouth youre more likely to succeed livin! Hahah! Now you cant do that anymore. And I sure am glad you finally managed to stand up, boy! (Uncle ___________, personal interview, 22 July 2007) I started out with the transition stage as a non-member during the time when I announced to my family, during our meal, that I have finally decided to live on my own. I sure am glad that they wonderfully accepted my decision. They asked if it was really what I wanted, and I said yes. My dad was so happy seeing his young boy grown up that he said it would be good to go fishing in the afternoon. It is obvious that fishing has been our familys rite or ritual every time something good and encouraging happens within the family. My brother and sister went with us, so did my mom. About 20 days after, I was already very far from them at Minnesota, and I succeeded in going through the transition stage alive. The Third Stage: Re-incorporation Finally, the third stage is called the re-incorporation, wherein a newly transitioned member gets to be reaccepted again by the community, with the latter expecting the initiate to carry out missions or purposes in the societal trends. This state of passage is the final stage, as the initiate is stripped from its bygone identity after being separated from its previous social status and norm. Regarding my personal rite of beginning to live alone, I realized that I underwent it without being forcefully moved or encouraged. Unlike the earlier rituals of other races, the U.S. culture of the 21st century reflected one that need not be forced or compelled. There are obligations, of course, which initially redefine my new social standing, such as being able to accomplish my duties and responsibilitiesmy commitment to stand alone in front of the world. Over the cultural history of America, this transition of being able to live alone in a separate room, house, or apartment marks the adolescen ce of the human being. It was Erikson who stated that, in an individuals life cycle, there are actually eight ages of the life cycle: childhood and adolescence wrap up the first five stages, while the last three stages are on adulthood and the predicament that goes with it (Kaye 2002). This leads us to the statement that, in America, the rite of living alone for the first time reflects the end of the first five stages and the start of the sixth stage, which is on adulthood and the predicament that goes with it. Even Elliot Jaques developed Eriksons theory when he stressed the importance of mid-life crisis during individual development (Kaye 2002). The time I finished the transition stage and entered the re-incorporation stage, I was into adult learning, which appears to be the basic foundation of an adult beings capacity to learn, to survive, to mingle, to reflect, and to relate. I felt that, while I was going through this third stage, the social community was on its brink of accepting me again into their world. Man is born with three instinctive traits, which, in a large degree, give direction to all his motives and his act. Each of us is born with the impulse to preserve his own life Each normal human being is also endowed with the instinct to perpetuate himself And each of us is born with the impulse to express his own personality. Eduard C. Lindemann 1921 The three stages of the personal rite of passage that I experienced less than a year ago appeared to be smooth flowing and victorious. I personally acknowledge that fact to my family and friends, who both helped me go through a basic transition in my life, which for me is very, very important. There may not be some initiated rite procedures like cutting the hair, putting tattoos, or scarification, yet the family and community trend (i.e., celebrating through fishing, going to the club) can be a reminder that personal rites mirror the culture and lifestyle of the specific initiate. Another significant sign of the rite that points to the successful celebration of being able to live alone is the use of beautiful clothing, ornaments, special food, music and dancing that the heteronormative culture of America has embedded in its culture. Initiation rites of the United States of America depend on the social standing, culture, and race of the initiate. Because our country is a very diverse country, the manner of feasting and going over the rites of passage can also be described as diverse. I told my mom during the celebration that there wont be a lot of stress, anyway, since I would be sharing my room with two of my closest friends. Yes, I know, son. Im happy that youve grown now and that you know how to live on your own. But if in any case youd need some hand or whatever, just tell us and wed hand you over the keys, she insisted before I left to gather all my belongings to Dads car. Yes, I know that, Ma. There wont be much I should be doing anyway. All I would need to do is to just survive thats all! Yet the thought suddenly made me frown. BIBLIOGRAPHY Goggins II, Lathardus. The Academic STARS Retention Model: An Empirical Investigation of its Effectiveness. Soup and Substance Series (2004, February 11): 1-26. Powerpoint presentation. Available from the National Coalition for African-Centered Rites of Passage database. Kaye, Jeffrey. Adult Development and Psychotherapy, (2002). Database on-line. Available at Jeffrey Kaye, Ph.D. database. Khalaf, May. Inquiry Reports: Rites of Passage: van Gennep and Beyond. Introduction to Ritual Studies I, (2001). Database on-line. Available at Thom Parkhills Homepage, St. Thomas University database. Lindeman, Eduard C. The Community: An Introduction to the Study of Community Leadership and Organization. New York: The International Committee of Young Mens Christian Association, 1921. Rite of Passage. Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia, (2007). Database on-line. Available at Answers Corporation database.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Rome Italy essays
Rome Italy essays I had learned I was being sent to Italy in March of 2000 for a machine tool exhibition. I found out the happy news just before leaving work. Excitedly I jumped into my car and started my journey home. As I drove home down I-95 through all of the usual evening traffic I just kept thinking about ho I was going to tell my husband we were going to Italy. That night I continuously paced the floor looking out of my bedroom window to see if my husband was home from work yet. As he drove up in our driveway I ran outside to tell him the good news. I said, Nick guess where we are going in March? Before he could even say where I yelled out Italy! Italy, he said with a puzzled look on his face. I then explained the situation with work and said to him since if I have the opportunity to go I thought it would be a great idea for you to come along with me. I suggested scheduled some time before the show for the two of us to travel around Rome. Later that night it was settled we would sched ule a couple of days to tour Rome before the exhibition. It seemed like forever before we would finally be on our way, but then before I knew it we were on the airplane and the flight attendant is announcing fasten your seatbelts and prepare for landing into Leonardo da Vinci airport. After arriving at the airport we had to transfer to a train that would take us to the city center. It was about a 30-minute train ride. Along the ride I was getting my first look at Rome, mostly the colorful countryside with the rows of sunflowers that were so splendid with bright yellow centers, and green leaves that were so full of life. Just pass the beautiful field of sunflowers was a small farmhouse made of stone. You could see the smoke coming out of the chimney and the farmers working their land. Upon arriving at the main train station, Stazione Termini in Italian, the excitement was building I c ...
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Essay on Solar Energy
Essay on Solar Energy Essay on Solar Energy Economical feasibility of large-scale solar energy collection Results and Discussion Table 1, (Appendix) displays middle ground estimation of PV and cost production for the 10kW system of PV in dollars. The data can be a representation of large system of residential or a minute commercial system. The required calculations were scaled down and up having a number of adjustments for the scale of economies that are linked to the larger systems installation. In this regard, the basic costs include installation, inverters replacement. The costs are observed to have a decreasing trend, and they flatten temporarily. For instance, $80,000 figure installation is a representation considered being fair, and optimistic. In this case, a typical system of residential would have $8 in every watt. There is a possibility of declining costs with time. The key issues that are linked to the analysis of cost include the panel’s lifetime and the required, discount rate for the project evaluation. Different types of panels normally have warranties that are limited for a minimal of 20 years or longer (Nemet 6) The data presented assumed a 25 year calculation of lifetime. Such a timeframe leads to the extending of life to about 30 years ad the cost of every kWh would be smaller as a result of discounting. Table identifies a range of actual interest rates. A number of industries have suggested that a high rate is extremely reflective of the different rates of interest that are normally faced by a variety of buyers. The values are always higher than the social discount real rate for which an individual could apply to the analysis of the public policy. In this respect, an interest that is lower could be the most relevant. In table 1, the given low rates of interest rates are relatively lower hence appropriate in the evaluation of the rate of the social discount, and the two high ones are relevant on evaluating the opportunity of the market capital cost. The results displayed also show out that, after installation, the high cost that the PV solar system owner would face involves replacing the inverter (Barbose, Darghouth and Wiser 3). A research conducted in this field reported that the mean time to time failure estimation in inverters is approximately 10 years. Assuming an approximation of 8 years means that such an inverter will require replacement at least two times within the duration of 25 years life panel. This replacement, according to the results in table1 would occur in the 8th and the 16th year. The cost for an inverter having the 10kW system has a range of $8000, which has a huge possibility of declining with time. Additionally, the costs of inverters are considered to decline in intervals of 2% each year in actual terms that are consistent with the Navigant consulting study for energy renewal. The displayed discounts and costs are normally combined to give out a present cost for the PV system. Additionally, table 1 displa ys the data for simultaneous cases, including the price cap Psim, ad the PsimH, which is high volatility of price (LBBW 4). The highest and lowest valuation are displayed in the results that are simultaneous. The PsimL results are always in the range that is displayed. The ISO prices results having no augmentation for when the binding price caps occurred are similar to the PsimH values (Barbose Darghouth and Wiser, 6). Other different studies conducted on the PV production in a lifetime panel reported two TRNSYS simulation adjustments behind table 1, whenever the evaluation of the solar production of the PV is for a life time. The aging effect is considered being one of the factors affecting the production of the PV solar. In this case, the PV production reduces in a given time having the best estimation ranging from 1% of the original potential per year. Soil effect is another factor that affects the PV cell production. The panels are known to absorb minimal solar radiation hence give out minimal electricity. The effect of soil on, the PV cells, relies on the idiosyncratic factors like the density and the amount of rainfall and on endogenous traits like the effort of maintenance. The data presented in table 1 displays the effect of aging but not for the soiling. The production of electricity from the PV solar is not equal to the equal production in the current world. Whenever the electricity real cost remained constant, the real interest rate that is positive would cause electricity production failure with low present value. Increasing the electricity cost for a given time would increase the present production. Obtaining the knowledge of the reducing trend of the solar PV costs is vital in the formulation of the policy due to the irreversible durable nature of that specific investment. Whenever the costs of the PV reduce rapidly due to reasons like the policy of subsidy, the investment delay would be observed in many companies. If the decline is only 2015 in every year, there would be an increased amount of renewable energy (Mints 5). Table 2 (appendix) present the translated figures of table 1 for the benefits and costs that are leveled. At a three percent real annual interest, column 2 shows out the net cost of the PV solar installation that is similar to the purchase of the MWh for the panels life at a real price that is constant Conclusion A deep analysis of the non market and market traits are key in understanding the benefits and costs for the PV solar power. From this study, a method used in analyzing the value of the market for the PV solar power was displayed. The presented method produced a minimal amount of outputs whenever the weather was sunny, and the demand of the system was relatively high. The application of this method suggested that account for the electricity production that is time varying in the solar panel may increase the output value substantially. The utility of the real-time prices allows the alteration of value from 0% to 20%. Using the simulated model prices will make sure that the peak capacity of the gas takes care of the fixed costs through the increased prices of energy, which makes the real time values to increase (Bloomberg 6). In a wholesaler market of electricity, the simulation is normally substantially low in volatility. This study took into consideration the time-varying savings for the lie losses especially when the production of the power is on a larger site. The study, however, fails to account for the potential savings from a reduced requirement of distribution and transmission capacity. A different analysis of such factors would indicate their possibility of amounting to percentage PV solar valuation points that are higher than two. Actually buying custom essays from can be your best solution to have your paper written by experts. We provide professional essay writing help on any topic.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Dog and Cat Names in German
Dog and Cat Names in German Hunde- und Katzennamen One of the questions that German teachers hear most frequently (besides why is a table masculine?) is: What are some popular German names for dogs/cats? But Germans dont always use German names for their pets, any more than they do for their children! Although there are German versions of names like Fido, Spot or Tabby, just as those English names are fairly uncommon for pets today, so are many typical German pet names. Dog names like Bello or Hasso are viewed as clichà ©s. Very few dogs in Germany answer to those names, or any German name, today.  «Der Zoo » (tsoh) is a zoo, but itsalso the German word for a pet store. If you dont believe me, look at this edited sample list of suggested dog names taken from a German Hundenamen Web site: Aida, Ajax, Alice, Amy, Angel, Angie, Aron, Babe, Baby, Bandit, Barney, Beauty, Benny, Berry, Billy, Bingo, Blacky, Blue, Buffy, Butch, Calvin, Candy, Chaos, Charlie, Cheese, Chelsea, Cheyenne, Cindy, Cookie, Criss-Cross, Curly and Curtis. And thats just taken from the A-C section! Yes, I left out some of the more Germanic names from the original list, but you can see the Germanic names in our own Haustiernamen list. The point is that exotic English and other non-German names are popular with German pet owners. Even the detective hero of the bestselling German cat mystery novel Felidaewas named Francis, not Franz. Most German name lists for pets contain about 90 percent non-German names. But you probably would prefer a German name for your dog or cat. In our list you can choose a name that suits your tastes and your pet. You may wish to use the name of a famous literary or other German: Kafka, Goethe, Freud (or Siggi/Sigmund) and Nietzsche are some possibilities. Prefer music? How about Amadeus or Mozart or even Beethoven? The names of German pop singers like Falco (who was Austrian), Udo Lindenberg or Nena are also popular for pets. Or perhaps youd like the name of a figure out of German literature. Perhaps Siegfried (m.) or Kriemhild (f.) from the Nibelungenlied or Goethes Faust versus Mephistopholes. On the lighter side you could go with Idefix, the dog in the popular European Asterix cartoon series, the rotund Obelix character or the hero Asterix himself. Then you may wish to have a good old Germanic name or word with a certain meaning: Adalhard (noble strong), Baldur (bold), Blitz (lightning, fast), Gerfried (spear/peace), Gerhard (strong spear), Hugo (smart), Heidi (based on fem. names containing heid orheide; Adelheid noble one), Traude/Traute (dear, trusted) or Reinhard (decisive/strong) are just some options. Although few Germans today would be caught dead with such names, theyre still great pet names. Other categories for pet names include movie characters (Strolch, Tramp in The Lady and the Tramp); colors (Barbarossa [red], Lakritz[e] [licorice, black], Silber [silver]; precipitation Schneeflocke [snowflake]); or drinks (Whisky, Wodka).
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Do we send too many people to prison Term Paper
Do we send too many people to prison - Term Paper Example s probably the most effective way of keeping the streets free of dangerous criminals, but locking up too many prisoners makes each extra prisoner lesser and lesser dangerous. There are certainly several benefits as well as certain losses associated with the practice of putting too many people in prison. Owing to the sensitivity and complexity of the matter, there is dire need to evaluate the benefits and losses and reach at the optimal decision. This paper discusses different aspects of imprisonment in the US and concludes that there is a need of reducing the number of people that are sent to prison in the US. People in the US are imprisoned for all kinds of reasons that include but are not limited to violation of the immigration rules, and criminal penalties. The trend of sending too many people to prison in the US has resulted into prisons being packed with petty thieves along with serious criminals and rapists. Many of the imprisoned drug dealers were scary in their youth and over the time, have become too miserable to cause the society any kind of risk. In 2010, the number of prisoners in the US over 50 years of age was about 200,000 which in 1970 was the amount of prisoners belonging to all age groups in the US (â€Å"America locks up†). This provides evidence for the congestion of people belonging to all age groups in the jails in US. â€Å"It seems odd that a country that rejoices in limiting the power of the state should give so many draconian powers to its government, yet for the past 40 years American lawmakers have generally regarded selling to voters the idea of lockin g up fewer people as political suicide†(â€Å"America locks up†). The growing number of imprisoned people in the US is a huge burden on the shoulders of the government as it is for the government to provide them with all kinds of resources that they need. Every individual who is imprisoned is a load on the government because instead of playing his/her constructive role in the building of
Production styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Production styles - Essay Example The late 1950s and early 1960s witnessed shifts in these production styles. With the gradual emergence of rock and roll in the late 1950s and early 1960s there was a corresponding loosening of cultural standards. In this way the music of this period increasingly incorporated sexual themes and innuendos. In terms of instrumentation, production styles increasingly came to incorporate guitars as the primary carrier of rhythm and melody. ‘Down in Mexico’. This song emerged at a transitional time for music. With 1950s style productions gradually being phased out for 1960s modes of production. In this way this song retains the 1950s instrumentation style, with the use of brass instruments as the major production method. Still, guitar and bass are incorporated to an increasing extent in this track. Perhaps a more notable element of this track is the increasing emphasis its places on darker themes. While the track retains much of the 1950s cultural standards, there is a distinct shift in tone from the light-hearted naivetà © that was reminiscent of the 50s, to the 1960s increasing willingness to incorporate darker and more challenging themes. landscape in the 1950s and 1960s. From an overarching perspective, it appears that rock music became more homogenized in the 1960s, although the difference depends on what categories one uses. The 1950s witnessed a disparate array of music styles. Rhythm and blues, country, doo-wop, jazz, and soul music also existed as major styles during this period. In this way there was considerable disparity in terms of the popular music landscape, as a dominant music genre had not yet emerged. As the 1960s occurred many of these disparate music styles merged under singular genres. For instance, rhythm and blues increasingly became associated with rock music. Additionally, rock music incorporated many influences from country music. In this
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Roots of conflic, viol and peace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Roots of conflic, viol and peace - Essay Example In the effort to bridge this gap, peace paradigms such as power politics and world order were developed. The power politics paradigm, which is dominant in matters of international relations, stipulates that there is an absence of universally acceptable values that would serve all international actors. Power politics in characterized the use of threats by one nation to the other, be it military, political and/or economic (Wight, Bull and Holbraad, 2002). It is as a result of the absence of prevailing international government that renders international politics unpredictable and volatile, with nations perpetually changing alliances. The end result is an exposure to violence, insecurity and power imbalance. According to the power politics peace paradigm, it is imperative for states to engage in the implementation of policies that would effectively serve their national objectives construed as the acquisition of military strength and material power with the aim of deterring and compelling other nations. A nation that is known to possess material and military power is less likely to be expos ed though the acquisition of such rises serious moral and ethical issues. This means that states have no alternative but to attempt to steer away from international humanistic values that are pegged on the trust and good will of nations. The lack of a common and unified moral standard that can be used as the guiding point for international cooperation means that states are left with no alternative but to strive and compete against each other in the quest to attain the perceived security providers (Gandhi Marg Magazine, 2002). The basic idea, therefore behind power politics is that for peace to prevail, people must be prepared for war. The implicit being that the human competitive aspect predisposes the world to violence and it is through the forceful implementation of order, peace is attained. While power politics is not entirely indifferent to issues such as environmental degradation and poverty, it has been criticized for advocating for a moral minimalism approach, meaning that the world has been condemned to a self help attitude, with the stronger nations overpowering less empowered nations (Wight, Bull and Holbraad, 2002). On the hand, the world order paradigm stipulates that peace can be attained through the power of law. It calls for the development of sustainable cooperation among states, inter governmental organization and non governmental organizations. The proponents of world order consider the power politics approach as a recipe of inevitable disorder. They future insist that human have both the potential to be selfish and otherwise and if they so choose, human can cooperate for the sake of the greater good. According to the proponents of the world order, international cooperation is critical in the decentralization state centered international relations models that have completely failed to secure the general interests of human beings. The fact is the world is basically a global village due to immense technological advancements. Issues such as peace, poverty, disease, human rights violations, environmental degradation, disease and weapons of mass destruction, are a major concern to people across the divide. It is for this reason that the world order stresses the on the possibility of humans to choose to cooperate. It also
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Somalia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Somalia - Essay Example In our present age, Somalia has always been the epitome of poverty. Pictures of toothpick-thin Somali children have flooded the magazines all over the world, with drooping eyes seemingly begging for our help. Until now, their state conditions had barely changed. Almost 15 years after Somalia fell apart in 1991 in spate of clan-based rebellions against the genocidal, 22-year dictatorship of President Mohammed Siad Barre, the fear and the loathing in this country still exists. Since 1991, there have been fourteen efforts at national reconciliation; to date, none has been successful. Various groupings of Somali factions have sought to control the national territory (or portions thereof) and have fought small wars with one another. Dahir Riyale Kahin was elected President of the self-declared "Republic of Somaliland," which is made up of the former northwest provinces of the Somali republic, in presidential elections deemed free and fair by international observers in May 2003. In 1998, t he area of Puntland in the northeast declared itself autonomous (although not independent) as the "State of Puntland" with its capital at Garowe. Puntland declared it would remain autonomous until a federated Somalia state was established (US Department of State, 2005). As we all know, the terrible famine of 1993 in the south was entirely induced by civil war. A US- and UN-led humanitarian intervention failed to understand Somali complexities, was humiliated, and when it left in 1995 had only instigated more conflicts to arise.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Analysis of Music Instruments in Movies Assignment
Analysis of Music Instruments in Movies - Assignment Example A musical score is a written form of a musical composition. Music has become one thing that people cannot do without due to its numerous advantages. Some of these include: it brings back memories, improves your concentration over time, it gives a soothing ability and some music expands our intellectual ability through the message. To Kill a Mocking Bird's score is one of the superlative scores I have ever encountered. The film based on Harper Lee's book titled by the same name. It is about a young lass Scout, and her elder brother Jem, and their feeble friend, Dill. Scout's father, Atticus (Gregory Peck) takes a case to defend a black man named Tom Robinson. He is accused of raping a white woman. A skillfully edited opening is displaying wonderful shooting and a beautiful score. Its high rating up to date bases on its affecting nature. To Kill a Mocking Bird is one of the greatest film ever, but one thing that makes me watch this movie time and time again is its exemplary music score. Melodies have been used to define what the actors are not enthusiastic or are incapable to communicate hence can stream emotional support for the film.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Principles of international diversification Essay Example for Free
Principles of international diversification Essay The perspective that it needs to focus on some aspect of an investment that is responsible for funds that are diversified internationally both by market and by asset. At times a more theoretical comment may also be presented, as many of the ideas and principles of international diversification have been the subject of internal research. Various markets in which international diversification must be applied; exchange markets, money markets, and equity markets. But more often true with statistically oriented academic literature, the study lags the developments in the real world by not including in the analysis the rapidly growing share of the global investment. The report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis and are not misstated due to material fraud or error. The financial statements include amounts that are based on managements best estimates and judgments. Management also prepared the other information in the annual report and is responsible for its accuracy and consistency with the financial statements. Established and maintains a system of internal control that provides reasonable assurance as to the integrity and reliability of the financial statements, the protection of assets from unauthorized use or disposition, and the prevention and detection of fraudulent financial reporting. The system of internal control provides for appropriate division of responsibility and is documented by written policies and procedures that are communicated to employees with significant roles in the financial reporting process and updated as necessary. Management continually monitors the system of internal control for compliance. A corporate compliance plan as it helps reduce the risk of compliance errors and can limit the liability of directors and management. An effective plan can also reduce liability under the federal sentencing guidelines. Best of all, a corporate compliance plan helps employees follow the laws and enables management to know that the laws are being followed. The founding a comprehensive compliance program in which commonly known as corporate ethics program code of conduct has a number of benefits that goes beyond the direct compliance related aspects. The vast majority of employees want to do the right thing, and they want to work for a company of which they can be proud. They also want some way to make sure that the company does the right thing, so hotlines or other ways to report wrongdoing are appreciated. Empirical studies confirm that how the corporation approaches ethics and legal compliance management has a significant impact on employee’s attitudes and behaviors. Further Extensions: The focus of this research project is to develop approach that is best practice for sourcing ascendancy, process synchronization and information integration in the context of business research. The study aspire to first build a conceptual framework for business research opportunity that will make possible the development of solutions to the management challenges associated with achieving a companys strategic goals its operational constructs procedure has centered or build the organization with a business research course that has led to in receipt of enhanced business performance from arranging a process of direction within an organization A team oriented functioning in a environment and strong feelings of possession are also anticipated by a lot and as a consequence of or probably an indispensable component of a business research. There were several approaches that can be used to measure within the constructs and they are domain sampling, coefficient data and factor analysis and I used the analysis factor, explaining its component using the data to study the scale fundamental the construct. This analysis was used to examine whether the number of scope conceptualized might be established empirically. The preliminary examination results might show problems with more than a few events along with the mechanism of research. As the outline of the research it is significant to have a steadiness as it is only a part of construct strength. In sort to institute the construct weight of a measure, the amount to which the evaluate show a relationship with other events premeditated to calculate the similar problem and whether it conclude behave as anticipated it required also to be explained The authenticate of the construct of business research within an organization and shaped a useable instrument for diagnostic dimension of this construct. And the outcomes of business research opportunities within an organization appear to be applicable. Portfolio will have process that is constantly checking the index partition for the solution of other conflict groups and makes a queue, by indices of the partial solutions with the order of queue, so that the portfolio is able to proceed with the optimal task receive order flows from international traders and investors in the retail market and trade open positions with speculators in the wholesale market. The larger the open positions the more volatile the exchange rate has to be in order to equilibrate the wholesale market and the costlier the closing out of the positions for the intermediaries. However, the larger the predictable trading volume the smaller the revenues each currency unit exchange has to generate so that the dealer breaks even. Transaction costs of currency exchange can thus decrease with trading volume and will always increase with exchange rate volatility as well as dealers’ fixed costs. However, with the new framework not only s single but also several vehicle currencies can emerge, depending on the fundamental payments flows, the initial structure of exchange and dealer expectations about it, the market-specific volume-volatility relation and the structures of fixed costs for making markets and for opening formerly inactive markets. Moreover, both trading volumes as well as exchange rate volatilities are endogenous to the optimal exchange pattern. Those currencies with high fundamentals-based trading volume and low exchange rate volatility with respect to all or a sunset of currencies can emerge as vehicles. While in the goods market approach the idea is that exchange rates are determined basically through the trade of real assets, the asset market approach points to the importance of capital flows. The concept of purchasing power parity states that the exchange rate equates the national price levels of two countries in the sense that the PPP of a unit of currency is the same in both countries. A theory of exchange rate determination, it asserts that the exchange rate change between two currencies over any period of time is determined by the change in two countries’ relative price levels: Conclusion: To appreciate fully the arguments advanced in favor of international portfolio diversification, it is useful to have some knowledge of modern portfolio theory. Those readers familiar with Professor Markowitz’ seminal contribution need little further introduction to this subject. For others, it is useful to start with a brief theoretical overview of the effects of combining investments in two stock markets into an international portfolio. The expected return on a two-market international portfolio is simply the expected return in each market weighed by the fraction invested in the market. The variability of returns for this international portfolio is slightly more complex since it depends both upon the variability of each of the two markets held and the degree of co-movement or correlation between them. One of the key elements of the company’s value system, its basic beliefs, and another fundamental element is the business environment in which the firm conducts business. Then there are also the heroes of the company, plus its day-to-day routines and special ceremonies. Finally, there is the cultural network, the informal communication system within the firm. The many realities of the business world in which a firm operates play a major role in carving out the firm’s character and culture. Some aspects of the business environment have a very subtle influence. But as relentless winds and waters can erode jagged boulders to a smooth finish with the passing of years, so are some cultures gradually shaped by constant pressures from the marketplace. Since the company had run down the effects of estimated 46% of the loss revenue, the company is having a growing problem as its hold its position in undertaking the proposals, since it can plunge into worse than what is expected with the companies in such industry. Certain procedures, or frameworks or types of information, symbolically come to represent rationality within particular epochs, cultures or ways of thinking. Foreign direct investment in developing countries has long history; it has fluctuated over time, as investors have responded to changes in the environment for investment, including government policies toward foreign direct investment and the broader economic policy framework. After all the data was gathered it now the time that the management will consider possible strategies to spar the said problems, they are given possible strategies to choice which one would suit best their situation, application of such strategy is controlled well by the management for every plan is considered crucial until they iron up all this problems. Foreign direct investments in developing countries have flowed mainly into manufacturing and processing industries. It has traditionally been concentrated in a small group of countries, which partly reflects the size of their economies. Reference: 1. Elton, E. J. and Gruber, M. J. (2003). Modern Portfolio Theory and Investments Analysis. (6th edition), Wiley New York 2. .Elton. E. J and. Gruber, M. J. (1977). Risk Reduction and Portfolio Size: An Analytical Solution The Journal of Business, Vol. 50, No. 4. (Oct. , 1977), pp. 415-437.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Efficiency Of Step Down Transformer Biology Essay
Efficiency Of Step Down Transformer Biology Essay This extended essay deals with the efficiency of step down transformers in relation the current drawn in the secondary coil. Transformers are one of the most widely used components in electronic devices. Due to its ability to effectively convert voltages to a desired EMF (electro motive force), I thought that analyzing the efficiency of such a device could provide valuable insights for in order to cut power losses; an issue that is becoming a growing concern with the depletion of fossil fuels. My initial hypothesis was that a greater current drawn in the secondary coil would result in a greater efficiency. This was based on a mathematical proof. My experimentation with the step down transformer gave me results that supported my initial hypothesis, thus suggesting that the efficiency increased with an increase in current drawn. This was plotted on a graph, and a linear relationship was obtained. The data was not as precise as preferred, as there were reasonable errors with efficiency. However, this was due to the equipment used. The data that I collected was highly accurate as the R2 value of the graph obtained was 0.985. The strong evidence in favour of the relation has led me to believe that an optimum output current can be identified for each device to minimise power loss in the device as a whole. Considering the number of electronic devices that use transformers today, it will assist in ameliorating the energy crisis. However, further research as well as inclusion of step up transformers will provide more conclusive evidence. Word Count: 254 Contents Introduction: Power Transmission The electricity that is generated at the power stations has to be brought to our households and industries to be of any use. The power could be brought to us in two ways : By using a low voltage and high current By using a high voltage and low current This is true because of the relation P = VI, where P is power, V is voltage and I is Current; so in order to keep the power constant as the voltage increases the current must decrease and vice versa. If option 1 high current and low voltage is used, then there will be a tremendous loss in energy. As the current passes through the wires connecting the power stations and our homes, there is a heating loss which is equal to I2R. So, greater the current, greater the loss in energy. Hence it would instead be more viable to use extremely high voltages and miniscule currents in order to transport the electricity. However, in order to avoid the heating loss, the electricity is transported at a voltage which is of the order of 106 Volts, while are household appliances run on current with a voltage of about 10 -20 Volts. Thus a device is needed which can alter the voltage of the current. This is where a transformer comes in. Transformer Figure Source:, February 6th, 2010 A transformer consists of a soft iron core with coils of wire on either end. It works on the basic principle of electromagnetic induction. Thus when a current is passed through the primary coil, a second current is induced in the secondary coil. However, in order for there to be any induced current in the secondary coil, the voltage in the primary coil has to be continuously altering (which will result in a change in magnetic flux associated with the secondary coil). Hence, an AC current has to be used. Depending on the ratio of turns of the primary coil to the secondary coil, the transformer can be step up or step down. If the primary coil has more number of turns it is a step down transformer while if the secondary coil has more number of turns it is a step up transformer. As with any other device, transformers are not 100% efficient. Transformers loose energy in four main ways Heating loss in the wires Formation of eddy currents Hysteresis loss in the transformer core Back emf induced by the secondary coil In this essay, I shall focus on efficiency of step down transformers, and how it is related to the current obtained. Efficiency In any device efficiency is defined as power output divided by power input. When specifically related to transformers, efficiency refers to the ratio between the power in the secondary coil and the power in the primary coil. As said before, power is measured through the formula P = VI, and due the losses of energy stated, the efficiency is never 100%. Hypothesis If the power in the Primary coil is Pp with a voltage Vp and current Ip, and the power in the secondary coil is Ps, with voltage Vs and current Is, the efficiency, . Since my focus is limited to the relationship of current in the secondary coil, I shall attempt to keep the power in the secondary coil constant. Thus, the by varying the current and voltage in the primary coil, I will be able to vary the the current in the secondary coil. If for different I values, the input power changes, then the efficiency too will change indicating a relationship. My hypothesis is that the efficiency will be related to the current in the secondary coil. This is because three main modes of losses in energy in transformers are related to current. Hysteresis is proportion to the square of the current, heating losses are calculated by the formula I2R and back emf too depends on the current in the secondary coil. Thus, variations in current will affect power loss, and hence energy. However, a linear relationship is not expected. Firstly, there are three different quantities that are being affected, and second, each of those quantities themselves are not linearly related to current in the secondary coil. This experiment could help in assessing the optimum current that should be drawn in order to ensure optimum efficiency. This would have major ramifications in devices which use transformers; for example, electric arc welders use extremely high currents at extremely low voltages. This results in heat loss through I2R which would melt the metal. Hence, step-down transformers are essential components of electric arc welders. Thus, if the efficiency were to depend on the current drawn, (as I hypothesize), it would have to be taken into consideration by producers and consumers alike. Mathematical Proof of Hypothesis However, the problem may not be as simple as it looks. Since the current affects energy loss in three different ways, a change in it may cause the energy losses to change in different ways. Thus if one mode of loss of energy increases with increase in current, while the other two are inversely proportional, this experiment may not be able to accurately explain the separate components individually, but should be able to identify the optimum current as it takes into account the net effect of the change in current. Interestingly, keeping the power output constant will allow me to keep the numerator of efficiency constant. If I take ÃŽÂ ± to be the energy lost, then the equation becomes: The initial ratio should be equal to 1 as the total power induced in the secondary coil plus the energy lost should be equal to the energy in the primary coil; this is derived from the principle of conservation of energy. Taking this to be a y= mx+c graph, one would assume that ÃŽÂ ± is the c. However, since in this experiment, power output is kept constant, becomes the c. Hence, for the equation to be of the form y=mx+c, it should be modified to:` However, in order to derive a relationship between the energy loss and the input current alone (as a first step to later deriving the function between efficiency and output current), I will have to have only two variables in the equation. Since Vp is a function of current, i.e. Vp = IpR and let as it is a constant, the equation can be further simplified to: Since, I am looking to minimize energy loss or, differentiating the equation should give a rough indication as to the trend to be expected. Differentiating with respect to Ip Minimizing means that should be as low as possible, ideally 0. Thus when becomes 0, becomes 0. Hence, lower the value of Ip, lesser the energy loss. What this implies is that the opposite would be true in the secondary coil a low primary current means a high secondary current. Thus, the heat loss should be the least when the current in the secondary coil is high. However, this might be a special case, as here the power in the secondary coil is constant. While the math does give me a basis on which to form a hypothesis, and could help explain the results if they support the hypothesis, it cannot be used directly in my data processing. The main reason for this is that the resistance of the circuit is unknown in my experiment. Though I am influencing some portion of it through the resistance box, there is no way that I can determine the resistance of the entire circuit. Hence, I will not be able to use the equation directly in my processing. Instead, I will use a slightly approximate method that will help me identify the trend, though it would not help me quantify the resistance. I will use a graph of efficiency versus output current. Thus, based on the trend that I get, I could verify if the initial hypothesis was correct if efficiency increases with output current, the hypothesis would be proven correct. Design of the experiment The biggest difficulty in the design of the experiment is maintaining the output power constant. Now, the only way that this can be achieved is through trial and error. Also, varying the input voltage to current ratio, will vary the output voltage to current ratio in the opposite way (assuming no variation due to energy losses). Thus the varying of the input V-I ratio will also assist in developing the ÃŽÂ · versus Is graph later on. One of the major drawbacks of this design and line of reasoning is that it is not taking eddy currents into consideration at all. Therefore I will use industrially manufactured transformers which have heavily laminated cores. This will ensure that eddy currents are reduced as much as possible. Using industrially manufactured transformers however has its own set of problems. The transformers that can be used for this experiment (as in small size, of operation specifications such as 220V-12V or 6V-220V) can hold only small currents (a maximum of 2-3 A). Hence, the range of readings I will be able to obtain will be limited to some extent. Even the industrially manufactured transformers hardly ever have efficiencies in excess of 50%. What remains to be seen though, is how this ratio changes with a change in the current drawn. The Circuit The circuit has to be properly equipped to keep the power output constant. The power supply will be a dimmer stat as this will allow me to place a variety of voltages across the circuit. I will also use a load/rheostat in the secondary coil so that I can keep the power constant even with changes in efficiency for example, if the efficiency increases with increasing current, a n increase in voltage in the primary coil will result in a greater increase in power in the secondary coil than before. The resistor will help me neutralize these variations. This set up will then be connected to an ammeter, and then the primary coil of the transformer. The secondary coil will have an ammeter connected in series and a voltmeter connected in parallel. Data Collection and Processing The first step in the data collection is to identify the raw data table. Since the variables that I am measuring are the currents and voltages in the primary and secondary circuit, these values will be part of my raw data table. Also, integral to the design are the chosen power output and the resistance that is being applied on the secondary coil to ensure this. Hence, these two will also be an important part of the raw data table. Thus the data table will look something like this: I have included one example to elucidate my data collection and method of processing Output Power Output Current Output Voltage Input Current Input Voltage 1.3936 8.71 0.160 2.61 1.610 The data however needs to be processed further in order to be interpreted. I first need to calculate the input and output powers. Both are calculated the formula P = VI. Since, I am trying to keep the output power constant, the output power is predetermined at 1.39 W. The input power is hence 2.61*1.610 = 4.2021W. The efficiency is hence, , = = 0.3316 This same process is repeated for every reading that I took, and hence I got my processed data table. The processed data table will consist of the output current and the efficiency with their respective uncertainties. The error propagation is described below, while the graph follows after. Processed Data Table Output Current in mA (I) Uncertainty in mA  ±ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬ I Efficiency (ÃŽÂ ·) Uncertainty  ±ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬ ÃŽÂ · 7.81 0.05 0.3065 0.01720 8.71 0.05 0.3316 0.01965 4.82 0.05 0.2071 0.00962 5.09 0.05 0.1928 0.00896 4.92 0.05 0.1859 0.00854 4.90 0.05 0.1852 0.00849 7.41 0.05 0.2816 0.01529 6.23 0.05 0.2417 0.01220 5.83 0.05 0.2224 0.01086 8.22 0.05 0.3165 0.01825 4.12 0.05 0.1714 0.00757 3.24 0.05 0.1292 0.00555 3.69 0.05 0.1562 0.00674 4.39 0.05 0.1791 0.00803 3.88 0.05 0.1422 0.00614 Error Propagation: Errors are a very important part of any experiment, as no process is perfect. Since readings are not perfectly precise, the upper and lower limits of uncertainties in the values have to be defined. I will start with the uncertainties in raw data. Uncertainty for current output:  ±0.05mA This is determined due to the random error involved. The systematic error was only 0.01mA (the least count of the digital multimeter), and as the random error was greater, it was discarded. The random error was quite big since there were fluctuations in readings. I took multiple repetitions for a couple of currents, and hence determined the random error. So for output current the repetitions are shown below: Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Uncertainty 4.86 4.94 4.90  ±0.04 8.65 8.77 8.71  ±0.06 Hence average uncertainty is (0.04 + 0.06)/2 = 0.05 Thus the absolute uncertainty for output current was determined to be  ±0.05 mA. The same process of taking multiple readings for each of output voltage, input current and input voltage. Interestingly, uncertainty in input current was the same as that of output current which is  ±0.05mA, while the uncertainties in both input and output voltage were  ±0.005V. Though it would have been more precise to take multiple readings every single time, this proved to be very difficult due to the limitations of the dimmer stat. Hence, I took multiple readings only for 2 values in each of them. Quantity Reading Uncertainty Input Current 3.120  ±0.05mA Output Current 4.900  ±0.05mA Input Voltage 2.417  ±0.003V Output Voltage 0.285  ±0.003V These errors have to be taken forward to the respective powers as well. Since P = VI, Power Input = Vi*Ii, = 3.12*2.417 = 7.5410mW =  ±0.13645mW Similarly, Finally since , Hence and This method of error processing is done for every reading. I have shown only one example her, but the rest are in the appendices. Now that the processed data as well as the errors have been defined, a graph can be obtained. The graph is basically the efficiency versus the output current. This will help identify the trend and hence the implications. Graphical Analysis The graph is a straight line graph showing a direct relationship between efficiency and output current. Since the variables are directly proportional, the greater the output current, the greater the efficiency. The current has been taken on the x-axis as it is the independent variable while the efficiency is on the y-axis as it is the dependent variable. The error bars have been included. However there are two anomalous points (3.88, 0.1422) and (4.82, 0.2071). A line of best fit has been incorporated with an R2 value of 0.985 which indicates very accurate data. Thus the data that I have collected supports the initial hypothesis that I made. While I have mathematically supported the hypothesis earlier, the physics-explanation is still left. In order to answer this, I will look at each of the three current related sources of energy loss separately. I will start by analysing the heating loss in the wires of the transformers. This is determined by the formula I2R; since the resistance can be rewritten as , the heating loss can be rewritten as . Thus, since the heating loss is directly proportional to the length of the wire, the longer the wire the greater the loss in power. As the current output is large, it implies that the current input is low, which means that the transformer is a step down transformer. Since in a step down transformer, Ns Next, we come to hysteresis loss. Hysteresis loss, according to an article by the eccentric scientist Nikola Tesla, is proportional to the square of the input current. Thus, it can be inferred that the efficiency increases with increasing current in the secondary current as the hysteresis loss follows the opposing trend. Last but not the least, we come to back emf. Interestingly, this source of power loss also fits the hypothesis. Back emf refers to the emf that is re-induced by the secondary coil in the primary coil. This emf, thus opposes the initial emf that is present, and in overcoming this, there is some loss of power. Thus, the greater the change in emf in the secondary coil, the greater the power loss due to back emf. As current increases in the secondary coil, the emf reduces, and hence so will the change in emf due to the alternating magnetic flux. Thus, a greater secondary current will reduce power loss due to back emf as well. Thus we have seen the physical explanations for the data that I had collected. As I said earlier, one major problem is the complete negligence of eddy currents. That however cannot be helped given the limitations of my design. Application of findings to real life: The above findings have great implications on any device that uses transformers. Due to the relation that has arisen, a higher efficiency is an inherent property of any step down transformers, while consequently, step up transformers tend to have lower efficiencies. Thus producers and consumers of devices which use these transformers need to take this into consideration. Take the electric arc welder for example. This is device that works at extremely low voltages with extremely high currents. Thus, the normal 220V that is available on the mains has to be stepped down, and hence it uses a step down transformer. Thus, the efficiency of the device would tend to be reasonably high. Extending the same ideas to power transmission systems, the opposite effect is noticed. Due to the Joule heating effect, power is normally transmitted at high voltages and low currents. Hence when it reaches the households, the power has to be stepped down. Here though, the relative change in voltage is comparatively far lesser than in the electric arc welder. Thus the efficiency here will be a lot lesser than in the electric arc welder. Thus, this power loss has to be taken into consideration when planning out the power transmission systems. The optimum voltage to current should be determined so that the total power loss between the transformer, as well as the wire should be as less as possible. Thus, using the relation from this data as well as the Joule-heating effect, the power loss has to be minimized for the whole system and not just the loss during transmission in the wires. Conclusion and Evaluation Source of Error Like any other experiment, there are errors are present here.. These were: First, eddy currents were not taken into consideration. In order to overcome this, I used laminated cores. The problem with eddy currents is that they cannot be quantified using the data I could collect, and hence I could not calculate them. Also, it is next to impossible to nullify them completely. However, as this was present through all readings, it becomes a part of the systematic error. As this is negligible (the x-intercept of the graph is very close to 0), it can be concluded that eddy currents did not affect the readings by much. The second major source of error was my crude method of keeping power output constant. Starting with the insensitive dimmer stat, I could not control the power output to more than 3 significant figures. Thus there were variations in the power output which were of the order of 10-3. This too would have added to the error caused. This though would have been part of the random error, as it varied from reading to reading. However, due to the fact that multiple readings were taken, the error would have been minimized. Another source of error is the resistance in both circuits. The resistance in both circuits was unknown. Though I did determine some portion of the resistance through the resistance box, the wires were not ideal, i.e. they too had a resistance of their own. The power loss from these wires is thus not accounted for. To be more accurate, this too should be calculated and subtracted from the total power loss to get the power lost only in the transformer. Improvements in design: First of all, a more sensitive dimmer stat must be used. This basically means that the least count of the dimmer stat should be 1mV so t5hat fine tuning can be done. Second, wires of known resistivity and length should be used. This will help make the readings more accurate as then power lost in the external circuit can be removed. Also, I used only 1 transformer throughout my experiment. Though multiple readings were taken, random error could have been further minimised by using multiple transformers. Scope for further research My experiment was limited to just step down transformers. Though a relation was identified, it remains to be seen whether the relation will hold or become the opposite with step up transformers. The reason behind this is that the turns ratios of step up transformers follow an opposite trend to that of step down transformers, i.e. in step down transformers Ns Reflections For me, this extended essay was much more than just a requirement to be fulfilled in order to complete the IB Diploma. Throughout this process I have gained valuable hands-on experience which I am sure will help me in my further studies. Apart from pushing the boundaries of my knowledge, I have also developed my research skills. Not only have I figured out how to go about a basic research project, but I have also learnt not to be disappointed in the face of setbacks. This essay was my third one, as problems arose in the first and second ones. Although I was initially disheartened, now I regard them as being equally important experiences, as I have realized that failure is part of any scientific process. In fact, it was the first couple of failures that helped me understand the subject better than I could have hoped. Personally this was a deeply enriching experience that I know will assist me for a long time to come. Bibliography Feynman, R. P. (2005). The Feynamn Lectures on Physics, The Definitive Edition Volume 2. Addison Wesley. Halliday, R. a. (2004). Fundamentals of Physics. Wiley. Heathcote, M. J. (2007). The J P Transformer Book: A Practical Technology of the Power Transformer. Newnes. Tsokos, K. A. (2008). Physics for the IB Diploma. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Appendices Appendix 1 My raw data is presented below Output Current in mA (Is) Output Voltage in V (Vs) Input Current in mA (Ip) Input Voltage in V (Vp) 7.81 0.179 2.65 1.721 8.71 0.160 2.61 1.610 4.82 0.290 3.01 2.242 5.09 0.273 3.09 2.333 4.92 0.283 3.12 2.401 4.90 0.285 3.12 2.417 7.41 0.188 2.75 1.799 6.23 0.223 2.85 2.017 5.83 0.239 2.94 2.131 8.22 0.169 2.63 1.669 4.12 0.338 3.28 2.477 3.24 0.430 3.51 3.073 3.69 0.376 3.49 2.545 4.39 0.317 3.21 2.420 3.88 0.360 3.41 2.880 Appendix 2 The processed data without the errors is represented below: Output power in mW (Ps) Input Power in mW (Pp) Efficiency (ÃŽÂ ·) 1.3980 4.5607 0.3065 1.3936 4.2021 0.3316 1.3978 6.7484 0.2071 1.3896 7.2090 0.1928 1.3924 7.4911 0.1859 1.3965 7.5410 0.1852 1.3931 4.9473 0.2816 1.3893 5.7485 0.2417 1.3934 6.2651 0.2224 1.3892 4.3895 0.3165 1.3926 8.1246 0.1714 1.3932 10.7862 0.1292 1.3874 8.8821 0.1562 1.3916 7.7682 0.1791 1.3968 9.8208 0.1422 Appendix 3 This is the data with the uncertainties included. Output Current in mA (Is) Uncertainty in mA (ΆIs) Output Voltage in V (Vs) Uncertainty in V (ΆVs) Output power in mW (Ps) Uncertainty in mW (ΆPs) 7.81 0.05 0.179 0.005 1.3980 0.0480 8.71 0.05 0.160 0.005 1.3936 0.0516 4.82 0.05 0.290 0.005 1.3978 0.0386 5.09 0.05 0.273 0.005 1.3896 0.0391 4.92 0.05 0.283 0.005 1.3924 0.0388 4.90 0.05 0.285 0.005 1.3965 0.0388 7.41 0.05 0.188 0.005 1.3931 0.0465 6.23 0.05 0.223 0.005 1.3893 0.0423 5.83 0.05 0.239 0.005 1.3934 0.0411 8.22 0.05 0.169 0.005 1.3892 0.0496 4.12 0.05 0.338 0.005 1.3926 0.0375 3.24 0.05 0.430 0.005 1.3932 0.0377 3.69 0.05 0.376 0.005 1.3874 0.0373 4.39 0.05 0.317 0.005 1.3916 0.0378 3.88 0.05 0.360 0.005 1.3968 0.0374 Input Current in mA (Is) Uncertainty in mA (ΆIs) Input Voltage in V (Vs) Uncertainty in V (ΆVs) Input Power in mW (Ps) Uncertainty in mW (ΆPs) 2.65 0.05 1.721 0.005 4.5607 0.09930 2.61 0.05 1.610 0.005 4.2021 0.09355 3.01 0.05 2.242 0.005 6.7484 0.12715 3.09 0.05 2.333 0.005 7.2090 0.13210 3.12 0.05 2.401 0.005 7.4911 0.13565 3.12 0.05 2.417 0.005 7.5410 0.13645 2.75 0.05 1.799 0.005 4.9473 0.10370 2.85 0.05 2.017 0.005 5.7485 0.11510 2.94 0.05 2.131 0.005 6.2651 0.12125 2.63 0.05 1.669 0.005 4.3895 0.09660 3.28 0.05 2.477 0.005 8.1246 0.14025 3.51 0.05 3.073 0.005 10.7862 0.17120 3.49 0.05 2.545 0.005 8.8821 0.14470 3.21 0.05 2.420 0.005 7
Thursday, November 14, 2019
American Airlines Flight 1420 Essay -- Essays Papers
American Airlines Flight 1420 American Airlines flight 1420 crashed in Little Rock, Arkansas. The crash killed 11 people, after running off the runway and impacting an approach lighting structure. The causes of the crash are still being investigated but the likely causes include the plane touching down 2000 feet passed the runway threshold, the rapidly deteriorating weather, and a fatigued flight crew. The American Airlines McDonnell Douglas MD-82 carrying 143 passengers attempted a landing in fierce winds just shy of midnight on June 2, 1999. As the flight was en-route to Little Rock the Air Traffic Control (ATC) facility at the Little Rock Airport reported to the pilots that a thunderstorm had moved into the area with strong wind gusts. Despite these reports the flight crew decided to continue on. While the plane was on final, ATC informed the crew of rapidly deteriorating weather and two wind shear alerts. The co-pilot said that they had sight of the runway the entire time they were on final; he said it was like â€Å"a bowling alley effect†(Lunsford 1) where they were able to see between the clouds. As the plane touched down things started to go wrong. Immediately after touching down the plane started hydroplaning down the runway. The crew did not feel the typical deceleration forces that are normally associated with the reverse thrusters that are used when landing. With the strong wind on the field the plane started to yaw to the right due to a strong crosswind...
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Punks :: essays research papers
Punks Did you know that the first commercially successful punk band was the Sex Pistols? Then came groups like Black Flag, Husker Du, and Bad Brains. Punk was invented in Britain in the mid Seventies. The first American punk started in a New York club called CBGB's. CBGB's would attract a crowd of about 500 with its Sunday-afternoon hard-core matinees. The concerts would be over by a reasonable time so kids could get home to eat dinner with their parents. In this paper we will take a look at some history and aspects of punk rock over the years. Slam dancing has been popular through the history of punk. You may have heard of called "mashing" or "stage diving." Mashing is just a big game of bumper cars like you played when you were a kid. I think Natalie Jacobson who is dating the lead singer of "Murphy's Law" describes stage diving best when says, "It's like diving into a human carpet. Something like the old kids' trust game. Just my way of getting into it. Gospel people got their thing, I got mine."1 Some punks consider themselves Nazis', or are concerned with issues like peace, racism, and nuclear war. Most punk is against parental, musical, and political authorities. On the other hand some isn't. Bob Mould of Husker Du talks about politics quite frequently in his songs. Most punks that live in small towns have trouble making friends. They find it hard to relate to most people. Sixteen- year-old Becca Levine finds it hard to make friends in her small town. She comes from a family of divorced parents that never have understood her. Her mother thinks it's just a phase she's going through. As Becca Quotes, "Parents around here treat me like I'm kind of weird."3 She has met someone from New York City that understands her. She meets with him at concerts at clubs like the Ritz or CBGB's. She met someone else also.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Legal Safety and Regulatory Requirements Essay
Human resources was created to make sure the organization reaches its goals, which is to maximize returns on investment from the organization’s human capital and minimize financial risk, providing the organization with well trained and motivated employees, to ensure all reconciliation of individual goals with those of the organization, developing overall personality of each employee in its multidimensional aspect, and ensuring effective utilization and maximum development of human resources. Along with these responsibilities the human resources department also have regulations they have to follow such as the Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC). This commission established on July 2, 1965, and is listed under the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA),[7] the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person’s race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. It is also illegal to discriminate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit. Most employers with at least 15 employees are covered by EEOC laws (20 employees in age discrimination cases). Most labor unions and employment agencies are also covered by these laws. The laws apply to all types of work situations, including hiring, firing, promotions, harassment, training, wages, and benefits (U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, n. d. ). The EEOC provides employees with the opportunity to have an investigation if they feel they have been discriminated against. If the discrimination can be justified then the commission does have the right to file a lawsuit to ensure that the employees’ rights and interest of the public are protected. The EEOC provides leadership and guidance to federal agencies on all aspects of the federal government’s equal employment opportunity program. EEOC assures federal agency and department compliance with EEOC regulations, provides technical assistance to federal agencies concerning EEO complaint djudication, monitors and evaluates federal agencies’ affirmative employment programs, develops and distributes federal sector educational materials and conducts training for stakeholders, provides guidance and assistance to our Administrative Judges who conduct hearings on EEO complaints, and adjudicates appeals from administrative decisions made by federal agencies on EEO complaints (U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, n. . ). The guidelines for employees have been made into regulations enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity instead of the perception â€Å"common sense and compassion in the workplace†has been replaced by litigation to make discrimination incidents legally enforced. History has changed so much over time such as the act to abolish race discrimination better known as the Civil Rights Act that was passed in 1908. The individuals within the human resource department must be well versed in all the laws and regulations as set by the United States as they are expected to abide by these laws and rules. Once the potential employee has signed an employment contract, a new relationship is formed between employer and employee. â€Å"Both employers and employees have rights and obligations to each other when they enter into a contract. An employment contract spells out explicitly the terms of the employment relationship for both employee and employer (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy, 2010, p. 441)†. Along with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission there are also other entities that are in place to protect the rights of the employee and the employer such as National Labor Relations Board, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. These regulations and laws are very important within the health care field and needs to be understood throughout the organization to prevent any wrong doings. These entities should be complied with and enforced the regulations which will decrease any chance of liability for the human resources department and organization. The human resources department staff to have extensive training to protect employees from frivolous incidents. Currently, because of the of Civil Rights (OCR) administers ensures Agency compliance with the laws, regulations, policies, and guidance that prohibit discrimination in the Federal workplace based on race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, genetic information, or reprisal better known as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Nucor Corporation Essay
Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Nucor Corporation has been known as a leader in the steel production industry since it was founded in 1955 as Nuclear Corporation of America ( In the steel production industry, globalization is the driving force that affects competition. Since the modern day steel industry is of a global scope, including the United States, Europe, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Brazil, China, and many other foreign countries, Nucor has made moves to counteract the impacts of globalization. In the mid-1900’s, the steel industry was plagued by overcapacity of foreign material due to the â€Å"dumping†of foreign steel into the United States at cut-rate prices. As many domestic steel firms did not have the resources to compete with these foreign giants, Nucor was in the best position to defend against foreign competition with their low-cost German technology, and in 1955 they started their first international venture with a Brazilian steel production company, and built their first international steel mill in the state of Ceara. Nucor was also threatened by the leader in foreign imports to the United States, so they bought a Japanese-owned mill in New York. Today, Nucor Corporation is continuously attempting to meet the challenges of a globalized market by expanding through acquisition in hopes that this will strengthen their market position and become a more globally competitive organization. Steel is the modern technology of the building, automotive, and several other industries. Advances in steel production technologies can drastically change the industry’s make-up, helping mills to produce material at lower costs. Nucor Corporation has been and continues to be a pioneer of new production technologies that helps them to produce material competitive in quality and cost to that of foreign producers. Traditionally, steel mills were/are using energy-intensive blast furnaces to make material. In 1969, through the use of advanced technologies, Nucor was able to produce the first mini-mill which relies primarily on scrap metals instead of iron-ore and coke. With the introduction of electric arc furnaces instead of the traditional blast furnaces, Nucor has been able to increase market share through the more efficient, lower-cost production that has helped them to triple their output since the 1990’s. Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns. Resources| 1. Nucor is known as a price leader in the steel production industry.| | | | 2. Nucor is constantly adding new product offerings and advancements in technology to lower the costs of production.| 3. $1.1 billion in capital expenditures budgeted for 2013 (| | | | | 4. Managers that are knowledgeable about the current trends in the global market which helps them maintain the ability to overcome the negative effects of slow economic growth.| 5. Nucor has strong relationships with its suppliers and buyers.| | | | | 6. Nucor has its own fleet of 150 trucks to ensure on-time delivery and reduce transportation costs.| Capability| 1. Nucor follows a low cost provider strategy, as it aims to provide a product that meets industry standards at the lowest available price in the industry.| 2. Nucor maintains an expertise in the implementation of technology that will help them lower production costs while increasing profit margins.| 3. Nucor steel production mills are located strategically near customers all over the United States to cut down on transportation costs.| 4. Nucor has limited long-term debt that places them in a position to grow through acquisitions. | Competitive Advantage| While the rest of the steel production industry focuses on the import material that is flooding the market and causing domestic pricing to slip rapidly, Nucor is in a strong financial situation to gain an advantage over their competitors by spending their available capital on growth and technology.| An Attractive Industry| The steel trade/import firm industry.| | | | | | | | Strategy Formulation and Implementation| Nucor can use their resources and capabilities to exploit them through a foreign import trade firm. Being known as a price leader in the steel production industry, Nucor can take advantage of the acquisition of a trade firm to bring foreign material into the United States without setting prices so low that they disrupt domestic pricing. This will allow them to buy steel from foreign producers at a low price and sell it to domestic consumers at a price high enough that it will not cause a decrease in domestic material, eventually increasing profit margins for Nucor Corporation.| Assess how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influence its overall success. Nucor Corporation is focused on their customers: their employees, shareholders, and the people that buy and use their products. Nucor’s vision is to be the safest, highest quality, lowest cost, most productive, and most profitable steel and steel products company in the world. This vision is the foundation of their mission: â€Å"Take care of our customers†( Nucor has established an internal â€Å"fit†with their employees and managers which include those that strive to improve efficiency while establishing strong relationships among employees, based on the Nucor values such as honesty, autonomy, trust, communication, and self-motivation. This type of value-added employment undeniably leads to short-term growth and long-term success. Those that do not uphold this â€Å"fit†will eventually leave on their own terms. This shows Nucor’s strength in management values, and provides a competitive advantage. Nucor Corporation also takes care of the people that buy their steel by constantly rising to the challenges of advancing technology to be able to produce quality material at a low cost. This type of value-added service paves the way for customer loyalty, eventually leading to long-term success in the industry. Evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of this company. Stakeholders are the individuals, groups, and organizations who can affect the firm’s vision and mission, and whom are affected by the strategic outcomes achieved, and have enforceable claims on the firm’s performance (Smith, Ireland, Hoskisson, 2013). These stakeholders are classified into three different groups: Capital Market, Product Market, and Organizational. Capital Market Stakeholders are comprised of the shareholders and the lenders. Shareholders can use tactics to pressure management into making certain decision for the corporation, and if they become dissatisfied they can sell their stock in the company. In the case of Nucor, the major lenders approved the risks of developing and implementing the electric-arc furnace technology through financing. In turn, being able to produce lower cost material has helped Nucor Corporation to have higher profit margin, thus producing a higher dividend for investors. Product Market Stakeholders include the customers, suppliers, host communities, and unions. Nucor has the ability to produce low-cost, high-quality steel that keeps customers loyal to their brand, even if the price rises. Being able to sell lower cost products at a higher price helps Nucor to maintain supplier loyalty as well because they are able to pay their scrap suppliers a higher price. Nucor also has locations all over the United States that employ over 20,000 people, which in turn helps these host communities through employment and revenues. Lastly, Organizational Stakeholders are the employees of Nucor. I would venture to say that the organizational stakeholders of Nucor Corporation are the bread and butter of the company. Their value-added services and product knowledge, mixed with the Nucor â€Å"fit†, can either make or break the success of the company. References Hitt, Hoskisson, Ireland (2013). Strategic Management Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization. Cengage Learning: Mason, Ohio. Retrieved 7/10/2103.
Policing Essay
Policing CRJ 201, Section 511 Frank Serpico Francesco Vincent Serpico was born on April 14, 1936 in Brooklyn, NY. At the age of 18 Serpico enlisted in the United States army and spent two years in Korea. In 1959 Frank Serpico graduated form the police academy and was sworn into the New York City Police Department. From the =Beginning of Serpico’s career in the NYPD he was forced with having to defend his integrity to the police department. While a rookie taking part in field officer training, there was a rape in progress call sent out over the radio. Serpico, wanting to do nothing but help wanted to take the call though it was out of his sector and against his veteran officers advice. Frank later forced to give up his collar despite the fact he apprehended the remaining rape suspects on his own. Being a rookie officer left him susceptible to officers with seniority easily getting over on him. In 1960 Frank became a patrolman in the 81st precinct. He then worked for the Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) before he was assigned to being a plain-clothes officer. This is when Frank Serpico’s problems began and he was exposed to department wide police corruption. Police subculture is defined as; shared values and norms and the established patterns of behavior that tend to characterize policing. During Frank’s time police corruption was definitely apart of police subculture. However it was not apart of Frank Serpico’s police subculture. While stationed at the 93rd precinct Serpico was given $300 as a part of the station pay off. Not knowing what to do with the money, and it being his first experience with corruption Frank took the money to his Sargent who in turn pocketed the money for himself. Becoming a snitch is something frowned upon then and now among civilians and law enforcement when it comes to one of your own. It is especially difficult to be a snitch in the police department because there is then no one behind you when in need. Blowing the whistle on fellow officers took a lot of guts and courage, especially when knowing that no one is there to stand behind you, and everyone is against you. On April 25, 1970, a New York Times article was published by David Burnham that would shake up the entire New York City Police Department. With the aid of Frank Serpico and Sargent David Durke, Burnham told the world of the millions of dollars paid to policeman in the New York Police Department by drug dealers, gamblers, and crooked businessmen. Frank also pointed out that despite the obvious corruption both Mayor Lindsay’s’ administration, and the police department ignored and failed to look into corruption cases repeatedly brought to their attention. This very article and the now public knowledge and outrage forced Mayor Lindsay to form the KNAPP Commission; a five-member panel whose purpose was to investigate corruption among the police department. Once the New York Times article was published, Frank Serpico was officially deemed a snitch. Subjecting himself to the possibility of extreme danger and violence, either at the hands of his own or by criminals when a lack of police back up and support is available. This possibility of danger became reality on February 3, 1971. While working in the vice division out of Brooklyn North, Serpico and 3 others detectives were working a drug sting. Frank was sent into the building and after witnessing the drug buy informed the two other plains clothes officers of were the suspect apartment was located. Serpico, the only officer that knew how to speak Spanish, was prompted to fake as if he wanted to purchase heroin to gain access into the suspects’ apartment. Once the dealer cracked the door Frank tried to force his way in, only able to wedge some of his body into the suspects’ door. Subsequently Serpico was shot at point blank range in his face with a . 22 caliber handgun. Once collapsed on the floor the remaining two officers stepped over him and proceeded with the drug bust instead of helping, they didn’t even care enough to send out a cop shot call over the radio. It was a neighbor living on the floor of the shooting that called the ambulance and stayed with Serpico until a squad car arrived to escort him to the hospital. Frank Serpico soon after the shooting began to question the circumstances of the shooting, feeling he was set up to be executed. While in recovery at the hospital Serpico was constantly harassed and faced with wishes of death. Frank recovered, losing hearing in his left ear, and in December of 1971 testified in front of the KNAPP Commission. Ultimately Serpico received what he always wanted, a brass shield and a promotion to detective. Of course there was no customary ceremony when Frank was awarded detective status, he was called and told to pick his badge up from the office. This was one of the many things that displayed the distain the department and city officials had for Frank Serpico. In 1972 after receiving a gold metal of honor, Serpico retired from the New York City Police Department and moved to Switzerland, where he stayed for almost a decade. In 1980 Serpico back to New York City and now lives a quiet life upstate. Frank Serpico was the first and probably most famous New York police officer to report and go as far as to testify on the department wide corruption. He never gave up, never gave in, and always stayed true and loyal to the oath he took when graduating from the police academy in 1959. Hearing the story of Frank Serpico makes me grateful because I know there are truly honest and loyal individuals that hold jobs in the public service field. People like him played major roles in molding what the police department is today. However I do not think I would have followed in Frank Serpico’s footsteps to expose the ugly truth of what was going on in the police department at the time. Being apart of the police subculture, all you have is each other. Once you put on the uniform and strap on that gun and badge no one can protect you from danger but yourself and your fellow officers. Once those other officers distrust you there is no one to have your back when faced with a criminal with intent to harm you. I would remember that when my shift is over I have to go back to my family, I have to live a life outside of my career as a New York City Police Officer. If I could have found a way to not take the payoffs, still do my job to the best of my ability, and not snitch on my fellow officers, that would definitely be the route in which I would take. Frank Serpico could have easily been killed and I don’t think the police department or anything else is more important then my life and the lives of my family. I do respect everything that Frank Serpico did. His integrity and courageousness was unprecedented. Without him the police department that my friends, loved ones, and I interact with daily could very well be much different and much worst. All Frank Serpico wanted to do was be a good, moral person and an honest police officer. He nicely summed up some of his feelings while in front of the KNAPP Commission by saying, â€Å"Through my appearance here today†¦ I hope that police officers in the future will not experience the same frustration and anxiety that I was subjected to for the past five years at the hands of my superiors because of my attempt to report corruption†¦ We create an atmosphere in which the honest officer fears the dishonest officer, and not the other way around†¦ The problem is that the atmosphere does not yet exist in which honest police officers can act without fear of ridicule or reprisal from fellow officers. â€
Friday, November 8, 2019
How to Answer “Can I Contact Your Current Employerâ€Â
How to Answer â€Å"Can I Contact Your Current Employer†If anyone asks where you were today, you were at a dentist’s appointment. Right? The vague â€Å"appointment,†always in the middle of the day, is a classic tactic for interviewing for new jobs while you’re still at your current one. You just put up your â€Å"out of office†message and hope no one notices that you’re awfully dressed up for a Wednesday. However, your slick cover story could be blown if the interviewing company contacts your current one. How does one avoid this potential explosion of awkwardness?Look, everyone understands that the sneaky interview is kind of the dirty little secret of the working world. Everyone does it at some point, in hopes of trading up their current position, or pursuing a new opportunity. That doesn’t mean you want your intentions broadcast across your current company- especially if you don’t get the new gig. Ideally, the interviewer will accept your list of non-current-boss references without que stion. But there’s a chance he or she might ask you the dreaded question: â€Å"Hey, do you mind if I contact your current employer?†DO understand that they’re not trying to double-cross you.No one is snitching†¦the person interviewing you merely wants to get a sense of what you’re like as a current employee. He or she knows it’s awkward, but it’s a valid question. After all, your current boss might know you’re interviewing for a variety of reasons (like your job is ending due to a layoff, your job is temporary, etc.)- so it certainly can’t hurt to ask.DON’T panic, and assume that everyone will soon know about your secret interview.It’s definitely okay to say that you’d like to keep your job search under wraps for now.DO have some current colleagues in mind that you could include as a reference.If you have a trusted coworker who has a clear sense of your abilities as an employee, but who can also be tr usted with a secret (and who has been told ahead of time that you’re on the hunt), then offer them as an alternative reference. That way, you can say to the interviewer that you’re not comfortable if she talks to your current boss yet, but that you have another reference at your current company whom she could talk to in the meantime.DON’T act cagey, like you have something to hide.Be up-front that you’re not comfortable offering up your current boss as a reference at this time. Emphasize that your available references are well aware of your abilities as an employee, and let the interviewer know that they’re happy to talk to him or her in the meantime.DO leave the door open for the future.After you say that you’re not comfortable with the interviewer talking with your current manager, make sure they know that it’s not a final â€Å"no.†Let him or her know that when the timing is right, you’d be open to them contacting yo ur current company.If all goes well, you can sneak back into your office with a spring in your step, and secure in the knowledge that your secret is safe for now.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Ethnic Groups and Discrimination
Ethnic Groups and Discrimination Free Online Research Papers I am a descendent of Mexican American and Irish Americans and I chose to explore the history of the Mexican immigration to the United States. I have found that the Mexicans that immigrated to the United States faced many obstacles and suffered through a great deal of discrimination from the Americans. The immigrants dealt with a severe dual labor market during the early to mid 1940’s in the United States. There was also a definite portrayal of redlining with the Mexicans immigrating to the United States. The Mexican migrates had several issues that they faced upon trying to first enter the country and even today there are still many things that they have to face if they wish to enter and become a part of the United States. There are currently approximately 5.3 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States that hail from Mexico; according to the U.S. census of 2008. Mexico also currently represents the largest source of immigration to the United States they also have the most undocumented immigrants. Do to this large population of the Mexican immigrants there was a negative connotation attached to the Mexicans living in the United States. The media is where the negative image came from. They have been discriminated because of their race, culture, language and ethnicity. One of the biggest reasons though they faced discrimination was because of the illegal immigration. Many citizens of the United States were and are upset about the way these immigrants enter the country and think that it is unfair. The Mexicans faced a great extent of discrimination while trying to make a better life for themselves in the United States. The dual labor market that the Mexican immigrants faced was a very tough one; there were several obstacles that they constantly had to overcome. Demographically the Mexican Americans are highly urbanized, young, disproportionately blue collar, and poor. The immigrants have many things going against them and it is hard to overcome these obstacles due to the fact that they are limited in the income that they can make in the United States because of their lack of education, language barrier and poverty that they have to deal with. Their occupational gains are slow and have an enormous sensitivity to the economic conditions in the United States. With all these issues that they faced everyday there was still the fact that the immigrants could not get the United States citizens to accept them openly to their country as contributing, working citizens. The 1940’s is when the media really started negatively portraying the Mexican Americans. This is following the Great Depression where over 500,000 Mexican immigrants were deported from the United States back to Mexico. However the Mexican entered World War 2 hoping that by fighting for their country that they resided in would help to show their loyalty to the United States, but it did not. Over 300,000 Mexicans fought in the war and when the war ended and everyone came back thousands were turned away from medical facilities when they needed attention for the wounds that they acquired while fighting the war to protect the United States. These soldiers were not welcomed back into the United States and were still considered disloyal foreigners in the country. With all this going on the Mexicans still continued to migrate to the United States by the thousands some legally but most of them illegally. In 1986 the Immigration Reform and Control Act grandfathered in approximately 2 million formerly undocumented Mexicans that were in the process of acquiring legal status in the United States. Since this happened the process of gaining legal citizenship to the United States has become easier for the Mexicans and the United States has also been more accepting of the Mexicans into the country. After reviewing the information that I found about Mexicans immigrating to the United States, I think that I can identify more with the mainstream culture that I live in now. I have deep sympathy for the experiences that the past immigrants had faced. The biggest reason that I think I relate more to the main stream culture is because I was raised in a predominantly American household and practiced American cultures and grew up in American school systems. I also never faced the discrimination that the Mexican immigrants did because I really don’t look of Latin descent. Also I truly believe that things are getting better for all immigrants in the United States and I hope that things keep moving in that direction. Resources: Mexican Immigration to the U.S.; the Latest Estimates Passel, Jeffrey March 2004 Mexican Americans, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Moore, Joan W.; University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Research Papers on Ethnic Groups and DiscriminationThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropePETSTEL analysis of IndiaPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andTwilight of the UAWTrailblazing by Eric Anderson
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