Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Knowledge Management College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Knowledge Management College - Essay Example Wikipedia (2006) defines knowledge management as "the ways organizations gather, manage, and use the knowledge that they acquirean approach to improving organizational outcomes and organizational learning by introducing into an organization a range of specific processes and practices for identifying and capturing knowledge, know-how, expertise and other intellectual capital, and for making such knowledge assets available for transfer and reuse across the organization." Both companies also wanted their staff to be able to access information quickly with ease in order to train properly, learn about clients, to locate the right person who had the necessary information, share and gather information locally and globally, etc. Both companies had information and resources that were scattered sporadically and neither could access, retrieve, share, and organize the information. Each had information and knowledge yet no systematic order in which to manage it.
Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Terrorism - Essay Example Terrorist acts committed by women and children are becoming a widespread phenomenon. Joann Chesimard is a perfect example. Terrorist groups understand that it is much easier to commit a terrorist act if you are a charming woman or a little child. People usually do not tend to suspect women and children in being capable of committing a violent act. Thus, terrorists can reach their goals easier. Certainly, the representatives of fair sex, and especially little children, can be criminals and victims at the same time, because many of them are forced to commit terrorist acts or they can be imposed upon by some religious believes with this purpose. (Hoffman, Inside terrorism 3). 2. Hezbollah brought too much violence to the world in the past, so its present activity must also be considered as violent. Terrorist organization is the one that uses terror to achieve certain goals, but terror may have different forms (Hoffman, "The Logic of Suicide Terrorism"41). Notwithstanding that now the or ganization does not commit terrorist attacks, it still wants to have much power by controlling its own TV stations and news channels. Terrorists try to impose their influence on different governments that testifies about their desire to have much power. People should not trust the individuals who were terrorists in the past. Their behavior may turn to violent any moment, thus, European Union is quite right blacklisting them. 3. If we talk about the difference between the terrorism in Europe and in the United States, we should recognize that the terrorism itself and the tactics of struggling with it are very different in both continents. The difference is connected with the way terrorism is treated and the history of terrorist attacks. It is a well-known fact that the goal of the United States is to influence Muslims and impose western values upon them. The goal of the US is very understandable as Muslims’ behavior is sometimes cruel and violent, so it would be better if they accept some western values. However, Muslims value their culture and religion very high and are not going to lose their values or substitute them. They got used to the way of life they conduct, thus, they try to resist the imposed changes. For example, the terrorist act of September 11, 2001, was the Muslims’ response to the United States politics in their countries. Thus, the main goal of the United States regarding terrorism is not to prevent further attacks, but to defeat terrorism as a phenomenon, to eliminate terrorist groups in the bud (Campbell 2). Speaking about Europe, the attitude to terrorists there is very different. If the United States, as a more democratic country, tries to help Eastern countries become more developed, Europeans are just proud of their culture and consider it to be much better than a Muslims’ one. Therefore, Europeans consider terrorism to be the act of the â€Å"wild†part of the world against civilization. Thus, the tactics of s truggling with terrorism in Europe is directed on providing Europeans with necessary protection and on the prevention of further attacks. Thus, it we talk about terrorism, we should recognize that the politics of the United States is more aggressive due to the number of reasons, while the politics of Europe has a somewhat defensive character. 4. The main task of mass media is to
Monday, October 28, 2019
Database security in the cloud Essay Example for Free
Database security in the cloud Essay This chapter is mainly concerned with providing the research methods and the tools that were used to get the views of the respondents. They contribute a lot in the conclusion of the research. The methods that were employed in this research include sampling, questionnaires, and online surveys. With Web 2. 0 being in full force today, there are more avenues that have made it possible to get views from clients. These avenues include web forums, blogs, and review sites like ZDNet, and ZNet sites. This was a good method that was of paramount importance in this research. Use of interview This method was also a vital component of my research as its combination with other methods like observations and other statistical techniques yields optimum results. I ensured that I maintained the balance of emphasis which kept on shifting with the frame of reference and objectives of this study. Interviews also proved highly flexible especially given the fact that I handled it with care and achieved a considerably liberal atmosphere since questions that were not easily grasped by interviewees were rephrased and/or repeated emphatically and explanations given where it proved necessary. The use of interviews helped me in the study of human behaviour during the process and helped me to secure very intimate and personal knowledge about my study. However, they had the following limitations: the use this tool proved to be time consuming as I had to conduct personal visits to the sample population severally due to some absentee interviewees which forced me to conduct several revisits and some appointments that I made sure to catch up to the required information (McEvoy, Schulze, 2008). Records and documentations also helped me in analyzing the legal basis of businesses, their past, current and projected status as regards capital input and output enabling me to deduce the history of ideas, prime philosophies and scientific thoughts that come with the projections (McEvoy, Schulze, 2008). Journals were also useful in my research as I got relevant information and used it for my analysis and compilations. Expressive Documents including personal letters; life or case histories in the form of diaries and accounts of small-group processes which created a solid background for sourcing information in this research. 4. 1. 2 Use of questionnaires I employed the use of close-ended questions where I provided the respondents with a variety of choices to pick from that reflected the trends and use of Information Technology and also open ended questions in which I gave the respondents room to formulate their own answers to my questions. Although its use proved to be cost effective, easy to analyze, familiar to most of the respondents and reduced biasness, their use has shown that they have low response rates which is a real curse to statistical analysis and can reduce the reliability of the results (Jha, Merzky, Fox, 2008). But I ensured a well designated study approach to the use of questionnaires to produce consistent and high response rates. 4. 1. 3 Online surveys/use of the internet The Internet proved very interactive in providing me with relevant information besides being affordable to administer, easy to modify and gave instant results for the study. The tool also had an advantage of making it easy to automate data creation, manipulation and reporting and made it user friendly. Although the use of the internet was efficient, it still had weakness of difficulty in determining and controlling selection probabilities, which is a hindrance to quantitative analysis of data collected (McEvoy, Schulze, 2008). 4. 2 Procedures The results were from 5 companies which have widely dealt with cloud computing and are concerned with the security of the databases stored in the clouds. These companies have their representatives and program officers who were very helpful in this research. This is because they are the leading in the development and development of cloud computing. Data was collected using SPSS program. The views from the employees of these companies were captured in a questionnaire which was sent online. They were asked how they perceive their achievement of the database security in cloud computing. They were then asked of their personal feel of the extent to which the war against attacks in the cloud has been achieved. In part 1, the respondents were told to give the things they feel are important when one is implementing cloud computing. They were told to give the issues they feel were paramount in implementing security in cloud computing environments. Participants were then asked a series of questions related to database security in cloud computing: the type of cloud computing they wish to implement (attribute vs. consensus), the type of information source (personal vs. impersonal), type of heuristics (independent self-related vs. interdependent self-related), decision speed, consideration set, product involvement, and product knowledge. In part 2, participants were asked a series of individual differences in their technologies they wished to b implemented. In part 3, participants were presented with demographic questions such as age, gender, nationality, race/ethnicity, and cultural identity. Once a participant finished the questionnaire, he/she was thanked and dismissed. McEvoy, G. , Schulze, B. (2008). Using clouds to address grid limitations. In Workshop on Middleware for Grid Computing (article 11). Retrieved May 19, 2010, from ACM Digital Library database. Jha, S. , Merzky, A. , Fox, G. (2008). Cloud computing and grid abstraction. Retrieved on May 17, 2010, from Open Grid Forum Web site: http://ogf. org/OGF_Special_Issue/cloud-grid-saga. pdf
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Effects of Living With A Pacemaker
Effects of Living With A Pacemaker Mackenzie Crowe Millions of people live with the help of a pacemaker on a day to day basis. An enormous 600,000 pacemakers are implanted each year and a total of 3 million people worldwide are living with a pacemaker.1 Like most scenarios, health hazards do not really affect someone until a family member or close friend is diagnosed. We usually do not become curious until someone we truly care about requires some sort of help. That’s just what my family member’s heart needed. My family member lived with a pacemaker quite a few years before he passed. Along with his age, he had other health complications that lead to arrhythmias, or irregular heartbeats, and his body became too weak to keep up with the demand of pumping blood to all parts of the body; so they implanted a pacemaker. A pacemaker, also known as an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), is a miniaturized computer that sends electrical stimulation to the heart whenever it senses that the heart is not beating or is beating too slowly.2 The pacemaker is about the size of two stacked silver dollars and weighs approximately 17-25 grams.2 This device’s main purpose is to help the heart maintain its repetitive rhythm, but it can also store information for a doctor to retrieve which will allow the best possible therapy per individual.2 Newer pacemakers can also treat heart failure by resynchronizing the electrical impulses in the heart’s four chambers- therefore improving the hear t’s ability to pump blood.2 From the time my family member had one implanted to the time that he passed, he had gone through two pacemakers. Like anything else, pacemakers can malfunction. In my family member’s case, his pacemaker just wasn’t working properly and so they just simply implanted a new one. From then on, everything pertaining to his pacemaker went rather smoothly. When I was young my cousins and I always asked him questions as to why he had it, what it did for him, and sometimes he would even open his shirt and let us feel where the pacemaker was in his chest. Although I didn’t live with my grandparents I did spend a lot of time at their house and the fact that my family member had a pacemaker rather bothered me. I wanted to know everything about it. I wanted to know what to do if something were to go wrong. I wanted to know if there could be complications that others needed to be aware of. I wanted to know that having a pacemaker wasn’t going to prohibit him from doing normal daily activities. As I spent more time with him and did some research of my own, I learned a lot more about pacemakers. I learned what it’s like to live with someone who has one compared how an individual’s life can change from getting a pacemaker implanted. This paper aims to help the reader understand exactly what a pacemaker is, and what it does for someone. The reader will also learn about problems associated with having a pacemaker, latest trends and treatments, and trends in nutrition, which will include medication(s). I also hope to see the reader understand how a family can be affected by living with someone who has a pacemaker, and how caring and monitoring a person with a pacemaker can be difficult at times. In a medical aspect, this paper will connect pacemakers and dentistry together. The reader will learn of risks associated to pacemakers in a dental office, dental implications, dental complications, and how to educate a patient of good oral hygiene with the use of pacemaker in place. I have also attempted to identify important questions for the patient and what to do in the instance of an emergency. Due to the vast amount of pacemakers used throughout the United States, researching and learning about pacemakers will help me be prepared for the evaluation of a patient with this medical history. I know that as a dental hygiene student it is my responsibility to be prepared for patients that present items that could interfere with the dental practice and be ready to make modifications as needed. As a health professional it is also my job to put the health of that patient at the forefront of my care plan when preparing for treatment. A pacemaker is not to be confused with the heart’s natural pacemaker. This artificial medical device uses electrical impulses, delivered by electrodes contracting the heart muscles, to regulate the beat of the heart.3 Its primary purpose is to keep the heart beating adequately, either because the natural heart is not fast enough, or there is a block in the electrical conduction system. Some pacemakers are combined with a defibrillator in a single device, while others have multiple electrodes stimulating different positions within the heart to help improve irregularity of the lower chambers of the heart.3 Pacemakers are a necessity for many people. Millions of people wouldn’t be able to participate in day to day activities if not for their pacemaker. Pacemakers give a sense of normality to those who would otherwise be struggling to complete an activity that seems so easy to someone whose heart functions fine without assistance. Some complications with pacemakers during or after implantation (acute) could be bleeding, infection at implantation site, allergic reaction, swelling, or a collapsed lung, all of which are uncommon and can be treated easily and effectively.4 Later complications (chronic) can be generator failure and lead failure, both of which are extremely rare.5 If patients follow a precise routine of physician care appointments, most complication can be detected before becoming serious. Patients should be aware of symptoms such as weakness, being easily fatigued, lightheadedness, dizziness, and loss of consciousness.5 If these symptoms appear after implantation, the patient’s doctor should be notified immediately so that the pacemaker can be checked in correspondence with these symptoms. Patients with pacemakers should try to adhere to a heart healthy diet after the implantation process in order to have a successful and quick recovery. This type of diet includes low fat and low simple sugars and high fiber contents.6 The patient’s diet should also be based on height, weight, current diet pattern, medical history, and level of physical activity. Family members who are in the role of caretaking for post-surgery patients should encourage the patient to try and maintain their current weight or lose weight is the patient is considered overweight by a physician. They should emphasize eating whole foods such as whole cereals, grains, beans, and fresh fruits and vegetables.6 Proteins such as eggs, milk, fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, and poultry should also be included.6 Fatty foods, fried and salty foods, sweets, or bakery items like cookies and cakes, along with carbonated beverages should be avoided.6 The patient should also try to avoid any kind of stress wheth er is it physical or psychological, and they should take further measures to quit smoking.6 If the patient drinks alcoholic beverages, it can be continued but should be done in moderation such as limiting it to one per day or as otherwise discussed with the physician.6 Most pacemakers now allow for patients to get engaged in physical activities which is an important aspect in congruence with a healthy diet. Exercise will not only help maintain body weight, but it will also help improve the patient’s cholesterol.6 Before beginning any physical activity, exercise should be discussed with the patient’s specialist or dietician. Family members are the best advocate to help keep the patient on track and in line with multiple aspects of their diet, stress levels, smoking, and physical activity. As of now, no drugs are used along with a pacemaker because treatment consist of upgrading or reprogramming the pacemaker. Sometimes medications are given to the patient when the implantation process begins so that they patient is able to relax but still be aware of their surroundings.7 They will still be able to hear and talk to the medical team throughout the process. The patient will also receive anesthetic (numbing) medication at the site of the incision.7 Certain patients with atrial flutter/fibrillation or venous problems may be on medications such as Coumadin or patients that have had previous stent replacement may be on Plavix to reduce the chances of blockage.8 These medications are not normally prescribed after implantation but if the patient is already taking them before implantation they are normally switched over to a Heparin IV drip for surgery and then slowly moved back over to their medications afterward.8 Caring for patients with pacemakers can be difficult if the patient does not value their health as much as they should. It can be hard to take care of someone who would rather let the caretaker do all the work. Patients should be motivated to stay healthy. While most know that this is easier said than done, family members should try to emphasize a healthy diet and how it can really make a difference in their daily living. Elderly patients will need more recuperation time and won’t be able to participate in strenuous activity like a middle aged patient. It is imperative that the caregiver try to get the patient to be self-sufficient so that when the time comes for them to take care of themselves, they will know where to take off from what their caregiver was doing for them. The implantation of a pacemaker can affect the patient’s ability to undergo various medical procedures. Dental procedures, X-rays, MRI’s, CAT scans, bone density tests, mammograms, and ultrasounds can all affect pacemakers because of the reactions of the energy waves involved in the tests and the electronic component of the pacemaker.9 If the pacemaker is not programmed to resists these types of interferences, complications can arise. Dental care, like any specialized treatment, is a necessary and routine healthcare issue. Most dental care visits include x-rays, ultrasonic scaling, drilling, and other procedures that might produce high electromagnetic energy. To avoid malfunctions to the pacemaker and possible harm to the patient, it is extremely important to tell the clinician about the pacemaker in advance. The oral cavity is a likely source of bacteria that may elicit infections on pacemaker and ICD devices after systemic transmission.10 According to the American Dental Association, studies show that dental patients with a pacemaker are particularly at risk for developing endocarditis.11 This infection or inflammation of the heart occurs as a result of bacteria that enters the bloodstream from the mouth.11 Under certain conditions, patients with heart problems will be given antibiotic medications before procedures to help prevent bacteria from spreading to the bloodstream.11 This is a proactive approach that protects the patient and the dentist. Certain dental procedures often involve the use of electrical equipment that may come into close proximity to an implanted pacemaker. There is a possibility that exposure to some of this equipment may temporarily affect the function of the pacemaker. Some potential interactions that might take place are: inhibition of pacing: pacing not provided when needed, asynchronous pacing: pacing provided at a fixed rate whether needed or not, and inappropriate shocks: shock therapy provided when not needed.12 Some manufacturers contraindicate product use in patients with pacemakers, but there are also other things that can be done to avoid complications.12 The clinician should seat patients away from power sources or adjust equipment to the lowest possible setting and should also avoid draping cables over the implantation site.12 If the patient begins to feel lightheaded, have increased heart rate, experiences a shock, or hears beeping from their device they should move away from the source of interference or the clinician should power down the device.12 This will allow for the pacemaker to return to normal. According to the Boston Scientific Analysis of Dental Equipment, drills and cleaning equipment, dental x-rays, and apex locators all showed no signs of interference.12 Ultrasonic scalers can cause disturbances but are very unlikely unless notified by the manufacturer.12 To be on the safe side, the majority of dentists would not use an ultrasonic scaler to perform a scale in a patient fitted with a pacemaker or an implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD).13 Other dental office equipment that may cause interferences are dental chairs with magnetic headrests and electrocautery.12 Both are temporary affects although if patient’s pacemaker is programmed not to respond to magnetic headrests then patients may sit in these chairs.12 Patients considered to be at risk from external interference can have a magnet placed over the pacemaker to switch the pacemaker to fixed-rate mode making it immune to external signals.14 Use of mini magnets in prosthetic dental procedures is safe for patie nts with implanted pacemakers.15 Clinicians should be prepared to make accommodations for patients that have pacemakers. The use of hand instruments will be critical if a patient shows signs of being sensitive to electrical devices. It is the job of the clinician to be able to adapt to that patients’ needs rather than making the patient adapt to the office; this includes helping the patient make changes at home as well. Some patients with pacemakers may need assistance when it comes to good home care. The patient will most likely need accommodations to be made shortly after surgical implantation. It may be hard for the upper chest and dominant hand to move a toothbrush around the oral cavity. Clinicians should be aware of this need and should be ready to make suggestions based on the individual. Some ideas that may be beneficial are having another person brush for the patient for the first few days after the surgery. If the patients then feels better suited to take over they could begin brushing once a day along with a mouth rinse and slowly move up to brushing twice a day and flossing when they feel fit to do so. This may be easier for the patient and at the same time they are still accomplishing good oral health care. Before beginning treatment in a dental office the patient should make sure that their clinician knows of their personal health status with their pacemaker included and that their clinician is prepared if an emergency would arise. It’s best to have a clinician certified in CPR and that is knowledgeable on how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED) if necessary. CPR chest compressions can be done as usual on a patient with an implanted pacemaker.16 Implantable pacemakers are also designed to withstand the shock of an external defibrillator but the pads should not be placed over the device or the pacemaker can sustain damage.16 If the patient has an implanted medical device, an alternative AED pad position is advised, such as the anterior-posterior position.17 It is best to place the pads as far from the source of the pulse as possible and to use the lowest power clinically acceptable to try and deliver a shock that will not damage the device but will restart the patien t’s heart.16 Pacemakers are a vital source of life for many Americans. They enable people to keep living a normal lifestyle. Although there will always be aspects that patients can do to sustain better care for themselves, having a pacemaker is really quite easy. Monitoring the device is important and routine doctor visits are necessary for upkeep and general health. My family member was able to go on living his life as he normally would’ve because he had the help of his pacemaker. Without that, I may not have had as much time with him as I was able to have, and for that I am truly grateful. Modern technology is continually growing and the pacemaker system is developing with it. I hope that this paper gives you a general knowledge about pacemakers, health importance at home and with family members, and their connection to the dental office. Sources Available at: Accessed November 9, 2013. Available at: Accessed October 9, 2013. Available at: Accessed March 14, 2014. Available at: Accessed October 9, 2013. Available at: Accessed March 14, 2014. Pat. A Heart Healthy Diet for Pacemaker Implant Recovery. November 10, 2008. Available at: Accessed October 9, 2013. Available at: Accessed October 9, 2013. Available at: Accessed March 25, 2014. Available at: Accessed October 9, 2013. Eberhard, J., Stumpp, N., Ismail, F., Schnaidt, U., Heuer, W., Pichlmaier, M., . . . Stiesch, M. (2013). The oral cavity is not a primary source for implantable pacemaker or cardioverter defibrillator infections. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 8, 73. doi: Available at: Accessed October 9, 2013. Available at: Accessed October 9, 2013. Thompson, S. A., Davies, J., Allen, M., Hunter, M. L., Oliver, S. J., Bryant, S. T., Uzun, O. (2007). Cardiac risk factors for dental procedures: Knowledge among dental practitioners in wales. British Dental Journal, 203(10), E21; discussion 590-1. doi: Jowett, N., Cabot, L. (2000). Patients with cardiac disease: Considerations for the dental practitioner. British Dental Journal, 189(6), 297-302. doi: Schulmeister, L. (1999). Pacemaker interference. Nursing Management, 30(3), 14. Retrieved from Available at: Accessed March 18, 2014. Jevon, P. (2012). Defibrillation in the dental practice. British Dental Journal, 213(5), 233-5. doi:
Saturday, October 26, 2019
How do deaf people use telephones? What about doorbells and alarm clock
How do deaf people use telephones? What about doorbells and alarm clocks?      There are many everyday devises that we hearing people take for granted, among these are telephones, smoke alarms, doorbells, and alarm clocks. When we look at how members of the deaf community use these everyday items we must consider that members within the community have very different communication needs, abilities, and preferences. Hard-of-hearing people for example can use a standard telephone with the addition of a headset or amplifier, while some hard-of-hearing people may prefer a TTY deaf persons rely on it, or a relay service to communicate as we (hearing people) would on a telephone. Teletype or Teletypewriter, commonly known as a TTY come in a variety to choose from. In order to use a TTY both parties must have one. Many TTYs are portable, either battery operated, or electric. TTYs are not cheap! The most basic model will cost well over one hundred dollars, and does not provide a printout. Some states will provide TTYs free to qualified residents, but if one is looking for a model with sophisticated features, they should be prepared to pay more. Some computers have built-in TTY capacity; if your computer doesn’t have this capability TTY modems are available that transform a computer into a usable TTY. With the advance of technology pocket-sized and cellular compatible TTYs are also available, cellular text messaging and text pagers are also popular but consid...
Friday, October 25, 2019
Alzheimer’s Disease Essay -- Alzheimers Disease Essays
Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, meaning it attacks the neurons within the brain. Neurons are the areas of the brain that allow for chemical messages, or neurotransmitters, to be transmitted. These neurons are necessary for connections with other nerve cells, and without them, the neuronS ultimately die. Alzheimer’s is a form of, and the most common cause of, dementia, or loss of intellectual capacity and personality. ("Dementia.") Alzheimer’s disease, or AD, is not a normal part of aging, although risk of developing the illness increases with age. The onset behavior of the disease normally doesn’t appear until age sixty and older. Though symptoms that appear before age sixty have occurred, it is less common and tends to run in families; these early onset also tend to progress more rapidly. (â€Å"Alzheimer’s Disease†) AD is one of the top ten most leading causes of death in America. In fact, estimates say that as many as 5.1 million people in the U.S. may have Alzheimer’s; that number steadily increasing with the growing elderly population. (â€Å"About Alzheimer’s†) In the last forty years, AD has become a prevalent topic amongst the medical and non-medical communities affecting lives and families; giving us motive for further our understanding of the brain. Alzheimer’s disease has been known since the turn of the century but was not a prevalent concern until the 1970s. In 1907, Alois Alzheimer, a German physician, documented a case of a fifty-one-year-old woman who was suffering from severe cognitive disabilities. She exhibited difficulties in areas such as memory, language, and social interactions. (Reger 1) After death, Alzheimer performed a brain autopsy using silver staining techniques. This allowed him to ... â€Å"Dementia.† Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 02 May. 2015. Reger, Beth. "Alzheimer's Disease: A Brief History and Avenues for Current Research." Journal of Young Investigators: Undergraduate, Peer-Reviewed Science Journal 6.2 (2002): 1-3. Web. 29 Apr. 2015. Robinson, Lawrence, Joanna Saisan, and Jeanne Segal. "Alzheimer’s Disease: Signs, Symptoms, and Stages of Alzheimer’s." Expert, Ad-free Articles Help Empower You with Knowledge, Support & Hope. HelpGuide, Mar. 2011. Web. 29 Apr. 2015. "Studies Demonstrate Link Among Alzheimer's Disease, Down Syndrome and Atherosclerosis." ScienceDaily, 15 Jan. 2010. Web. 3 May 2015. Wattamwar, Pandurang, and P. Mathuranath. â€Å"An Overview of Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease.†Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology 13.6 (2010): 116. ProQuest Research Library. Web. 12 April 2015.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Shoot The Teacher :: essays research papers
Shoot The Teacher During the couple of days that pass in this book, lots of things happen. A boy in his mid teens becomes to heavy a burden for his mother to carry. She kicks him out. Her divorced husband gets to take care of Adam. Adam and his father, who Adam calles Simon, move to a new place with a new school where Simon is a teacher. The very first day they're involved in a shooting. But there is more to come! Three people are shot and killed in only a few days. There are many theories of hwo comitted the killings. Simon is the main suspect, however he's found innocent. Instead the find that the murderer is Adam's only friend Naomi, who was the stepdaughter of the first victim. Adam is in the beginning of the book a rebellious young man. The typical teenager in revolt. He's growing his hair long, refusing to go to school and talking back to his mother. He seemes to calm down quite a bit though in just a few days. As a matter of fact, as soon they arrive at the new school, Adam seemes to be more mature and calm. Maybe that's because he doesn't have any friends in the new school, maybe because he feels inferior being the new kid and outsider that he is. Adam's relationship to his father seemes to vary a lot. At first Adam looks at his father as if he was a perfect stranger.And he has all rights to do that since they practicly hadn't seen each other att all since Adam was born. Then some kind of a father-son friendship evolves, but I get the feeling that it's only because they feel they have to. When Simon is accused of murder, Adam starts to hate him. Perhaps stop caring about it, is a better way of describing Adam's feelings towards his dad. The author used a technique with many enviromental descriptions. He didn't use a lot of fancy words, probably because it is a youth book.
Nancy Mairs-Disability
A forty three year old woman has multiple sclerosis and she can barely walk with a brace and a cane. She saw another woman with MS in a show who wants to go to Kenya and live a happy life. She almost did it, made up to the taxi but no escape to Kenya for the cripple. The woman with sclerosis believes that crippled people should be considered same as the normal people. People acts differently to handicapped patients. Crippled patients want them to be considered a part of the world, not like being alienated by the normal beings.The meaning of the article is to make people understand how normal beings should consider the handicapped patients equal and not different. Media should portray disables as part of everyday life because otherwise they deny disability and leave TAP (Temporary Abled People) unprepared to cope if they become disabled. They should treat them the same way they treat everyone. The handicapped people are treated differently and are alienated, they want their freedom to o. The author is trying to say that human beings acts differently when they see handicapped people which are true.The woman here is trying to connect herself to this world. Nancy Mairs is narrating the whole essay which means she used narration style of writing. In this style the writer tells a story. A story has characters, a setting, a time, a problem, attempts at solving the problem, and a solution to the problem. The whole essay is a story of a woman who has multiple sclerosis. She explained her point though this type of writing. She used first person as to narrate her story and explain why people act different to handicapped people.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Hp Analysis
Contents 1. 0 Company background2 1. 1 Introduction2 2. 0 Strategy identification3 2. 1 HP Marketing mix3 2. 1. 1Product3 2. 1. 2 Place4 2. 1. 3 Price4 2. 1. 4 Promotion4 2. 2 E-Customer Relationship Management5 2. 3 Virtual Communities5 3. 0 Environmental Analysis6 4. 0 Segmentation and targeting, differentiation and positioning7 4. 1 Market segmentation7 4. 1. 1 Demographic8 4. 1. 2 Psychographic segmentation9 4. 1. 3 Geographic segmentation9 4. 1. 4 Positioning for the future9 4. 1. 5 Future differentiation9 5. Objectives and E-marketing Strategies10 5. 1 Corporate objectives10 5. 2 E-CRM recommendations11 6. 0 Implementation and Evaluation12 6. 1 Electronic Commerce Solution integrated with SMS12 6. 2 e-Recommendation via find store searching tool14 7. 0 Conclusion16 8. 0 References17 9. 0 Appendix19 Hewlett-Packard 1. 0 Company background 1. 1 Introduction Though the company is a market leader, they are still trying everything possible to keep that consistency or even to improve more so that they can beat their competitors and satisfy their customers. To achieve this, the company is applying some business concepts which we will look into in depth to see how it is benefiting from them. The business concepts are as follow, and we will discuss them sequentially; * Strategy identification (E-marketing strategies) * Environmental Analysis * Segmentation and targeting, differentiation and positioning * Objectives and E-marketing Strategies * Implementation and evaluation 2. 0 Strategy identification 2. 1 HP Marketing mix 4Ps PROMOTION PRODUCT PLACE PRICE 2. 1. 1Product According to (Jones, 2005), Hewlett Packard unlike other companies serves everyone from customers, small and mid-sized businesses, to enterprises and public sectors with an extensive portfolio of market leading solution. Through their website (www. hp. com), they provide clear facts about their products, customers can know immediately about products information and specification, not a sales persons assumptions. For more clarification, there is a customer service where they can find out more. HP is also offering customization to meet customers wants, customers are allowed to design and see the outlook of their products before they can order. The buying process is also customised for returning buyers, making repeat purchasing more easily. On the other hand, HP is providing products support to its customer. It offers services such as; * HP Support Assistant – With HP Support Assistant, it is easy for customers to keep their PC running smoothly, optimize PC performance, automate support tasks and get assistance when they need help. * HP Total care Support – through this support, HP offers videos to customers so that they can enjoy and troubleshoot the computer, imaging and printing equipment. 2. 1. 2 Place As international trading is increasing all around the world, and trade barriers have come down, that has helped HP to introduce its products to a great extent. Hewlett Packard and its customers can easily interact via a web based platform (www. hp. com) and seal their deal online. With this website, HP can provide international customers with great deal of information, and easy ways of ordering at a very little expense. On the other hand HP Company have authorized and registered agent partners, who sell HP products on its behalf to customers, particularly to small and medium business. . 1. 3 Price When comes to pricing strategy of HP products, prices are reasonable based on the quantity and quality consumers are buying. Customers can enjoy discount and allowance pricing based on what they are buying, customers who buy in bulk are offered quantity discount. Also channel members like national and sub distributors who perform further selling are handed with functional discount To take a dvantage further more on pricing, HP use segment pricing, where household and industrial customers pay different prices for the same product as their earns are different. According to Pricing strategies: Hewlett Packard (Anon, 2009), One of the options HP is giving its consumers is pay-per-use utility pricing which charges consumers for actual usage on a monthly basis. This technology works by measuring the percentage of utilization on each Central Processing Unit. The advantage for HP customers is that they will only pay for processing they are utilizing. They also have the option to use additional processors, therefore processing is not limited. In addition, different versions of the same products priced differently with respect to the configuration of components. . 1. 4 Promotion Hewlett Packard use different methods to promote their products to users, here are as follows; * Publics relations – â€Å"The HP Media Relations department provides journalists and editors with assistance in referencing background information of the company, it is setting up interviews with HP executives or scientists, securing press materials, and checking fac ts. †(HP newsroom, 2011) * Advertising – along with mass production of its products, HP is promoting its products via internet, including a website with videos and navigation sorted by business application. Sales promotion – through HP trade-In-frequently asked questions, HP is attempting to provide added value or motivation to consumers to stimulate sales. It is doing this by providing answers to questions which are mostly asked by customers, thus putting them in a good position to gain customer loyalty and form a strong relationship with them. 2. 2 E-Customer Relationship Management â€Å"E-CRM is a strategy used by online businesses to learn more about customers’ needs and behaviours in order to build a good relationship with them†(Romano and Fjermestad, 2002). As stated by (janjicek, n. d), records from HP customer relationship model which was built on experiences attained from CRM project engagements globally shows that the customer relationship is strengthened by relationship building tactics, which are continuously measured through time. E- CRM in HP supports effective customer interaction for sales and marketing automation thus forming a strong customer relationship, which leads to acceptable customer loyalty, profitability and retention. Hp is offering the following E-CRM to its customers; customer centred services, which involve products shape and customization, and value added services, which includes online training and education. This E-CRM addresses the requirements of enhancing and changing the customer experience by providing the functionality required to effectively interact with the customer, during the Sales and Marketing process. HP effectively interacts with their customers by fulfilling the following: * Knowing their customer’s needs and pro-actively engage their customer. * Knowing their customer and also their conversations/interactions with HP. Is not only to build a better relationship with customers, but also to serve them effectively. * They use the knowledge gained during customer interaction to improve the interaction and relationship with the customer. 2. 3 Virtual Communities HP Enterprise Business Community- this community is for customers who have questions, as it provides answers or those customers seeking for advice. â€Å"Through Enterprise Business Community connection, the user can find information and connect with other users, share thoughts, exchange knowledge and have a chance to speak to the experts. (Hp. com, 2011) HP Virtual Community Interest Group– according to (HP BladeSystem, 2011) this community is focused on Virtual Connect, bringing the newest, ground-breaking blade interconnect technology on the market to customers. HP is keep in touch with its customer through this community, listening to what they have to say, a complaint or complement, then they give feedback on the Virtual Connect sol ution, and we will keep their customers updated on the latest improvements and tools. 3. 0 Environmental Analysis As the researcher stated earlier on, HP is a leading consumer technology company in the world, offering a range of technology tools, from digital cameras to PCs to handheld devices. However, it is important to see how the company is managing to keep peace with this fast developing of technology and able to beat its competitors. To analyse this, the researcher will use a SWOT analysis as a tool â€Å"to evaluate the overall company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It involves monitoring the external and internal marketing environment. (Kotler and Keller, 2006) A SWOT analysis will provides an overall view of HP, and the factors can be useful in detecting the extent and type of barriers to work effectiveness that might exist there. 4. 0 Segmentation and targeting, differentiation and positioning 4. 1 Market segmentation Hp as a large firm with many customers, it is catering for them based on their demographic, behaviour, geographical, psychographic. 4. 1. 1 D emographic Some of Hp products and services are divided in such a way that they meet a certain group of customers, either based on their age, occupation, income, religion or social class. A typical example is an Hp mini notebook pc which was introduced to target education market. The personal computer is more accessible to school students, both the selling price and design wise. â€Å"HP has entered the arena with the announcement of the HP 2133 Mini-Note PC, a full-function, small-format laptop PC priced from under US$500. †(McKeegan, 2008) Hp also has divided their service branch into four main areas to better serve their customers, they include: 4. 1. 2 Psychographic segmentation Hp is catering different people of different interests and values, for example youngsters who prefer stylish design, more features on entertainment as well as businessmen who are looking for favour elegant and formal design so that they can make improvement in their official tools and applications. 4. 1. 3 Geographic segmentation Hp targets their market mostly in urban areas where people can afford to buy their products and have knowledge and skill to use them. It is especially targeting big cities with class of people who live high standards lives and are seeking for the self-esteem and self-actualization levels of needs. . 1. 4 Positioning for the future HP’s sustainability strategy has already established the company as a clear thought leader in the industry, giving them an advantage that leads to first-mover opportunities and first pick of top suppliers, employees and partners. â€Å"HP will continue making different infrastructure and distribution strategies, which will further aligns its operations with emerging best practices, giving it a competitive edge, and opening new growth horizons†(Lowitt and Grimsley, 2009). Hp has also positioned itself as an environment friendly company, which through the use of technology, â€Å"they believe there is an opportunity for IT to be a significant part of the solution in providing energy efficiency, reduction of resource conservation and substitution of high carbon by low-carbon processes. †(Accenture, 2010) 4. 1. 5 Future differentiation Hp is planning to come up with a massive Touchpad which according their European chief it will become better than Apple product, iPad. In his statement reported by Reisinger (2011) he said â€Å"In the tablet world, we are going to become better than number one. We call it number one plus†â€Å"HP indicated its intentions for the tablet market in February when they make public of their touchpad. The device runs the company's WebOS operating system and comes with a 9. 7-inch display. When it hits store shelves sometime this summer, it will include the Qualcomm Snapdragon dual-core 1. 2 GHz processor and both front- and rear-facing cameras. †(Reisinger, 2011) The device also supports a new HP Touchstone Touch-to-Share proximity-based sharing feature, which allows compatible devices to instantly exchange data, media, and information. 5. 0 Objectives and E-marketing Strategies . 1 Corporate objectives Source: (HP, 2011) 5. 2 E-CRM recommendations Hp as a click and mortar company which has position its self as the best in the industry and aiming to gain its customer’s loyalty, needs to provide the best services to continue with their good relation with its customers. One of the improvements that need to be taken into account is the find store search, Hp have many physical stores all over the world, so it will be a better idea if they can implement an e-recommendation via find store search on their website so that customer can easily find the physical store nearest to where they are. That will help the company to increase the profit as some customer do not feel comfortable with buying online, but preferring to buy from a physical store. Hp can also implement the SMS tool, which will allow customers to key in their mobile number after shopping from Hp website, and then the automation message will be sent to them as part of appreciation of shopping from Hp. This tool will help Hp to serve targeted market and boost customer loyalty. 6. 0 Implementation and Evaluation 6. 1 Electronic Commerce Solution integrated with SMS Gantt chart Proposed system A buyer ECS integrated with SMS Administration desk Message sending to buyer’s mobile Clicking appreciation message Reporting buying confirmation Process buying until it is accepted Process flow The process will start when the customer process his/her buying, through the process stage, particular at filling in details stage, the customer will have to submit his/her phone number, then follow the normal stages of online buying via Hp website. As the buying has completed and accepted, the deal will confirmed with the company Electronic Commerce Solution integrated with SMS system, which will send a report alert message to the person at the administration desk. The person at the administration desk will then click the already automated message of appreciation, and then tracked by ECS system and deliver to the targeted customer’s mobile number. Evaluation To ensure the effectiveness of this e-CRM, HP will look at the loyalty of the customer, for example, if the customers return again to buy from the company, it will convince that he/she is happy with the service and attention he/she was given last time, thus he/she is encouraged to come again. On the other hand, HP can do primary research, which will include survey and questionnaire about this project. Through those methods of data gathering, the company will able to know exactly what the customers feel about the service. 6. 2 e-Recommendation via find store searching tool Gantt chart Proposed system Customers Searching tool Locations database Search by selecting/ type in location name Checking searched information from the database Not available Found Process flow Customers who want to visit the nearest store to their locations will able to search by using their state name as a target; they will either select their state or type in the name if it is not available in the drop down menu. The searching tool will then check the stores available from the locations database, if there is no stores in that area, the customer will receive a notification, but if there are stores available, the customer will be provide with relevant information to reach that store, e. g. directions. Evaluation To consider this e-CRM as a success, HP will judge it by number of clicks done by customers, if they are more clicks being done by customers; it means that the system is considered as helpful by customers. Also they research can be carried out at HP physical stores, asking customers about how did they managed to reach the place, if most answers will emphasize that is through a store find search from the website, then the system will be considered as a success and beneficial to the company. Conclusion HP is a large company, which according to the research put its customers first in whatever they are doing. Their main success in the industry has led by good customer service and relationship. The company still have a strong desire to satisfy their customers even more, they always coming up with new ideas to match customers’ demands and needs. But on the other hand, even though the company is doing well in the market, I strongly feel that their website is not user friendly. As a customer and a researcher, I found it hard to interact with their website; it has too much link and a bit confusing. Word count: 2552 References Books 1. Dave Chaffey, Richard Mayer, Kevin Johnston, Fiona Ellis-Chadwick, 2003, Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, 2nd ed. Pearson Education Limited, England, pp 7 2. Armstrong, G. and Kotler, P. , 2009. Marketing: An Introduction, 9th ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, United states of America, pp 80 3. Kotler, P. and Keller, K, L. 2006. Marketing Management, 12th ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, United States of America, pp 50 Internet Resources 1. Ken Jones, 2005, CMA helps Hewlett Packard Implement Solutions Marketing Strategy in Government, available at ;http://www. cmai. com/Newsletter/HPCaseStudy. pdf; last accessed on the 25 May 2011 2. (Anon, 2009) Pricing strategies: Hewlett Packard, available at ;http://arianagoldstein. blogspot. com/2009/04/pricing-strategies-hewlett-packard. html; last accessed on the 27 May 2011 3. Rose janjicek, n. d, CRM architecture for enterprise relationship marketing in the new millennium, available at ;http://h20338. ww2. hp. com/enterprise/downloads/CRMArchitecture_Whitepaper_HPC. pdf;last accessed on the 29 May 2011 4. Accenture, 2010, Hewlett-Packard: Sustainability as a Competitive Advantage, available at ;https://microsite. accenture. com/sustainability/Documents/HewlettPackard_Sustainability_as_a_Competitive_Advantage. pdf; last accessed on the 30 May 2011 5. Romano, N. C. , and Fjermestad, J. , â€Å"Electronic Customer Relationship Management: An Assessment of Research,†International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 6, 2 (2002),pp 61-113 6. HP BladeSystem, 2011, where the worldwide HP blade community meets, available at ;http://h18000. ww1. hp. com/products/blades/components/bladeconnect. html; last accessed on the 30 M ay 2011 7. Noel McKeegan, 2008, HP targets education market with new Mini-notebook PC, available at ;http://www. gizmag. com/hp-targets-education-market-with-new-mini-notebook-pc/9140/; last accessed on the 4 June 2011 8. Eric M. Lowitt and Jim Grimsley, 2009, Hewlett-Packard: Sustainability as a Competitive Advantage, available at ;http://www. hp. com/hpinfo/globalcitizenship/environment/commitment/accenturestudy. pdf; last accessed on the 4th June 2011 9. HP, 2011, HP Corporate Objectives and Shared Values, available at http://www8. p. com/us/en/hp-information/about-hp/corporate-objectives. html last accessed on the 4th June 2011 10. HP newsroom, 2011, Contact HP media relations, available at ;http://www. hp. com/hpinfo/newsroom/media. html; last accessed on the 11 June 2011 11. Raman, M. , 2011, International Business Times: Tablet Shootout: Apple's iPad 2 Vs HP's TouchPad, available at ;http://www. ibtimes. com/articles/118866/20110304/ipad-2-touchpad-apple-hp-xoom-motorola-ipho ne-tablets-pc-steve-jobs-samsung-galaxy-tab-rim-playbook. htm; last accessed on the 16th June 2011 Appendix Virtual communities HP on twitter – provides authorized news and any updates from HP official news. New users are allowed to sign up, while those who have accounts already they just need to sign in so that they can follow and have their say on updates and official news. Through this community, HP is able to connect and inform its customers, thus forming a good relationship. * HP on facebook – with this community, users who have facebook accounts and have liked the HP page on facebook, are able to find out what is happening around HP, view photos and learn what HP is doing to help them live green. Also users are allowed to post their feedback on HP’s profile, and HP is using them to analyse their contribution to the society and make improvements where necessary. The comparison between Apple's iPad 2 and HP's TouchPad Specifications| iPad 2| HP TouchPad| OS| iOS 4. 3| WebOS 3. 0| Network| Wi-Fi only, GSM (AT;T), CDMA (Verizon)| GSM| Screen Size| 9. 7-inch| 9. 7-inch| Resolution| 1024Ãâ€"768| 1024Ãâ€"768| Processor| Apple A5 dual core 1 GHz| Qualcomm Snapdragon dual core APQ8060 1. 2 GHz| Storage| 16GB/32GB/64GB| 16GB/32GB| RAM| N/A| 1GB| Rear Camera| 720p| None| Front Camera| VGA| 1. 3mp| Video Recording| 720p| N/A| Adobe Flash Support| No| Yes| Wi-Fi| 802. 11 a/b/g/n| 802. 11b/g/n with WPA, WPA2, WEP, 802. 1X authentication| Sensors| Light, Accelerometer, compass, gyroscope| Light, Accelerometer, compass, gyroscope| Bluetooth| 2. 1+EDR| 2. 1+EDR| TV Out| 1080p, HDMI, VGA| No| Weight| 1. 33 pounds| 1. 6 pounds| Battery| 25 watt hour| 6,300 mAh Battery| Price| Wi-FI only version starts at $499| N/A| Availability| March 11, 2011 (US), March 25 Worldwide| Summer| Source: (Raman, 2011)
Pied Beauty Analysis Essay
The title of the poem itself is a clear indication of what follows (â€Å"pied†meaning ‘of more than one colour’), a celebration of imperfection; of diversity. The poem opens with the poet praising and thanking God for spotted or dappled (imperfect) things, â€Å"Glory be to God for dappled things†. This one line alone sends the reader into contemplationâ€â€having always associated beauty with perfection, this makes one look at things from a whole new perspective; a perspective not tainted with the artificial and superficial human ideals about beauty. The poet then draws the reader’s attention to the ever-changing skies and compares them to a â€Å"brinded cow†. The poet uses a simile because, just like the cow, which is usually white with streaks of brown or black, the sky too is streaked with different colours: red, yellow, purple, blue, white and orange. And while most of us acknowledge the brilliance of the sky (â€Å"most of us†meaning those who take the time â€Å"to stop and smell the roses†as the saying goes) we rarely ever give a second thought to cows let alone ever perceive them as an object of beauty. In our quest for ‘perfection’ we tend to overlook the earthly kind of beauty. But if perfection was the key word, then clear, blue skies should hold more appeal than cloudy, stormy ones; instead, though we might wish for one now and again, blue skies would bore us pretty soon; it is the variety that keeps us enthralled. Though the things described in the poem are normal, everyday things, it takes a poet’s eye to draw our attention to the everlasting, â€Å"real†beauty. For example, trout, which is mainly seen as a source of food, is described as something which would (or should) most definitely earn a second glance. The word ‘mole’ usually always invokes the ungainly imagery of warts, however, in â€Å"For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim†, ‘rose’ is associated with ‘moles’, banishing all thoughts of ugliness and enabling the reader to be able to see the beauty in something as common as trout. â€Å"Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings†. Here, chestnut kernels are compared to smoldering embers; the reddish-brown meat inside the chestnut, being similar to the fiery reddish-orange hue of glowing coal. However this alliteration is contradictory since ‘fresh’ chestnuts are covered with spiky, green moss and are most definitely not like coal; it is only when they are ripe, and burst open when they fall to the ground, that the insides are revealed. While until now, the author had been mainly dealing with two colours, â€Å"Finches’ wings†brings to mind a great big melting pot of vibrant hues; the black and white wings, the sun glinting off their airborne feathers, transforming this common bird into a kaleidoscope of colours; a blur. This might also mark an end to the concrete references, since from the next line, things become more general and abstract (just like how one cannot pinpoint a single colour on the finches’ wings; therefore, their reference is also perhaps a glimpse of what follows†¦). Hopkins now talks about one of the most ancient and relevant occupations: farming. Farming is one occupation which brings humans closer to nature; helps them get in touch with their humble and down-to-earth side. However, we have now started seeing it as something mechanical; lifeless. The joy and exhilaration our forefathers used to link with this has given way to routine; we have started taking it for granted, which is why the poet feels the need to thank God for â€Å"Landscape plotted and piecedâ€â€fold, fallow and plough†(ALLITERATION), the result of a farmer’s daily toil. And though farming has changed the land and it no longer looks natural and unspoiled, it bears harvest, which gives way to joy. And now Hopkins talks about all the other trades that have brought us closer to Nature and God: â€Å"And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim†. Here the poet is also thanking God for all the little things that help us get by; things that we take for granted (when have we appreciated the fishing net, or the mining machines? ) The poet now moves on to â€Å"All things counter, original, spare, strange†; thereby effectively including every single component of nature. Here, the poet celebrates uniqueness as in â€Å"strange†or â€Å"original†and â€Å"spare†as in the context of being one of a kind, and balance in nature due to all things having an opposing creation-â€Å"counter†. This tone is continued in â€Å"Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how? ). Barely has the fact that fickleness in humans is something which is looked down upon registered, that one is hit by the realization that this very fickleness in nature is exactly what makes it so appealing in the first place. †With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim†. The poet uses these oxymorons to illustrate that it doesn’t matter if something is fast or slow, sweet or sour, because they all hold some intrinsic beauty. Here the author is once again celebrating fickleness in nature, for something which is sour, say, an unripe apple, can also be sweet, when given enough time, there are two sides to every coin ;but each form is as valuable as the other, for example, a river, in its early stage is swift and might seem exciting and alluring with its fresh water, but as it slows down, it is just as important, for now it deposits all of the goodness it carried along with it in its early stage; or take diamonds, those dazzling lumps of carbon are not any more important than graphite, which is just another form of carbon. The poet plays on all our sense by choosing these particular words. â€Å"He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change†This gives a sense of continuity, enforced by the words, â€Å"fathers-forth†the bond remains unbroken. The beauty of His creation is transitional; they do not end, but simply moves on to become something else. The concluding line â€Å"Praise him†is simply a reiteration of the first line and not in any way a reference to Christianity; â€Å"him†is simply God or whatever you would like to name the Divine Creator. The poem speaks of happiness; of finding joy in everything around you and being able to appreciate it. The usage of the hyphen in the first 3-4 lines is to link together words one would normally not associate with each other, thereby forcing the reader to revisit his views on the objects around him.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Celia A Slave essays
Celia A Slave essays Melton McLaurins book Celia, A Slave is the account of the trial, conviction, and execution of a female slave for the murder of her master in 1855. The author uses evidence compiled through studying documents from Callaway County, Missouri and the surrounding area during the middle of the Nineteenth Century. Although much of what we can determine about this event is merely speculation, we are able to guess the motives that contribute to the way in which many of the events unfold. Because of the details of the trial, many of the people involved probably faced several difficult decisions that led to the outcome of the trial. During the 1850s the United States was involved in a heated debate over the issue of slavery. Many of the residents of Missouri and nearby Kansas were fighting for or against the institution of slavery. The outcome of this trial was important because it could have a tremendous affect upon the way the legal system in Missouri viewed the rights of slaves, and the ways in which they would be forced to interpret the laws of the State in regard to how they where to apply to slaves. The first of the main characters we are introduced to is Celias master, Robert Newsom. Mr. Newsom was a wealthy landowner in Callaway County. In 1850, after the death of his wife, Robert Newsom purchased a fourteen year old slave girl from nearby Audrain County. The purpose, as far as McLaurin can tell for her purchase was as a replacement for Robert Newsoms wife. From the time that Newsom first acquires Celia, he begins to rape her on a regular basis. Although it was generally accepted as being morally wrong for a slave master to sexually abuse a slave, Robert Newsom seems to view her as his property, to do with as he pleased rather than as a human being. So the first of many ethical decisions is made, as Robert Newsom begins an unauthorized sexual relationship with his slave which lasts five years unti...
A biography of King Alfred the Great essays
A biography of King Alfred the Great essays Alfred, also known as Alfred the great, was considered one of the best kings to rule in medieval times. During his life, he achieved many objectives, including fending off Danes, Vikings, and starting important events. Alfred was born in 849 in Wantage, Oxfordshire, SC England, UK. He was the fifth son of Ethelwulf. In 852 he was sent to Rome, where he became the Roman Consul. In 855 he returned to Rome with his father. During Alfreds adolescence, he had very ill health and deep religious devotion, both of which followed him through the rest of his life. There is very little that is known about him during the reign of his two oldest brothers, Ethelbald and Ethelbert, but during the reign of Ethelred, in 865, Alfred became Ethelreds viceroy and aided him in many battles against the Danes. When the Danes assaulted in 870, Alfred and Ethelred fended them off with varying results. When Alfred stepped up to the throne in 871, the Danes had already conquered much of Northumbria, parts of Mercia, and East Anglia, and threatened to subdue Wessex itself. So, Alfred began attempting to regain back land by attacking them. He dealt the first major blow in the battle of Edington, and later on took back the former Mercian town of London. He stole military initiative from the Danes by creating a free standing army, building a navy, and making a network of burhs, a kind of fortress. After the conflicts with the Danes, he preached the peace of Chippenham, by which the Danish leader accepted God into his life. The chance of security gave Alfred time to do necessary things. He reorganized his militia to prevent further Dane attacks. He learned Latin and translated several classics into English. And during this time, he either encouraged or himself made the anglo- saxxon chronicles. Unfortunately, between 892 and 896, Danes attacked Alfred. He received great support from his son Edward The Elder, his daugh...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Concept Of Collaborative Working Social Work Essay Essays
Concept Of Collaborative Working Social Work Essay Essays Concept Of Collaborative Working Social Work Essay Essay Concept Of Collaborative Working Social Work Essay Essay Social Work is at an of import phase in its development as a profession non merely in the United Kingdom but around the universe. All professions must be antiphonal and proactive to altering societal and economic climes and conditions if they are to run into the demands of the people they are functioning. It is indispensable for Social Workers to be able to rehearse in conformity with societal work values and to retain a clear professional individuality, and at the same clip to be able to work efficaciously with other professional groups and bureaus. Although there are many footings used to depict working together with other professions such as joint working, inter-professional working, multi-disciplinary working and inter-agency working the term presently used by the Department of Health publications is collaborative pattern ( Whittington 2003b ) . New ways of working that crossed professional boundaries had to be created, in order to let a more flexible attack to care bringing ( Malin et al, 2002 ) . Collaboration in wellness and societal attention is a comparatively new field of survey, with the first major surveies being undertaken in the 1980s ( Roy, 2001 ) . In wellness and societal attention collaborative working is frequently referred to as Inter-professional working, as it is non merely about professionals working together. The patients, clients or service users are a cardinal portion of the squad. At its simplest the construct of coaction infers that people from different professional and academic backgrounds form a working relationship for the intent of enhanced service proviso. However, the exact nature of the partnership is likely to be contested, whilst to the full incorporate joined-up collaborative pattern has so far proven elusive. Effective communicating is an indispensable constituent of the traditional societal work functions and duties. It is hence every bit necessary for societal workers to besides hold effectual communicating accomplishments if they are to advance self-help and authorization to those whom they are supplying a service for. Lishman ( 1994 ) reminds us that attention directors and suppliers will hold to utilize a scope of communicating and interpersonal accomplishments if community attention is truly to intend attention, pick and authorization of others. Collaborative working implies: witting interaction between the parties to accomplish a common end ( Meads A ; Ashcroft, 2005 ) . It recognises both difference A ; similarity. Collaboration is a procedure by which members of different subjects portion their accomplishments and expertness to supply a better quality service to patients, clients or service users ( Hughes, Hemingway A ; Smith, 2005 ) . The sharing of information agencies both acquiring information and giving it. The act of deriving information in Social Work is an indispensable undertaking the information gained can be used for legion intents such as: Making an appraisal of demand or hazard Writing a study Planing an intercession To warrant obtaining resource The something or benefit is sometimes called collaborative advantage , and it can be seen as the fuel of collaborative working the greater the possible or existent advantage gained by all parties, the greater the degrees of energy fuelling the coaction. Harmonizing to Wilson ( 2008 ) and Hughes, Hemmingway A ; Smith ( 2005 ) inter-professional and collaborative working means sing the service user in a holistic manner, and it benefits the service user when different administrations, such as Social Workers, District Nurses, Occupational Therapists and other wellness professionals come together to supply a better service. These definitions describe collaborative working as the act of people working together toward common ends. Integrated working involves seting the service user at the centre of determination doing to run into their demands and better their lives ( Dept. Health, 2009 ) . Effective coaction and interaction will hold positive results within a on the job environment for both the squads working together and the service user. Agencies should be encouraged to portion information to guarantee that all demands of the service users are met but besides to guarantee the safety of the service user and the other squads involved. Caring for People ( Dept. Health, 1989 ) stated that successful coaction required a clear, common apprehension by every bureau of each other s duties and powers, in order to do kick how and with whom coaction should be secured. The authorities has been advancing inter-agency and collaborative working since the late 80 s which besides saw a alteration in the policies set Forth by the authoritiess and a legislative background was created to advance self-collaboration between companies. The declared purpose has been to create high quality, needs-led, coordinated services that maximised pick for the service user. ( Payne, 1995 ) . Recent events and media calls have focused collaborative working entirely on Social Work every bit stated in Pollard, Sellman A ; Senior ( 2005 ) and when viewed as a good thing , it is worthwhile to critically analyze its benefits and drawbacks. ( Leathard, 2003 ) . The old authorities set away programs to overhaul the Social Services every bit good as update the NHS. A clear indicant of this can be found in NHS Plan ( Dept. Health, 2000 ) and Overhauling the Social Services ( Dept. Health, 1998a ) . This was non in fact a new program it was portion of a turning accent stemming from the 1970s. The decease of Maria Coldwell in 1974 meant there were inquiries asked why professionals were non able to protect kids who they had identified as most at hazard. The Cleveland Inquiry 1988 resulted in the direct antonym of 1974 when the methods of the Social Services were deemed excessively rigorous and over powering, it was deemed that kids were removed from their households when there was little concrete grounds of injury or maltreatment ( Butler-Sloss, 1988 ) , with excessively much accent put on the medical sentiment. The old authorities set away programs to overhaul the Social Services every bit good as update the NHS. A clear indicant of this can be found in NHS Plan ( Dept. Health, 2000 ) and Overhauling the Social Services ( Dept. Health, 1998a ) . This was non in fact a new program it was portion of a turning accent stemming from the 1970s. The decease of Maria Coldwell in 1974 meant there were inquiries asked why professionals were non able to protect kids who they had identified as most at hazard. The Cleveland Inquiry 1988 resulted in the direct antonym of 1974 when the methods of the Social Services were deemed excessively rigorous and over powering, it was deemed that kids were removed from their households when there was little concrete grounds of injury or maltreatment ( Butler-Sloss, 1988 ) , with excessively much accent put on the medical sentiment. The Munro Report ( 2010 ) stated that other service bureaus can non and should non replace Social Worker s, but there is a demand for bureaus to prosecute professionally about kids, immature people and households on their caseloads. The Children s Act 2004 was introduced after the public enquiry into the decease of Victoria Climbie in 2000 ; the same public enquiry besides resulted in the Every Child Matters motion. The failure to join forces efficaciously was highlighted as one of many missed chances by the enquiry into the tragic decease of Victoria Climbie ( Laming, 2003 ) and Baby Peter ( Munro, 2010 ) . Expressing what you all want to accomplish in clear, outcomes-oriented linguistic communication, and being able to continually recheck those results as your work together returns, is the individual most of import key to successful coaction. However, it is really rather hard to show results in ways that are unambiguous and clearly understood by all of the possible or existent confederates. The quality of communicating is critical. Poor communicating is frequently behind many of the differences that threaten to procrastinate collaborative working relationships. Clear lines of communicating demand to be established across the establishments that make up a pool to guarantee everyone is cognizant of and is able to transport out the recognized policies and processs. Accountabilities, in peculiar, should be good defined. Engagement and engagement of service user is besides critical in the Social Work field. This after all is the chief donee of the collaborative on the job strategy and your end as a Social Worker is to run into their demands and ends. If you show the service user regard they excessively will give you a common regard which will let the Social Workers and other elements of the collaborative squad to accomplish their common ends. However donees do non hold to be cognizant that an activity is being delivered in partnership for the partnership to be successful. Regular reappraisals and users feedback can assist mensurate its impact. Collaborative advantage will be achieved when something remarkably originative is produced possibly an aim is met that no administration could hold produced on its ain and when each administration, through coaction, is able to accomplish its ain aims better than it could entirely . ( Huxham, 1996 ) . Huxham was demoing that coaction will work when it is done decently, and when we as Social Workers put aside any biass that are under lying in our working outlook and besides our personal outlook, we will work good with other Fieldss and patterns to organize a more efficient and organized service. By larning with, from and about one another practicians can understand several functions and duties, generate common trust, beef up relationships and better collaborative pattern ( Barr et al 2005 ) . To summarize and reason the development of collaborative working will doubtless necessitate a alteration in civilization and values amongst wellness and societal attention professionals ; nevertheless it is working and developing rapidly and for the better of non merely the collaborating bureaus but besides for the service users.
Essay on Sociology 1001
Essay on Sociology 1001 Essay on Sociology 1001 SOC 1001: Introduction to Sociology What is sociology? Systematic study of human social life How people act in groups & because of groups How individuals affect society and how society affects individuals Ways our thoughts and actions are partly due to our culture& socialization NOT inner workings of the mind isolation Why do sociology? agency = the ability of people to act in the social world. How does one do sociology? 1. Develop your â€Å"sociological imagination†2. Build on useful ideas & prior research 3. Use appropriate methods 1. Sociological Imagination (C. Wright Mills) â€Å"A quality of mind†that does three things: 1. Helps us see relationship between man/ biography/ self & society/ history/ world 2. Distinguishes between personal troubles & public issues Troubles: caused by individual flaws or bad luck  · From the perspective of an individual. e.g., â€Å"Sarah doesn’t have any comfortable shoes.†Issues: caused by broader cultural factors  · When there is a pattern to the personal troubles then it’s a public issue, especially if the pattern follows socially important boundaries, like gender  · e.g., â€Å"Women’s fashionable shoes are rarely comfortable.†3. Gives us awareness of the social structures (constraints) that affect our lives Society = Any relatively self-contained and self sufficient group of human beings who are united by social relationships. There are distinct boundaries Social structure = The organized patterns in social relationships and in social institutions that together constitute society. 2. Build on prior work to answer Big Questions What is the relationship between social structure and human agency? How is society held together? How is order maintained? What causes social change? Influential Theorists: Emile Durkheim Key Theories: Functionalism society is an integrated whole , each part contributes to its proper functioning each piece depends on others â€Å"social facts†= things that exist outside of us and constrain us Each social institution has functions (religions, families, education systems†¦) They function together as a system in balance If you disturb one institution, then other institutions have to change to restore balance (Society’s system is still adjusting to past changes) Influential Theorists: Karl Marx Key Theories: Conflict theory Saw tension and conflict as inherent aspects of capitalist society People in power created the current system. Current system serves the powerful Conflict about change is inevitable (defend/change) Influential Theorists: Max Weber (VEH-burr) concept of verstehen, seeing things from others point of view. Argued: we can’t separate ourselves from what we study Influential Theorists: W.E.B. DuBois Double Consciousness – viewing yourself through the eyes of others Focused on the role of history and experience in how you interpret the world Key Theories: Symbolic Interaction (founders incl Weber & DuBois) symbols (words, body language, what we wear, †¦) communicate meaning When we interact, we exchange & interpret symbols micro-level interactions (and, importantly, our interpretations of them) are fundamental building blocks of society and also reveal societal constraints & meanings social change comes through change in symbols and their meanings 3. How can we test the theories? This is a social science, but there’s debate about how well this can work a) Social facts are facts vs. b) We interpret what we see through our personal filters Ways of gathering sociological data Quantitative: count things & look for patterns (e.g., surveys, controlled experiments, content analysis of interviews or interactions) Qualitative: put yourself in their shoes
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Free Essays on Rousseau
Rousseau’s claim that desires, emotions, and morals are a product of culture is correct. There is no such thing as human nature; therefore, society is necessary for a civil life. This is so because only society can inculcate values and behaviors required for civil existence. The primitive man is self-centered, lazy, and solitary. Innately, instinct and self-improvement lay dormant in the primordial man. Potential to reason and develop language evolve due to the human’s association with other beings such as family. In relationships, humans learn valued emotions and behaviors that become their culture. The variety of culture on Earth indicates that each one was individually developed. This development is attributed to the different qualities that were uplifted by the people within each culture. According to Rousseau, the first humans were indifferent to the opinions of others and maintained a level of healthy narcissism. In this state, the free humans were able to survive off of two instincts: self-preservation and compassion. Without family, a precursor to society, man would still live off of two instincts. As family became more important, man was able to develop the institution of society and comply with its unique sanctions and norms. Human behavior is socially established patterns adopted from society, thus ruling out the theory of a universally intrinsic human nature. Society has become a needed function in the lives of people. When comparing cultures of the United States and China, the social directions of these societies are different. The Unites States uplifts competition and individualism; on the other hand, China uplifts harmony and collectivism. Neither culture is considered better than the other, because although they are different they share the quality of civilization. The societies in both of these countries determine the quality of life the citizens will live. The influence of society ramifies throughout cultur... Free Essays on Rousseau Free Essays on Rousseau Rousseau’s claim that desires, emotions, and morals are a product of culture is correct. There is no such thing as human nature; therefore, society is necessary for a civil life. This is so because only society can inculcate values and behaviors required for civil existence. The primitive man is self-centered, lazy, and solitary. Innately, instinct and self-improvement lay dormant in the primordial man. Potential to reason and develop language evolve due to the human’s association with other beings such as family. In relationships, humans learn valued emotions and behaviors that become their culture. The variety of culture on Earth indicates that each one was individually developed. This development is attributed to the different qualities that were uplifted by the people within each culture. According to Rousseau, the first humans were indifferent to the opinions of others and maintained a level of healthy narcissism. In this state, the free humans were able to survive off of two instincts: self-preservation and compassion. Without family, a precursor to society, man would still live off of two instincts. As family became more important, man was able to develop the institution of society and comply with its unique sanctions and norms. Human behavior is socially established patterns adopted from society, thus ruling out the theory of a universally intrinsic human nature. Society has become a needed function in the lives of people. When comparing cultures of the United States and China, the social directions of these societies are different. The Unites States uplifts competition and individualism; on the other hand, China uplifts harmony and collectivism. Neither culture is considered better than the other, because although they are different they share the quality of civilization. The societies in both of these countries determine the quality of life the citizens will live. The influence of society ramifies throughout cultur...
Examples and Characteristics of Effective Analogies
Examples and Characteristics of Effective Analogies An analogy is a type of composition (or, more commonly, a part of an essay or speech) in which one idea, process, or thing is explained by comparing it to something else. Extended analogies are commonly used to make a complex process or idea easier to understand. One good analogy, said American attorney Dudley Field Malone, is worth three hours discussion. Analogies prove nothing, that is true, wrote Sigmund Freud, but they can make one feel more at home. In this article, we examine the characteristics of effective analogies and consider the value of using analogies in our writing. An analogy is reasoning or explaining from parallel cases. Put another way, an analogy is a comparison between two different things in order to highlight some point of similarity. As Freud suggested, an analogy wont settle an argument, but a good one may help to clarify the issues. In the following example of an effective analogy, science writer Claudia Kalb relies on the computer to explain how our brains process memories: Some basic facts about memory are clear. Your short-term memory is like the RAM on a computer: it records the information in front of you right now. Some of what you experience seems to evaporatelike words that go missing when you turn off your computer without hitting SAVE. But other short-term memories go through a molecular process called consolidation: theyre downloaded onto the hard drive. These long-term memories, filled with past loves and losses and fears, stay dormant until you call them up.(To Pluck a Rooted Sorrow, Newsweek, April 27, 2009) Does this mean that human memory functions exactly like a computer in all ways? Certainly not. By its nature, an analogy offers a simplified view of an idea or process- an illustration rather than a detailed examination. Analogy and Metaphor Despite certain similarities, an analogy is not the same as a metaphor. As Bradford Stull observes in The Elements of Figurative Language (Longman, 2002), the analogy is a figure of language that expresses a set of like relationships among two sets of terms. In essence, the analogy does not claim total identification, which is the property of the metaphor. It claims a similarity of relationships. Comparison Contrast An analogy is not quite the same as comparison and contrast either, although both are methods of explanation that set things side by side. Writing in The Bedford Reader (Bedford/St. Martins, 2008), X.J. and Dorothy Kennedy explain the difference: You might show, in writing a comparison and contrast, how San Francisco is quite unlike Boston in history, climate, and predominant lifestyles, but like it in being a seaport and a city proud of its own (and neighboring) colleges. That isnt the way an analogy works. In an analogy, you yoke together two unlike things (eye and camera, the task of navigating a spacecraft and the task of sinking a putt), and all you care about is their major similarities. The most effective analogies are usually brief and to the point- developed in just a few sentences. That said, in the hands of a talented writer, an extended analogy can be illuminating. See, for example, Robert Benchleys comic analogy involving writing and ice skating in Advice to Writers. Argument From Analogy Whether it takes a few sentences or an entire essay to develop an analogy, we should be careful not to push it too far. As weve seen, just because two subjects have one or two points in common doesnt mean that they are the same in other respects as well. When Homer Simpson says to Bart, Son, a woman is a lot like a refrigerator, we can be fairly certain that a breakdown in logic will follow. And sure enough: Theyre about six feet tall, 300 pounds. They make ice, and . . . um . . . Oh, wait a minute. Actually, a woman is more like a beer. This sort of logical fallacy is called the argument from analogy or false analogy. Examples of Analogies Judge for yourself the effectiveness of each of these three analogies. Pupils are more like oysters than sausages. The job of teaching is not to stuff them and then seal them up, but to help them open and reveal the riches within. There are pearls in each of us, if only we knew how to cultivate them with ardor and persistence.( Sydney J. Harris, What True Education Should Do, 1964) Think of Wikipedias community of volunteer editors as a family of bunnies left to roam freely over an abundant green prairie. In early, fat times, their numbers grow geometrically. More bunnies consume more resources, though, and at some point, the prairie becomes depleted, and the population crashes.Instead of prairie grasses, Wikipedias natural resource is an emotion. Theres the rush of joy that you get the first time you make an edit to Wikipedia, and you realize that 330 million people are seeing it live, says Sue Gardner, Wikimedia Foundations executive director. In Wikipedias early days, every new addition to the site had a roughly equal chance of surviving editors scrutiny. Over time, though, a class system emerged; now revisions made by infrequent contributors are much likelier to be undone by à ©lite Wikipedians. Chi also notes the rise of wiki-lawyering: for your edits to stick, youve got to learn to cite the complex laws of Wikipedia in arguments with other editors. Toget her, these changes have created a community not very hospitable to newcomers. Chi says, People begin to wonder, Why should I contribute anymore?and suddenly, like rabbits out of food, Wikipedias population stops growing.(Farhad Manjoo, Where Wikipedia Ends. Time, Sep. 28, 2009) The great Argentine footballer, Diego Maradona, is not usually associated with the theory of monetary policy, Mervyn King explained to an audience in the City of London two years ago. But the players performance for Argentina against England in the 1986 World Cup perfectly summarized modern central banking, the Bank of Englands sport-loving governor added. Maradonas infamous hand of God goal, which should have been disallowed, reflected old-fashioned central banking, Mr. King said. It was full of mystique and he was lucky to get away with it. But the second goal, where Maradona beat five players before scoring, even though he ran in a straight line, was an example of the modern practice. How can you beat five players by running in a straight line? The answer is that the English defenders reacted to what they expected Maradona to do. . . . Monetary policy works in a similar way. Market interest rates react to what the central bank is expected to do.(Chris Giles, Alone Among Governors. Financial Times. Sep. 8-9, 2007) Finally, keep in mind Mark Nichters analogical observation: A good analogy is like a plow which can prepare a populations field of associations for the planting of a new idea (Anthropology and International Health, 1989).
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Information Systems - Essay Example y apply to businesses in the manufacturing setting but also to those in the service industry such as banks, hospitals, the military, as well as the environment management(Gupta, 1998). Companies that are service oriented may be seen to distribute non-physical products, they are also involved in the distribution of decisions and activities that accompany those decisions(Edelstein, 1991). For instance, in this case R/Way Trucking Company could be involved in the distribution of freight bills to its suppliers or clients. The company may need to maintain all the inventories held by the manufacturers of its trucks which may also include transporting the shipping documents. The idea of selecting internet based architecture would be a brilliant one for R/Way Truck Company because it will help the company keep up with the growing competitive forces in the market as well as respond to the pressures of the global marketplace. Incorporating internet based architecture will also help the company to deliver their services faster, with high quality and greater performance. This architecture will contain software applications that range from document management systems, word processing programs to payroll management software. R/Way Truck Company should adopt the client-server architecture because it is accessible in a much easier way from various platforms in the networks. It is also an improvement of the functions of the user as well as presentation from the server to the client. Moreover, it leads to an improved system scalability and responsiveness to the user whereby changes can be made easily by upgrading the server. Also, the company can be able to define and access its security rights when the server is being set. The client server architecture will not only bring about the efficient when it comes to sharing of information but also in the integration of services. The client server is also easily control and ensures that there is proper management of the files and easier
Gender Roles in Disney Animation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Gender Roles in Disney Animation - Essay Example However, follies of young women can come with great consequences that help build character strength and self-confidence in the long run. This is a message that the company clearly supported through their publicity and marketing campaign for the movie. From Disney’s first full length animated features Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to their succeeding films, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Pocahontas, and Mulan, all of these films share something in common with The Little Mermaid. It is a close marketing strategy that ties in closely with the production values promoted by the movie. This campaign has made Disney seem, in the public eye a company that sees gender causes as a commercial issue more than anything else. This, perhaps, has something to do with the unparalleled success of Disney in both the animated film and merchandising sales arena. It was in 2001 when Disney created the Princess line that aggressively targeted and marketed products to l ittle girls and young women. The line was composed of the aforementioned eight traditional Disney Princess films each turning in a huge profit and marketing franchise for each as well. All eight movies are proven to have a strong influence on children in terms of developing concepts of social behavior and norms (Graves 724-5). However, it is The Little Mermaid in particular that struck a chord with the little girls looking for a strong feminine image model that they could identify within our contemporary society. The original Little Mermaid story by Hans Christen Andersen had its main character Ariel suffer a tragic fate as chose to love a man she could never have. In the original, Ariel died carrying an unrequited love to her watery grave with her. As with other fairy tales of its era, the original meant to serve as a warning to young women. It was meant to help control rather than empower them. Disney never believed that fairy tales should have tragic endings which is why their re telling of the fairy tale is a far cry from its original. In the Disney version, we see a playful and oftentimes strong-willed blossoming young lady in Ariel, the little mermaid. She falls in love with a prince whom she saved from drowning. The mere fact that Ariel interacted with human beings and even worse, fell in love with one, was in direct defiance of the edict of King Triton, her father.Â
Friday, October 18, 2019
Final Book Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Final Book Report - Essay Example He quotes the meeting of General Ulysses S. Grant and General Robert E. Lee along with the meeting of Joshua Chamberlain and Lee. In both the days, the victors healed the wounds of vanquished by treating them cordially, which an important trait of leadership. Another important aspect regarding leadership that is useful in organizational development is to develop, sustain and deliver. The above three points help to form a cycle in any organization and effective leaders develop, deliver and sustain with the help of their regular communications and the book 'Great Communication Secrets of Great Leaders' emphasizes on the above aspect. Baldoni John (2003) states that he incorporated in his book that the failure of many CEOs was due to lack of communication but not due to lack of vision, ambition and execution. John states that lack of communication leads to evil, dysfunctional board, fearing the boss and dangerous culture. On the other hand communication skills are capable of promoting V ision, Pragmatism, consensus building, charisma and trustworthiness. Hence, the communication can act as a catalyst for the success of organizational set up and to remove the evils that lead to failure. Hence, to develop personal credibility, communication skills are important to leaders, managers as well as the subordinate employees. The company should create an atmosphere that develops rapport between employees of all cadres so that they can express their views and lead to success. Leadership and Communications In an organization the leadership communications emerge from a leadership action communicated from the view point of the leader. The communication should decide the response of the staff in hierarchy and leads the way the execution of the operations within the company. The execution of duties due to response to the communication depends on the bond between leader and followers (staff). The communication of the leader to the followers should convey the organizational vision and mission. Baldoni John quotes the successes of several political leaders who won by communicating effectively with their followers and were responsible for the success of administrations as well as organizations. The communication of leader can reinforce organizational capability by reminding the staff about the company's strengths and weaknesses. When the communication is able to create motivation, the success follows for the company through creative hard work of the people and John quotes the success of Kather ine Graham in communicating with her staff and creating a world class organization. Hence, in the above context, the communication can be used to create motivation in the staff and to make them effectively. As a result the company can be competitive. However, the above communication technique works well, when the company recruits talented people, who can understand the messages as well as motivation. In achieving above targets the important aspects Baldoni John quotes are assessing audience (followers or staff in this context)
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